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Junker Indio - Indio - 09-23-2011

[Sys On : LOG ID Indio]
:: New York system::

This is my first Log: I am a free man after 2 years in Fuchu I managed to make back a good portion of the credits I lost while in personal confinment. I was released for good behavior, well a good bribe of my remaining fortune and a little help from a liberty rogue friend. Now that I have been able to work I feel like my old self. I just need a place to park myself and bring my crew back. *lights cigar* ugh, this cigar is stale, but still sweet.

A friend Portia Risa Rosada, in Coronado has a job for my particular talents *cough* I am alwasy up for moving something sensitive across house space. I have not been to Barrier Gate in years, that place is like the wild west sometimes, but BH are generally not welcome and with the current Hogosha bounty is steep. They seem to think I deserved more prison time. All and all prison wasn't too bad, food, bed, and a chance to recruit. Where else do junkers come from? I like to say the displaced worker, or the convict smart enough to not get caught again. Now I to the task at hand. This meeting must be done face to face, however I won't go until I have the situation checked out. *laughs* not that I don't trust my Maltese friend I am just a bit wiser. While in the clink I met a tough as nails bretonian merc Aldus Crow, he is real friendly to the junkers and their ilk but has no issues walking into a trap.

2 million for him to go and check out the scence sounds fair... I busted him out when I was "paroled" and he has proven useful, now time to get the crew back together.

Indio out :::
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Junker Indio - Indio - 12-26-2011

[Sys On ID: Indio]
::Tau 23 system:: 080909.17

So it has been about 100 days since my last log, but I have been working overtime to get the crew in place and earn some credits, time away from the rat race made me slower, fatter, however I have just been meeting with reps from the galucci house from Malta and they are giving me a contract to haul there product. As an indie Junker, they realize I am loosely affilitated with the junker nation. I had the good luck of being contacted by an old friend cpt. Finn; we go back a few years and does hold against me stealing some of his staff from his shoddy bar in Invergordon, I needed a new crew, but it was good to see he is alive and well.

Now, I have my crew and the Medusa is fully outfitted, it is time to get to work. I am calling Val and Sally up to the deck I need to get some security setup, comm channels open, and I have a hitlist of those who put me away to take care of.

"Sally open all blue channels and let them know Sirius best smuggler is back in business" Val I need you to arrange some hits, just some welcome back here I am msg's."

Feels good to be at the helm of the beast again and I am even happier to have some desperatly needed "cough medicine" to deliver.

HIM fire up the main engines, Honor, Dax get the navs up and lets move out.... damn it feels good to be alive.

Indio out:::

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Junker Indio - Indio - 12-27-2011

[Sys On ID: Indio]
New York system : remote terminal [Rochester Base] 7654008.12

So I docked at RB today and recieved a reply from my Doyen here on post he informed that my offical package had arrived. Anyway, a new chapter in my life is about to begin because of this "package" I am having the boys put the decals on the Medusa and giving it the full once over. I hope I can actually get this wreck outta Liberty as this new law prohibts certain classes of ship from free travel.

I head to the bay 12 and load the last of the latest shipment, I have Dax check the coordinates one last time and I prepare the crew for a trip. The latest IC list shows my liability rating bieng in the red in Rhineland, that sucks, I will have to repair that rep, stupid daumann ship reported my less than professional dealing with him, punk he started it.

Load up! Rodiego leave a msg for the RB underboss I have his cargo loaded and I am meeting with his contact ASAP. I need to look at the new package I recieved so I can properly serve in my new position.

*yelling* Him and Him what are you waiting for you stupid droids go means move the ship not make martinis... *sighs* you maybe able to steal and reprogram LPI bartender bots but you sure as heck can't retrain them... hmmm this is a pretty good martinin though.

Indio out
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Junker Indio - Indio - 12-28-2011

[Sys On ID: Indio]
Texas System 1 5674980.22

So I loaded up at RB and I am head to cold bay, a nice little outfit with a sterile bar... seriously you could do surgery on the bar, anyway I need to deliver a sensitive item and check in with my Doyen.

This can be an eventful trip as we usually meet a bunch of slacker, jobless meatheads, aka Xenos. Seriously how can a group with no profit margin and a universe of enemies still be around ... I guess they breed like rabbits.

The dock clears us and are setting down, and what the f--- my detail is wrong I mean it is a capital J and its orange what is ..... seriously, I must be the most ate up junker in space what a moron. *yelling* Dax get down here do you see this? "yeah boss its a J for JC but it....oh crap.

Uh... that is what I get for discount service and allowing a guy named Rodrigo detail my ship what a fool. Well we gotta take off I will not deliver anything late... let's hope no one notices.

*yelling* Him & Him get this wreck off the ground....

Indio out
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Junker Indio - Indio - 12-30-2011

[Sys On ID: Indio]
Puerto Rico System Terminal I:: 009367.11

So 2 million credits later I am finally updated and my decal and detail is done right, ugh what a pain in the A##. I look over and see two old crusty gear head clamerin' about a Gallic invasion of the Tau systems, and an end to the Rhineland war ... hmmm both of these could be bad for profits, the Rhineland has been one of my favorites, no Liberty vendors for legitimate trade so this 'ol Junker has gotten some sweet contracts. Yeah yeah people die and *yawn*

Finally we are getting loaded these dock men here must have worked for a gov't at some time as we have four dudes, one of course just watchin' and then their is a bearded moron in the corner digging at his butt , and two doorknobs arguing about how to best load the crap, I can't stand it anymore... *yelling* hey what the heck are you doing this isn't union work can you just load it *yelling cursing @ Indio, cursing back*

Ah ok now we are in and setup for business. I wonder what truth there is in the Gallic military push and the Rhineland war. *lights cigar* (dockmen yells) NO smoking can't you read?! Yes it says thank you for not smoking, so no need to thank me 'cause I am smoking. *yelling* Him, Him one of you make me a fruity drink the other take us outta here, I am feeling a change in the air so perhaps no whiskey today, I want something with a pineapple in it.

