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To:The [C]ouncil - Printable Version

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To:The [C]ouncil - Sean Hazard - 10-12-2011

<strike>|►</strike>Incomi[color=#FFFF66]ng Transmission<strike>◄|</strike>

[Image: chevchelios.png]

(▬Co[color=#33FF33]mm ID: Chev Chelios
(▬Source: Java Station , Tau-23 'The Meat Grinder'
(▬Subject: Pimp mah Rideh.

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Begins

Bon[color=#66FF99]jour , Bonjour ! mademo-- Ahhhh! Bollocks!
Who 'am trying to fool ... I can't Speak French !

Lets Try this again !

Hello Hello to who ever get this message in the
Council Office.
My name is Chev Chelios i'am a Freelancer in
the Kick-ass business .With kick-ass business
being going around sirius searching for the most
wrecked bathtub i can find , restoring it and
pimp it to the boneh.
Recently i found one of yer ships , a gunboat
to be more accurate.I took the Liberty of
Towing the ship to my 'garage' in the Tau 37
system at the Freeport and here is the Diagnoses:

[Image: CouncilGB-1.png]

Well that was the 'hardware' work. Now the software.
The targeting systems are fully functional , life support OS
is failing from time to time but nothing i can't fix....
And the most interesting part , i've a executable called
"destruction_upon_treachery.exe" in which i wont
even try to remove it , for your own peace of mind.

Most people would say :" SCRAP IT " , But ah well
I'am not most people and i love a challenge.
With that being said , I'am here hereby asking
permission to after the repairs , i would like to take
this baby for a spin around Sirius , with all the
correct paperwork and bureaucratic garbage that
we love the most.

Awaiting your reply on the matter.

[font=Palatino Linotype]Chev[color=#33FFFF] Says Bye Bye.

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Ends

[font=agency fb]<strike>◄|</strike>Tran[color=#66FF99]smission Terminated <strike>|►</strike>

To:The [C]ouncil - Pancakes - 10-12-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Bonjour monsieur Chelios.

As I can tell from here, this is in fact an aging Royal navy gunboat, the very same model we base our own ones on.
The program you mentioned "destruction_upon_treachery.exe" was used those days but our technicians use it again in these unforgiving days.
We could send our own repair team, since you need to know the exact model so you won't trigger aforementioned program by a mistake.

Now the program will react when these terms will be broken: "It will be used against Council or it's allies" if it does, you will have 10 seconds before the gunboat will blow up to tiny little pieces. (//The tech will be revoked)

If you wish that we will restore the vessel into a good shape for you - I will inform our best in that field - High Overlord Of Total Nothingness La Frog. However, he is not working for free for private contractors - his transporting fees along with the repair team, materials and work will be no less than 400 million Sirian credits that will be payed to "[C]-Cheese.Storage" .

If you agree to the operational terms, and La Frog insane working fees (now think how much he took to bring in shape La Fierte Redemption Battleship...). Right, where was I, oh yes - if you agree, state that you do in here along with the wiring of the said sum. Au revoir!

Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.
>>>Transmission End<<<

To:The [C]ouncil - Sean Hazard - 10-12-2011

<strike>|►</strike>Incomi[color=#FFFF66]ng Transmission<strike>◄|</strike>

[Image: chevchelios.png]

(▬Co[color=#33FF33]mm ID: Chev Chelios
(▬Source: Java Station , Tau-23 'The Meat Grinder'
(▬Subject: Pimp mah Rideh.

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Begins

Wow.[color=#66FF99]That was a fast Reply indeed.
First of all thanks for the swift reply i'am eager to start repairing this baby up.
I'd like also to thank you for offering that repair team of yours , But i have
my own crew waiting also eagerly at the Freeport to being them pimp'ology!

I wired the funds that the account you gave me:
[Image: Sexappeal.png]

I trust everything is in order now?

Ah Almost forget.
I'am fully aware that if i try anything funny against the Council or its allies the funboat
will go Kapoof , Boom and parapraporaoobbooom due to that excutable
in its software , But to clear it out , it was never one of my intention to use it against you and
your forces. To make it even better Tell your men to call me when they found 'em selves in a
big Cheese Storm , I'll be more than happy to help.

[font=Palatino Linotype]Bye Bye[color=#33FFFF] from Chev .

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Ends

[font=agency fb]<strike>◄|</strike>Tran[color=#66FF99]smission Terminated <strike>|►</strike>

To:The [C]ouncil - Pancakes - 10-12-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Since the money was wired, and everything is in place:

[Image: Permission%20Granted%20Logo.jpg]
Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.
>>>Transmission End<<<

To:The [C]ouncil - Sean Hazard - 10-24-2011

<strike>|►</strike>Incomi[color=#FFFF66]ng Transmission<strike>◄|</strike>

(▬Co[color=#33FF33]mm ID: Chev Chelios???
(▬Source: Java Station , Tau-23 'The Meat Grinder'
(▬Subject: Pimp mah Rideh???

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Begins

'ello 'el[color=#66FF99]lo there
to whoever get this.
My Friend Chev. He ,,, was... Kind placed "under" arrest for
smuggling 'ilegal' stuff to liberty which was quite a shock to me.
I always thought hes business was 100% Legit.

Ahh well.

Appearances can fool ya.

Anyway. He told me to take care of hes ride.
So i'll be changing the transponder to 'Johnny.Walker'

If thats it ok for you.

(//May I please edit the name to Johnny.Walker?)

[font=Palatino Linotype]Wai[color=#33FFFF]ting your reply.

(▬Messa[color=#FFFF66]ge Ends

[font=agency fb]<strike>◄|</strike>Tran[color=#66FF99]smission Terminated <strike>|►</strike>

To:The [C]ouncil - Pancakes - 10-24-2011

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

Source:La Fierte Redemption Battleship
From: Colonel Refaello Sanzio

[Image: refaellobeforeafter.jpg]

Bonjour monsieur.
Well, I guess changing the ship's name transmitter won't harm anyone - but be aware, the program mentioned in previous transmissions is still there, and will still react (//tech will be revoked) if the terms: "Not to be used against council and it's allies" are broken.
Once you agree that you acknowledge these terms I will shut down temporarily the program that will start the self-destruction sequence so you can change your ship's call-sign.

Refaello Sanzio Head Of Intelligence.
>>>Transmission End<<<