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Launch of The Olypmia - Printable Version

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Launch of The Olypmia - Columnsx - 11-12-2011

Anthony Smythe looked up. He could see the long elegant body of his newly acquired Titanic transport floating down from the sky. It glided down and moored with the docking ring. A loud 'pffft' was heard as the airlocks connected.
'She's all yours' claimed the ship dealer.
'Cheers' replied Anthony.
As the ship dealer left Anthony put his hand on the door release button and pressed it firmly. A loud hiss was heard as his first mate Harvey stomped down the entrance ramp.
'Come on! She's not gonna wait all day. I can only hold off the Ale for so fingers are tingling!'
Anthony stepped on board and closed the docking door behind him and he made his way to the bridge.

He sat in the captains chair and give the command to move after the crew were made all present and at their stations. The ship lurched a little as the great engines started up. She reached for the atmosphere of Leeds and as soon as she left the atmosphere Anthony gave the command to hold orbit.
He left his chair and headed over to his compartment.

Captains Log

Entry 1: 11th of November 819 A.S

Today marks the first launching of our flagship: The Olympia.
This is a proud moment for myself - having been selected to fly the companies first ship. My father always told me how I should become a Doctor on Cambridge. I wonder what he would think of me now? Probably disagree. Oh well, not much I can do. The old bugger should not have got caught up with Molly affairs in Dublin...

End Entry

Anthony put down his light pen and reached across to a viewing port. He gazed out of the tiny window onto Leeds System. He could tell that this was just the beginning of many adventures to come with his ship the Olympia, and his crew. And as the sun disappeared behind Leeds, Anthony took one last look at the sun.

'Fortuna omnia' he muttered.