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"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

OSD Archive: File C07S86
"Pakhet" Prototype Destroyer

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OSD "Pakhet" Fearless-Class Destroyer
Vessel Information

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Drafted for Construction: 817 A.S.
Completion and Commission: 818 A.S.

[b]Vessel Weight Class:
Destroyer - 3,750 Tonnes
Operational Longevity: 3 Weeks, Unsupplied
Maximum Crew Capacity: 56
Assigned Operational Crew: 44
Current Assignment: Order Science Division, Testbed Craft


The Original Pakhet, and the Malvada Incident

In 815 A.S., a Fearless Mk. 1 - Class Zoner Destroyer was constructed by joint Order and Zoner personnel as a symbol of the ever-strengthening Order-Zoner alliance. The Pakhet was constructed by a mix of Order and Zoner engineers, and was assigned a similarly mixed crew, giving Zoners a look into Order technology and warship tactics while simultaneously allowing Order personnel a chance to forge new bonds with the organization that almost single-handedly kept The Order supplied and operational.

The vessel was originally commanded by Captain Howard Eisen, and upon retirement his position was passed to Sub-Commander Aki Kimura. At that time, the war between the Order and the Bounty Hunter's Guild Core was rapidly escalating, and with the need for more frontline warships to protect Order assets the Pakhet was diverted from safer patrols in and around Omicron Minor to the BHG-Order front in Omicron Kappa, Gamma, and Theta.

In 816 A.S., The Pakhet assisted Corsair warships in what would come to be known as the Malvada incident. A large task force of Corsair vessels, assisted by the Pakhet, were sent to investigate Bounty Hunter Guild Core sightings within the Malvada cloud, near the Omicron Kappa jump site. Upon entering the area, the task force was met with a small patrol of Core warships, and in the ensuing battle the Guild retreated to Omicron Kappa. Pursuing the fleeing opponents, the Pakhet and its Corsair escorts made the jump to Kappa, only to find a much larger Guild force waiting on the other side. The resulting engagement was a massacre, with most Corsair vessels being destroyed, along with the Pakhet. Aki Kimura and six crewmen survived to abandon ship; the rest of the crew - 43 in total - were killed in action.

The Pakhet was declared destroyed in action one week after the incident, when salvage crews - moving in after the area had been secured by the Sixth Fleet - recovered the broken husk of the once proud joint destroyer. The remains of the craft were hauled back to Omicron 100, where she and her dead crew were laid to rest among the stars.

The Battle of Omicron Minor, and the New Pakhet
In the late months of 817 A.S., during the battle of Omicron Minor, the majority of The Order's active warships were lost in a massive collision of Order, Guild Core, and Nomad forces. The few remaining craft were forced to flee to a recently discovered system known as Omicron Mu, developed as a fallback location should The Order ever lose control of Omicron Minor. As the organization licked its wounds, it was quickly realized that few resources remained with which to rebuild the fleet, and alternative measures for acquiring new craft became necessary.

The majority of Order-designed warships were diverted to reform the Primary Fleet, leaving the less militant groups within The Order such as the Science Division with few vessels to continue their operations. Diverting funds from less critical projects, the OSD drafted the construction of a new Fearless Mk. 2 - Class Zoner Destroyer from the Omicroners at Livadia shipyard. This vessel, named "Pakhet" to honor the original vessel built in commemoration of the Zoner-Order alliance, was designed to serve as the Science Division's new flagship, and as a testbed vessel with which to judge the effectiveness of newly developed technologies in the field.

Commander Kaylee Staite, the Director of Operations for the Order Science Division, took command of the Pakhet upon its completion - as her previous ship, the Geb-Class Carrier "Bastet", had been lost during the Battle of Omicron Minor in defense of Toledo. Under her command, the Pakhet serves in a long range escort and patrol capacity for the OSD, performing both combat and research tasks on the edges of colonized Sirius.

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

Pakhet Interior Layout

[Image: ve4v39.png]

The Pakhet is considered relatively small even by destroyer standards, weighing in at only 3,750 tonnes and requiring an operational crew of 44 personnel it is capable of fulfilling the tasks of much larger ships without putting as high a drain on the Order's resources as a larger craft would. Much of the Pakhet's internal systems are automated, allowing a single crewman to do the same jobs that would typically require three or four personnel on a standard cruiser class vessel.

The Pakhet's internal layout is designed for maximized efficiency and defensive application, with a centralized pressure hull that is protected by the exterior sections of the craft, as well as multiple system redundancies and linked control points which allow the ship to continue operating even when heavily damaged. The Pakhet is divided into three vertical levels, labelled decks one through three with deck one situated at the top of the ship and deck three at the bottom. A centralized elevator system as well as emergency ladder shafts provide varied means of moving between decks.


[Image: 2e1wqdi.png]
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Captain's Quarters:

Situated at the front of the upper deck, overlooking space from above the ship's bridge, lie the Captain's Quarters. Slightly larger than the Officer's quarters available throughout the rest of the ship, the Captain's Quarters include a personal lounge where the Captain can take meals seperate from the rest of the crew. The Captain's Quarters also contain a personal data system seperated from the ship's primary data core, allowing for storage of data or transmission of communications "off the record". The Captain's Quarters onboard the Pakhet are the residence of the ship's Commanding Officer, Kaylee Staite.

