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Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Printable Version

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Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Pinko - 06-03-2011

|Incomming transmission|
|Sender ID: Jessamine Blume, Pacifica|

Guten tag,

It seems that Dawson became the latest lair to a group of people that recently got onto our nerves. Surely you have heard of this group which calls itself the Indians. A group of them were loathing around Dawson station as one of our contracted mercenaries surprised the group and proceeded with getting rid of them, that is until one of them seeked refuge within the station. We would ask you at the very least, for the best of the cooperation between our two organisations, to forbid this group access Dawson as a staging base, and we would even go as far as to suggest you to become hostile to this group of ruthless people who murder not for profit as you usually operate, Rogues, but simply because they can, which scares away the traders, which scares away the business.

Refusing to cooperate will possibly result in sanctions unless justified otherwise due to the disruption caused by this organisation.

<div align="right]Jessamine Blume

|End of transmission|

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - tansytansey - 06-03-2011

[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]

Let me get this straight.

You hire a causeless group of backstabbing Mercenaries, the Reavers, who have on many occasions hunted and killed Liberty Rogues to do your dirty work.

Furthermore, you even have the sand to threaten us.

Do you not understand your place in this world?

You Unioners are nothing more than Middlemen, hired by Businessmen like the Liberty Rogues and the Red Hessians.

You do not hold any sway in this business.

And don't make any mistake - you are expendable.

If working with you becomes too much of an issue, then we will simply find others to ship Blood Diamonds for us.

You side with our enemies, and make unsubstantiated threats.

I suggest you change your tone immediately.

Or things might get real simple.

Eva, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Jansen - 06-03-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID:
[color=#006600]Kurt Meyer

Hallo Miss Jones,

Why so aggressive, it is unhealthy to be like this?
We hire the people that we deem to be able to work for us in the best way possible and you hire your people for certain jobs. I do not care what the people we hire do when they arent working for us, as long as they do their work for us in a good an effective way. I think you do it like this as well. Thats how things work.
I want to have clean and calm systems to do what I can do best, those Indians that somehow seem to search shelter at your bases ruin these calm systems and make them loud, dirty and even more dangerous then they already are, they lure the soldiers which happen to fight a war in this place close to our bases.
Once the soldiers are close to our bases they are close to your as well.
Dont you think that these people are dangerous for you as well?
We merely want to ask you to get rid of them. They are not beneficial for us, nor can I imagine that you have any kind of profitable business with people that kill because they smoked some wrong things in their pipes.

You also ask us to change our tone, we merely informed you that we are not going to risk anything because you give shelter to those people. Your tone however makes me think that you are nothing but an indiscreet mouth on top of a pair of breasts that are carried around by 2 legs.

I hope that we can count on you with this little problem, as it concerns all of us.


Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - tansytansey - 06-03-2011

[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]


You will regret hiring the Reavers when they turn against you as soon as the money's good enough.

It is your folly to trust someone that has already betrayed the people you work with.

You willingly acknowledge working with our enemies.

That does not bode well with our business arrangements.

I suggest you think carefully about what is more important to you;

Your hired goons, or your contract to haul Blood Diamonds.

As for the Indians, if they are docking on our bases then they are our problem, not yours.

You do not demand anything from us.

You don't have that power.

And me?

I may be an indescreet mouth on top of a pair of breasts, but I also carry a gun.

And believe me, you do not want someone who can put a seven point six two millimeter round through your neck at 800 yards for an enemy.

So watch your tongue.

If you want a resolution to your problem with these Indians, then I suggest you adopt a diplomatic tone.

Eva, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Jansen - 06-03-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID:
[color=#006600]Kurt Meyer

Dearest Miss Jones,

I think you sadly understood a few things wrong.
Firstly, we do not work with the Reavers they work for us against our enemies. Some of those appear to be people which you might dislike as well. If they ever decide to turn against us we should get rid of them with ease. They are exchangeable, but we will bear your warning in mind. At this moment they are however still useful, why should we throw something useful away just like that?
Secondly, when did we demand something? We merely asked you to take care of a thing that could be a problem very soon. Miss Blume might have chosen a bad way to put it, but she is right. If we have problems because of those Indians actions, you will have problems as well. The shipping of these Diamonds would be harder and the prices will increase. I can hardly imagine that this is what you aim for.
Thirdly, your whole point about finding someone else to ship the diamonds seems to be not more then a void threat to me, who would have the capacity to transport them in the way we do? Even if you would find someone, you seem to forget that those people would have to cross our space on their way to Liberty. And even if we would not take any actions against them, which is unlikely, those Indians would kill them, or they would lure soldiers close to the smuggling paths, I can imagine many more ways how those people could damage the business. This is why we asked you for this favor in the first place.
Lastly, I have not been a Police Oberst because of my good skills with pen and paper. I should still have my old weapons and I do still know how to use them. But this is not important in any way.
My tone will not become any more diplomatic if yours refuses to do the same.


Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - tansytansey - 06-03-2011

[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]

Perhaps you ought to keep your wench on a leash instead of allowing her to commit threatening demands to the people you work for.

And the fact you knowingly hire mercenaries who have worked against the people you work for does not rest easy.

I may have to organise a conference with the Red Hessians to discuss the implications this has with your shipping contracts.

But that is a matter to be discussed at a later date.

As for the subject of the Indians, you have thusfar provided insufficent evidence to your claims.

The ships targeted in the Guncams do not bare any identification that links them with the Indian organisation.

Nor have you provided the details of your contract with the Reavers to target these individuals.

Furthermore, you have not provided any evidence that these individuals are causing any problem at all.

You're asking a lot of us based on your word.

And I don't trust the word of those in league with Reavers.

Provide more proof, and I will present your case.

Eva, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Jansen - 06-03-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID:
[color=#006600]Kurt Meyer

Miss Jones,

Let me tell you something you should always keep in mind when dealing with us. We do not need you to distribute the Blood Diamonds, but you do. You do not need us to sell these Diamonds, but we do. So we should put something into the right light, we do not work for you, we work with you. If either side chancels the contract both will suffer. The sooner you realize this, the better it is.

Our contract with the Reavers is a simple one, they keep our space clean of possible annoyances and get paid to do so. You do not have to know more as we do not consider you to be an annoyance.

I have yet to decide if you are going to receive further proofs or if we will even think about trying to warn you about possible dangers or problems in the future. We will not stop you from running to the Hessians, even if I fail to see how this would change anything.

Have a good day.

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - tansytansey - 06-04-2011

[Image: EvaJones-3copy.png]

Liberty is the only market for Blood Diamonds.

And we control the largest portion of the illegal goods trade with in the house.

If not us, who would you go to?

Xenos would not accept foreign goods.

Lane Hackers only care about their Cardamine and Counterfeit Software.

Junkers don't have the contacts we do. They're middlemen like you, not buyers or sellers.

Furthermore, every Blood Diamond transport entering Liberty does so through passing by either Dawson or Montezuma.

Even if you tried to cut us out of the deal, we would simply take the Blood Diamonds from you by force. There is no alternate route into Liberty that does not pass by a Liberty Rogue base or through a Jump Gate, thereby alerting the Police to your activities.

So make no mistake Mister Meyer when I tell you, you are expendable.

You need us, we do not need you.

Furthermore, our Contract for Blood Diamonds is with the Red Hessians. We buy directly from them, and then you are paid to ship them.

It is not your call to decide who the Blood Diamonds are sold to. That belongs to the Hessians.

You're developing signs of meglomania.

I hope you will come to realise your place in the world.

You are delivery boys, not businessmen.

If you have no intention of providing proof to me, then you are wasting my time.

Eva, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

Arbeitergewerkschaft to the head of theLiberty Rogues. - Wuselkobold - 06-04-2011

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[Image: scan.gif]
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[Image: berndschuster2.jpg]

Now you seriously force me to come back from my vacation on Baden Baden to deal with this crap?

Let me clarify a few things here, at first.
Eva, while it is indeed true that your Liberty Rogues control Libertys Black Market, and you indeed could easily cut us out of the diamond trade on your side.
The thing is, as Kurt has already pointed out, this goes both ways. Rheinland is our turf, as well as large parts of the independent worlds between Liberty and Rheinland. We know how to stand our ground, we are fighting off Xenos for years now and seeing how Dawson currently is nothing but an empty hull occasionally used by smugglers passing through, we are mostly doing this alone, without your help. We also keep the delivery roads open and clean of police and military figures.
Ships hauling diamonds have to pass our lines just as well as they have to pass yours. We can close the door just as well as you can.
You think the Hessians will be shipping the diamonds themselves? The Hessians are just as busy with fighting their multi-front war in the Omegas and southern Rheinland just as much as the Hackers only care for Cardamine and the Xenos hating on foreign goods.
If you merely percieve us as 'delivery boys' you are gravely mistaken.

Now that we have clarified that, noone threatened to 'cut you out of the deal', the only one wielding empty threats here is you.
As a matter of fact we've been approaching you to ask you, as a business partner helping to solve a common problem that concerns both of us.
These people have been attracting attention from both the Liberty Navy as well as the Rheinland Military, leading Navy forces through Hudson to both Dawson and our home System after their failed exploits.

Both our groups always have had excellent relations in the past, but if the only way of communicating with you is to beg you for mercy on ones knees, crawling into your rear and or whatever other openings, we just won't communicate at all.

If it concerns you that much that we are asking you to keep your backyards as clean as we keep ours, feel free to run to the Hessians and try to convince them to do the business without us, you'll se where it leads.


[Image: signal_lost.gif]