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To: The Gaian Underloch - Printable Version

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To: The Gaian Underloch - Pancakes - 11-04-2011

Openning Channel.... Complete
[color=#FF6600]Transferring Codes.... Complete
Sender ID: Amanda Cloud

[Image: amandadr.jpg]

G'day! *Tips her mini hat and throws it away*
So, quite very recently, I gained my freedom back. And what is a better way to celebrate my freedom but having a drink with old friends. Well a drink or more! *laughs*
Anyway, for old past days, I wish to help that Gaian movement. No catch, no nothing. Just friends that help friends. So tell me what the lovely crew of The Flying Dutchman can do for you darlings?

*She blows a kiss*

Closing Channel... Complete

To: The Gaian Underloch - Dino - 11-08-2011

::_Incoming transmission_::

::_Sender's Identification_::

Michael Jones

Islay base, Edinbourgh

Chick who wants to work for us.

A man appears on screen, carrying some sort of animal in his hands, and walking around room. His face wasnt visibile, but you could heard he's young, by his voice. After few seconds, he stopped, sat on a chair infront of camera and started talking: 

Well well well, look who's back. A dude.. I mean, chick from Flying Dutchman. And I thought you took our peni... Claymore away, and left forever, or even sold it to Baffies or other lame dudes.

He starts laughing, and that animal jumps away from him. He follows it, catch it, and sit back on couch. 

Jeez, this wildlife is kinda wierd. You raise it and all, but it's still scared from everybody. Y'now why? Coz' of those Planetform dudes! They catch them, put them in some cage, and move to sone labiratories, to make experiments on them.  

He grins. Then, he start thinking about it and gets an idea. 

I got it! Y'now what? You want to help us, eh? How 'bout you find ten Planetform pilots, shoot them down, and take back to Islay? I'd like to make some 'experiments' with them.  

He starts laughing, animal gets scared again, and bite him. 


He drinks a shot of whiskey, to calm himself down. 

Listen... We are low on medical supplies. So together with this Planetform dudes, you take some Pharmaceutals, and sone other stuff. Y'now, every bit helps.  

He turns around and walk away, but comes back after few seconds. 

Almost forgot... Visual proofs of every your action. I like to watch those. Oh, and! I got terribly annoyed by some Bretonia Police Authority member. Make me happy, and shoot one of 'em down.  

He gets out of couch, takes a remote, and turns off camera. 

::_Transmission over_::

To: The Gaian Underloch - Pancakes - 11-09-2011

Openning Channel.... Complete
[color=#FF6600]Transferring Codes.... Complete
Sender ID: Amanda Cloud

[Image: amandadr.jpg]

G'day there darlings! *Tips her mini hat and throws it away*

I started off with 3 Planetform pilots that are now well residing in Islay Human Pain Research Facility.

*She blows a kiss*

Closing Channel... Complete

To: The Gaian Underloch - Dino - 11-09-2011

::_Incoming transmission_::

::_Sender's Identification_::

Michael Jones

Islay base, Edinbourgh

Chick who wants to work for us.

A man appears on screen, carrying some sort of animal in his hands, and walking around room. His face wasnt visibile, but you could heard he's young, by his voice. After few seconds, he stopped, sat on a chair infront of camera and started talking:

Good, good! Now that's a start. We taken care of those dudes.

He drinks a shot of whiskey, lights up a cigarette, and continues:

And please.. 'Islay Human and Pain Research Facility' sounds... Wierd. We prefer calling it just 'a small revenge'. You see, they do it to Gaia, and it's cute residents, so we just show what they did. A small demonstration of those experiments dont hurt, eh?

He start laughing.

Anyways, you did a good job. Let's see what you'l do next.

He takes remote, and turns off camera.

::_Transmission over_::

To: The Gaian Underloch - Pancakes - 11-09-2011

Openning Channel.... Complete
[color=#FF6600]Transferring Codes.... Complete
Sender ID: Amanda Cloud

[Image: amandadr.jpg]

G'day! *Tips her mini hat and throws it away*

Oh well, revenge facility thing it is then.
I still have something that bugged me for some time. When the Nature's Last Hope were in control we were allowed to enter Lewis, however I get it that the strong push away the weak and so the Underloch is now the boss. So, tell me, can we still go there?

*She blows a kiss*

Closing Channel... Complete

To: The Gaian Underloch - Dino - 11-09-2011

::_Incoming transmission_::

::_Sender's Identification_::

Michael Jones

Islay base, Edinbourgh

Chick who wants to work for us.

A man appears on screen, carrying some sort of animal in his hands, and walking around room. His face wasnt visibile, but you could heard he's young, by his voice. After few seconds, he stopped, sat on a chair infront of camera and started talking:

Hm, now that's the thing I should discuss with you. But that doesnt means I actually will do it.