Indio Out
Msg Saved

Junker Indio - Indio - 12-30-2011

[Sys on ID:Indio]
*undisclosed trade route*:: 98021.1

*Indio blows a series of smoke rings* Sitting in my new cpt chair feels good, this ship was a good purchase, I had to hire 25 more crew, but we are already pulling down 13 million per run, I hated to sell the medusa and even though the Salvager Frigate looks like a half eaten whale carcass, it is hard and it hauls, I had Sally (our communication officer) a bar manager I took from the Invergordon space port from my 'ol pal Finn as well as some of his furniture. anyway, *nods toward Sally Weams* Hey Sal contact VQ shipyard in PR tell 'em we will bring the shipment.

I have come along way since getting kicked outta the Navy and the Zoners ( smuggling) I guess I just like procuring things. *yelling* coming into port cpt.

Ok, crew fasten yourself in here we go I need to check out the Taus as I am curious about the Gallic situation I have been hearing more and more about.

Indio Out
Msg Saved

Junker Indio - Indio - 12-31-2011

[Sys On ID:Indio]
Newcastle system Sector B6 786.11

Holy crap... I leave Invergordon after our much needed leave, as I had the crew on a 29 hour trade rotation on undisclosed route we call that route "steam boat willy" anyway back to the holy crap, I am cruising to meet with Delgado Del Ray who is going hook us up with some Maltese cigars and Chiquita Rum, Of course we are dropping off much needed super conductors and getting some "cough" medicine. Before I get to the post Royal Navy Lynx start firing on the MedusaII wth?! * yelling* get to the cannons full guns unload...

We manage to fend off the frogs for now but what is going on hmmm, the taus like those to Gallic junkers said... gotta see this for myself.

Well where there is change their is a need for new suppliers. *grins lights cigar*

Indio Out
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Junker Indio - Indio - 01-01-2012

[Sys On ID Indio]
New York System 0987.22

I unloaded all of my product in RB, and met with a few other congressmen who had confirmed a Gallic breakthrough into the Taus and as far as Edinburgh, now I am as pragmatic as any other Junker, but if we have more people who are not buying goods or services and just upping the qouta of hostiles; then ol Indio might have to do something 'bout this, plus I generally like most inhabitants of Bretonia and the pharmacutical trade is good too.

I have a rolodex of nar-do wells and people who I know need to get "busy". I have decided I am going to spring my friend Aldus, who left the Bretonia Armed Forces and became a merc and eventually pirate but only against the inscursion of the Kusari... He goes by the handle of Union Jack ( the bard of surrey).


Good people who sit in fear, a dashing svaior is here
slashing and cutting through enemy heads, keep bret children snug in there beds
hoisting and stealing goods he's procured, greed keepers be warned
Cut into our fair queens' dainty land and feel Union's iron hand.
Enemies and traders foriegn of state, turn around head home lest it be too late.

Now I am not usually a revolutionary but I hope this man's war on all gallic shipping and military will prove useful, I of course will fund him without anyone including the crew being the wiser, time to set this in motion, I know Union will want to recruit fellow pirate to share in his haul.

*lights cigar* Mayhem and chaos are Mother and Father of lack and desire, business should be good from now on.

Indio out
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Junker Indio - Indio - 01-02-2012

[Sys On ID: Indio]
*undisclosed trade route* Undisclosed sector

With the shifting economy it looks like a little more danger will need to be endured; some of the bases and clients we used to service are shifting priorities to counter the Gallic threat or shift to help with ending/ failing war effort, or even a change in mgmt. I as always need to stay ahead of the curve, and be more flexible with my routes and whom I bribe. I am sure though; that I can find a royal navy officer to bribe somewhere.

*yelling* Him & Him get the ship ready for landing, Dax notify our hosts we are hot and coming in hard. I think that we should drop off and plan new routes, that avoid danger but who knows where that is anymore.

Aah coming into view start docking sequence....

Indio Out
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Junker Indio - Indio - 01-02-2012

[Sys On ID:Indio]
Puerto Rico System 9087.22

I am just dropping off needed supplies here in Culebra, and I am approached by a Loadmaster named Gurin, he has asked me how far I have been since the annoucment on the news feed by Gallia. I told him we have had some intimate contact, with Royal Navy in Newcastle I haven't been much farther than New London; and I have not ventured to the Taus as of yet, while I am curious I have been more preoccupied with rediscovering profitable trade routes. I am most likely the only Junker that reads the stock report with his morning cigar and coffee.

Gurin told me about a golden route in the Omega systems as the Rhineland gov't has lost a lot of ground to the Cosairs and Hessians. I grimmace, hmmm Corsairs aren't generally the most hospitable and Hessian's would shoot ya as quick as pay for something. I generally try dealing with Rogues and Outcast as they are a bit more business minded and predictable, but this golden route does interest me... of course he means short and highly profitable. Maybe I need to reach out and make some good contacts in the border worlds.

Him & Him; light the fires ( the driods stare at me and begin to explain the danger of fires and an airlock) *smiling* I pat them on their heads.... *whisper* drive the ship toasterbots *yelling* alright all mount up no time like the present.

Indio Out
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