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Should i rejoin EVE - Printable Version

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Should i rejoin EVE - Simsonator - 02-23-2008

I am maybe gonna buy a new computer, and was wondering wether i should retry eve. I played it for about 2 weeks last year, but got bored because i met no one. However with the summer coming up and discovery to keep my quick paced action up, i am considering trying it again. Should I? need you eve players opinions.

Plus, if i did, is there any players that would be willing to teach me?


Should i rejoin EVE - kingvaillant - 02-24-2008

I know that =LSF=Pluto is playing EVE, Dab too, and many others

Personnaly I didn't went further than the trial cause I am not playing enough in a week, So paying per month wasn't a good investment for me.

As many MMORPG, I must have friends playing me with otherwise I get bored like you. That's why I stop playing WoW... (many other reasons too...)

But its a good game, when you know where to go XD

Should i rejoin EVE - Dab - 02-25-2008

I'd say yes. Its much easier to play when you do have a few friends to play with, and from there you'll usually be able to meet some more people. I am usually on EVE a little each day (I temporarily suspended my account for the next two weeks or so, with a long-term skill training) and can help you get set up and all. I was operating in null-sec (no security, where all the player corporation wars are going on) but recently went back to empire space. If you do go back, my main EVE name is Debiru.

EDIT: I reactivated it. My new Debit card came in.