He starts laughing.

So let's say we already discussed it, long time ago, when Nature's Last Hope was around. And let's say that I trust you well enough to let you in our system.

He lights up a cigarette, and leans towards camera, so you could see half of his face.

But beware. Access to Lewis seems like some random privilege, but to us, it's granting you access to our sacred system, which means everthing to us. So few tips, that you should try to follow; Dont use Lewis much, use it for reason, dont bring some Baffies to it's entrance, and respect Lewis like it's your own home.

He takes a smoke.

After all, our defenses are capable of shreading you in few seconds. One wrong step, and BOOOM!

He starts smiling.

Well, dont get scared or something, I was only joking. You are free to use Lewis, just dont make mess.

He turns around, takes remote and turn off camera.

::_Transmission over_::

To: The Gaian Underloch - Pancakes - 11-26-2011

Openning Channel.... Complete
[color=#FF6600]Transferring Codes.... Complete
Sender ID: Amanda Cloud

[Image: amandadr.jpg]

G'day! *Kicks a man dressed with armed forces uniforms and shoot his head*
So, these pesky little Police Officers are hiding from me, aye? Never mind. I came to ask you if you have interest in a small prisoners shipment I came across being shipped by a freelancer in a pelican, obviously I took over it.

Now, that all of them prisoners are on board the holding cells, but the friendlies, I wanted to ask if the Underloch have interest in... "studying" them.
More over, the gang is celebrating the milestone of 200 members, and we decided we deserve a proper name. We settled on The Fifth Cell. It's an old terrorist organisation we decided to use it's name again.

At any rate, The Flying Dutchman was damanged and will need repairs as well as new name plating to be changed from "The.Flying.Dutchman" to "5C|The.Flying.Dutchman" I hope this is all in place, to reflect that our organisation is growing bigger.

*She blows a kiss*

Closing Channel... Complete

To: The Gaian Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 11-26-2011

::Enter Security Clearance Code::

Michael Jones_

::State Request::
Request Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel uplink_

::Name Cell::
The Gaian Underloch_

::Name Frequency::
To: The Gaian Underloch_

::Network Encryption Authorization Code:::
::Uplink Complete::
::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaian Underloch" Is Now Online::

Greetings, madam Cloud. It's allways a pleasure to talk with you because you allways bring some gifts. Indeed, a good habit.

Those prisoners will be treated well. We have dozens of experiments to do on them. If they survive, you are free to shoot them in head, next time you visit Islay. But dont worry, their chances to survive our 'treatment' are under five percent.

Now, let's get to buisniess. You want to rename your ship? That's fine with us. And you want to create a terrorist group, under your command? Fine with us. You will get support from us, just like you had it since now.

Because of your generous gifts, you will be allowed to use pieces of our technology in limited numbers. Also, '5C|' tagged ships will be allowed to use our bases as a hideout.

That's all. I hope we'l hear you again, soon.

::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaian Underloch" Is Now Offline::

To: The Gaian Underloch - Pancakes - 12-03-2011

Openning Channel.... Complete
[color=#FF6600]Transferring Codes.... Complete
Sender ID: Amanda Cloud

[Image: amandadr.jpg]

G'day! *Tips her mini hat and throws it away*

So, some idiot think he can torture animals. Well, not on Fifth Cell's watch.


*She blows a kiss*

Closing Channel... Complete

To: The Gaian Underloch - Nature's Last Hope - 12-03-2011

::Enter Security Clearance Code::

Michael Jones_

::State Request::
Request Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel uplink_

::Name Cell::
The Gaian Underloch_

::Name Frequency::
To: The Gaian Underloch_

::Network Encryption Authorization Code:::
::Uplink Complete::
::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaian Underloch" Is Now Online::

Greetings, miss Cloud.

It's nice to hear you. And once again, you brought us gifts. Very good...

Seems we missed that smuggler, but you caught it. Excellent. I hope that animals were properly treated, and returned to us asap, right?

Now, I have a problem to discuss with you. We are getting low on supplies, so we cannot give you any of our weapons anymore. But there's a solution for this. Bring us what we need, and we'l both be satisfied. You'l have access to our weapons, and we'l have commodities to manufacture them.

Here's a list of commodities that are cruical for our manufacturing plants in Glendale to work.

× Oil
× Optical Chips
× Engine Components
× High Temperature Alloy
× Superconductors
× Ship Hull Panels

Please, if you can, deliver around 300 tons of each commodity and you'l be rewarded for sure.

::Gaian Guard Neural-Net Cell channel "To: The Gaian Underloch" Is Now Offline::