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A letter sent to the home of Mason Ralusch. - Printable Version

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A letter sent to the home of Mason Ralusch. - Bazza - 06-05-2011

A letter arrives in the post addressed to Mason Ralusch, officer of the "Soaring Ducks"at a domestic Manhattan address. The address appears to have been printed with a stencil or other device and the return address is obviously a fake. The envelope, aside from the address and stamp, is completely blank, containing no corporate logo or similar.

Upon opening several sheets of cartridge paper slide out. After assembly they offer the following message;

[Image: Ransom.jpg]

A letter sent to the home of Mason Ralusch. - Razr - 06-06-2011

Mason had long since made his choice after leaving Rochester, it had nearly been a full day since he read the note left for him at home. He himself was now lying on a couch, in a dimly lit room, somewhere on Planet Denver. The only light came from a candle on a nearby coffee table, and the hand-held device in his face, from which he was reading a message he had just sent;

Comm ID: Mason Ralusch

Target: Pirate Transport 'Alsatia'

Location: Scrambled

Sorry for the delayed response, which could easily be mistaken for disinterest. It just so happens millions of credits aren't exactly easy to come by on a whim. I think an "I told you so" would be too cliche at this point, so there's no need to mention anything to Catherine. You can expect the payment to be in the specified location soon.

Sincerely wishing you pleasant time drowning in a ditch somewhere,

Mason A. Ralusch

Mason didn't know where Eva was, but he did know a carefully placed message would always find the recipient. He pressed enter, and groaned as he rolled over, still sore from the day's events.