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To: Liberty Navy Admiralty, Subject: A Troubling Matter - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Navy Admiralty, Subject: A Troubling Matter - Lucifer - 12-05-2011

COMM ID: Ensign Rex Davis
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Admiralty
SUBJECT: A Troubling Matter

To the Liberty Navy Admiralty,

This is Ensign Rex Davis of the secondary forces, I would like to report you something that I feel you should know.

Two days ago I've received a request from Mr. Hoban Washburne, an employee of the USI, to remove an Outcast presence on the trade lanes between Fort Bush and Norfolk Shipyard in New York system. I am not sure but I am assuming that they have attempted to pirate or pirated Mr. Washburne's transport. After I received this, and knowing that the police presence in New York is not enough to keep the system safe, I decided to check that out myself. I hired a freelancer Ahoudouri Gunboat named High-Berry to help me out.

I've reached there first to see three Outcast Sabres disrupting the lanes. I knew that the defence of the system was left to me and my party, so I tried to make them leave the liberty space, but I was only ignored. High-Berry was carrying wines in his cargo, so they wanted him to drop it or be destroyed. It is a clear act of piracy. I saw an LSF Battlecruiser with the name LSFC-Centurion coming to our way, so I thought that we had the advantage if I decided to engage them in this case, as they didn't seem like they wish to move away from the lanes.

I engaged the Outcast pirates, and told High Berry to do so as well, but to my surprise, LSFC-Centurion decided that High-Berry should stay out of this and wouldn't let him help me. There came another threat, Black.Fox, which I couldn't get a clear scan to see what it was as I was dodging three sabres while trying to 'communicate' with Centurion. It was a battle I would surely lose, a 4 on 1, when Johnny.Ringo, a freelancer, stumbled upon us and asked whether I need assistance. I needed assistance so I said yes. But he was not only kept from helping me, he was shot down by the LSFC-Centurion because he refused to listen to him. High Berry says that Centurion also shot him and damaged his ship's hull to keep him from helping me.

To my luck two Navy ships appeared to help me, we could destroy two of the enemy ships and the other two ran as they saw LNS-Atlanta in the distance. However their presence there was pure luck, and I would probably be dead now if they didn't happen to pass by that lane as I was forced to fight four enemies alone.

After the fight, LSFC-Centurion didn't stay with us long enough to 'calmly' discuss what he had done. I must admit that I would get him destroyed on the spot if I could, as I was enraged by his actions. While I was fighting the outcasts he was going on about, "Navy should stand for their decisions", "LN/LSF(?) is not allowed to operate in core sytems." and stuff like that I can not remember.

The situation and the forces on each sides were like these:
Ambrosio.Blanco (destroyed)
Black.Fox (destroyed)

Rex Davis' Party:
High-Berry (wasn't allowed to fight)
Johnny.Ringo (destroyed by Centurion)

Liberty Navy assistance:


I do not know what beef this LSF captain (or the LSF as an organisation if that's the case) has with the Navy, and I am not aware of the policies you make that would anger this captain to the point that he decides to get a naval officer killed. But in my opinion, he clearly, even if indirectly, helped Outcasts forces there. This is bordering on treason if not treason already.

The guncams as evidence are in the attachments below. Ensign Davis signing out.

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

To: Liberty Navy Admiralty, Subject: A Troubling Matter - Sonja - 12-06-2011

Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure

Ensign Rex Davis;

I don't have to tell you how unacceptable his behaviour is, as you seem fairly distraught about it already. I will see to it personally that he gets made to stand for his decisions in the same way that he wants the Navy to.

I really am going to enjoy what happens next.

Thankyou for submitting this to us with evidence.

Transmission Terminated