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A few quiet deals - Printable Version

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A few quiet deals - Rodent - 11-03-2011

A run-down bar, Planet Kyushu, Kyushu system.

A bearded, tired looking man spun a coin on a dusty table. It revolved, revolved, and fell. Heads. He decided to wait fifteen more minutes, and ordered a drink.

A robot shuffled up to his table, mechanically placed a glass, and shuffled away. In it's wake was another figure, it's face concealed. The man looked up.

You are Nimble, I Trust?, He said slowly, with no particular emphasis. The right person would get it's meaning immediately.

A few quiet deals - murasaki - 11-03-2011

"Adept and reliable. Now-", she removed her hood, revealing long flowing black hair, before looking at him, her eyes hidden behind dark purple tinted goggles, "What was it you wanted to discuss?"

While waiting for the reply, she waved over the bartender bot, and ordered a reverse screwdriver.

The robot brought it over immediately, and she began sipping at it.

A few quiet deals - Rodent - 11-05-2011

The man didn't reply immediately. Taking a few sips from his drink, he pulled up a datapad, and began reading.

Alright...Small company, founded by two people, Kusari based mostly. You mostly specialise in escort and information collection, and peculiarly, try to avoid hostilities or fights. One of the recorded instances of your company's direct participation in a war was the Nomad war in 800 AS. Could you tell me about it...?

A few quiet deals - murasaki - 11-07-2011

She shook her head, and finished what was left of her drink.

"During that time period, the company was too preoccupied to journal the events. Technically, Tan was still disbanded, but everyone came together to do what they could. My line has never really been into the fighting aspect, so we were just transports. Carrying neccessary supplies back and forth to people who needed it. Civs, lawfuls, unlawfuls. We were also on pod patrol during these routes. You know, tractoring in those that still scanned human, before the nomads could get to them."

She took a pause, and rubbed her temple.

"Trust was more go-to. He was a scout. For pretty much anyone. He'd go in first, scan the space, collect whatever information he could find, etcetera. You know the drill. I'm sure he also fought alongside everyone else. It was all free of charge. While we do care about profits, if humanity ceased to exist, there'd be no profit to be had."

She rapped on the counter with her knuckle, grabbing the bartender's attention, and he came over promptly and refilled her drink.

"And yes, we try not to make enemies. It'd be bad for business. Anything else you want to give me the third degree about?"

A few quiet deals - Rodent - 11-07-2011

He nods.

So you came in after the war had run most of it's course, with the nomads being revealed. I see.

He leans forward intently.

What if I told you that there might well be another war in the works? That must not happen, we lost a lot the last time...

I have...let's say, certain contacts within the Kusari Government who are very interested in not letting that happen again. I do not need to tell you what the Nomad war did to Kusari. The war isn't over yet, it's just not visible for now.

He leaned back again, evaluating the other.

A few quiet deals - Caedes - 11-07-2011

A quiet bar near one of the loading bays, Freeport 1.

"This seat taken?"

The man stopped reading his datapad and looked up to see a woman standing by the chair on the opposite side of his table.
He looked around the bar and saw that most of the other seats were empty, there were only a few people in the bar at that time of day, as most of the regular patrons were loaders who were currently working.

"Not yet, but I'm waiting for someone."

"Who's the someone?" came her reply.

The man turned his datapad around to show her a picture of herself as well as some text that she didn't have time to make out before he turned the datapad off.

"Please take a seat, Alexis." he said, offering her a glass of water from the centre of the table.

Alexis sat down, declining the offer.

"So, how much information do you have on me on that datapad?"

"Not that much, only enough for me to recognise you. We could dig around to find more information on you, but it's not a good way to know someone. I find it much more preferable to talk to people to find out about them."

She thought to herself for a moment.
"So what do you want to know?"

"Well, Let's begin with some work related questions.. Where do you work? What kind of skills and qualifications do you possess?"

A few quiet deals - PKKiss - 11-09-2011

"Well, I work mainly within the major houses as an independant trader. I venture out quite a bit though, but not into dangerous territory unless the pay's good enough. I try to explore unfamiliar systems whenever I can. I know enough piloting skills to keep me out of trouble and I've found that I have a way with people. I haggle a lot, not just with money but information too. Keeps me safe, y'know?"

She sighed as she brushed her auburn hair back.

"Unfortunately I've fallen into a rut and I've got crap everything. My luck ran out last week, bloody pirates cleaned me out. I'm hoping this opportunity will get me back on track."

A few quiet deals - Caedes - 11-09-2011

"Persuasion is a good skill to have. More valuable than any commodity or credit card. It is unfortunate what happened to you, but piracy is becoming more and more rampant in the Houses and the security of the Houses can vary when it comes to protection of trade routes."

He stopped to take a drink and then continued.

"I assume as a Freelance trader, you travel all over and never really stay in one spot for too long. Do you still keep in contact with your family? I only ask such a personal question because there are a few in my line of work who get distracted by not being with their loved ones when they can."

A few quiet deals - PKKiss - 11-10-2011

"It's fine, I don't mind. I move around a lot, never really been in one spot for more than a week. I haven't seen my family since I fled Leeds after the Tau-31 invasion..."

Her emerald green eyes glistened a little before she smiled.

"I don't let it get to me. I'd guess that they probably think that I've been killed by some machinary in whatever factory we were working in and the higher-ups covered it up. I don't mind it being that way, we were never close because of work."

A few quiet deals - Caedes - 11-10-2011

"Fair enough. A nomadic life with few emotional anchors, I can relate to that."

Before he could start another sentence, thte man stopped talking and his eyes darted toward one of the entrances to the bar as three burly men walked in, wearing coveralls with various unidentifiable stains and scuffed work boots, presumably loaders who were let off work early.

"Where was I.. Ah yes. So as a freelance trader, you'd trade from all over, importing and exporting from and to every House. Have you had any significant run ins with the House authorities, or have you taken contracts with any of the House corporations?"