Officer's Quarters:

Deck one contains four seperate Officer's quarters for the primary command crew: Subcommander Michael Corin, Chief Tactical Officer Richard Davis, Chief Communications Officer Jason Ford, and Chief Navigator Amanda Keller. In addition, there are two similar Officer's Quarters on deck three which are granted to Chief Engineer Daniel Benson and Chief Security Officer Jeremy Strider. All of the Officer's Quarters onboard the Pakhet are equipped with data terminals interlinked with the ship's primary data core.

Officer's Lounge:

Situated between the two Officer's Quarters on the starboard side of deck one, the Officer's lounge serves as a private mess hall and offduty area for the ranking command crew on the Pakhet. Afforded a starboard-side view into space as well as audio and visual entertainment provisions, the lounge provides a stress-free location for the command crew to relax and recouperate.

Cartography Suite:

Situated between the two Officer's Quarters on the port side of deck one, the Cartography Suite is a midsized room surrounded in holoprojectors and navigational interfaces. The Cartography Suite provides all of the necessary equipment to create detailed surveys of unexplored systems, and also provides the detailed navigational information necessary to calculate precise jump coordinates for use by the Jump Projection Drive. The Cartography Suite also contains one of the several redundant data core processors that store and route information throughout the ship.


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[Image: jpwwih.png]

Command Bridge:

At the front of deck two lies the command bridge, the central control hub for all of the Pakhet's systems. Within the bridge are individual stations for Helm Control and Navigation, Communications, and Gunnery Control, as well as seating for the Commander and Subcommander of the ship. Engineering and Tactical Information are displayed via two additional screens on the port and starboard sides of the bridge, and are interlinked to the data core processor in the Engineering Control Room of the ship.

Briefing Room:

Located just aft of the Command Bridge is a small room containing the secure communications suite, as well as navigational and tactical holoprojectors that display relevant visual information to attending personnel. The secure communications system allows the Pakhet to transmit real-time, encrypted messages across vast distances by linking the ship's communications array to the Jump Projection Drive and establishing a jump link to the desired location. This system prevents interception of the communications signal before it reaches its destination, effectively removing any chance that unauthorized personnel will receive the message. The briefing room is most commonly used as a pre- and post-mission facility by Lancer Squadron's pilots.

[Image: 34zep3n.png]

The Secure Communications System is actually a combination of two seperate ship systems: the primary communications array, and the jump projection drive. Despite advancements in communication technologies, the vast majority of transmissions throughout sirius - both civilian and military alike - must still be 'bounced' off of dozens of relay satellites that carry the signal between systems. This ancient design leaves innumerable security flaws, most notably the potential for any ship near one of those relay satellites to intercept the signal before it reaches its destination. Additionally, this system can take some time to transmit communications over vast distances, up to several hours in some cases, making real-time communication impossible.

By creating an artificial jump hole via the experimental Jump Projection Drive, the Pakhet is able to directly link two points in space, at which point the primary communications array may transmit real-time messages through the jumphole to the targetted location. This creates a communications link that is nearly impossible to intercept, and also occurs in real time, avoiding the hours-long delays of conventional communications and allowing Order agents operating throughout sirius a constant line of communication with one another.

Medical Bay:

Located at the center of deck two, effectively at the center of the ship, is the medical bay. This positioning allows crewmen to reach medical facilities as quickly as possible from any section of the ship. Outfitted with the latest medical technology available to The Order, the Pakhet's medical bay is capable of handling nearly any medical emergency; from simple injuries to removal of a Nomad Incubus, given proper time constraints. At the forward section of the Medical bay lie the private quarters of the ship's Doctor, Thomas Greele, ensuring that he is available at any hour to deal with medical issues that might arise amongst the crew.

Research Lab:

Positioned just aft of the medical bay is the research lab, a small facility containing the equipment necessary for studying, documenting, reverse engineering, and even recreating recovered technologies encountered by the ship's crew. The Research lab also contains a specialized data core interlinked with the experimental systems onboard the Pakhet, and houses the ship's cloaking-field generator.

[Image: 142amwx.png]

The Pakhet utilizes one of the first reliable active cloaking systems developed by humans in Sirius. In the past, the Order's experiments with active cloaking failed largely due to the heavy power requirements demanded by the cloaking field. As a result, The Order abandoned active cloaking projects and instead opted for the much more efficient passive cloaking systems now utilized by the Resheph-Class reconaissance cruiser. With the advent of a stable Matter-Antimatter Reactor, capable of generating the power requirements necessary to maintain an active cloak, the Science Division went back to some of its original cloaking device designs.

While the Pakhet's active cloaking field generator still has many flaws, including occasional, random short-circuits in the field and interference from solar radiation or nebulae, the system is far more effective than passive cloaking setups, and allows the Pakhet to sneak by or maintain watch on hostile targets it isnt able to engage in combat.

Containment Cells:

Opposite the Medical Bay and Research Lab, on the port side of the ship, are two seperate Containment facilities. The forward facility houses force-shielded prison cells for the detainment of human prisoners, while the aft facility contains the specialized stasis cells necessary for the detainment of living Nomads or the Wild - those humans who have become hosts and cannot have their Incubus removed. Each containment facility is further protected by a constant guard posting supported by security bots and triple-password encrypted bulkhead doors, making any escape by the prisoners being held feasibly impossible.


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Jump Projection Drive:

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Commonly, and incorrectly, referred to as a 'standard' jump drive, the Jump Projection Drive is one of the most valuable pieces of experimental technology in The Order's possession. Based on the early hypergate experiments and designs which were largely unsuccessful in their goal, the Jump Projection Drive is an entirely new type of jump drive system. Utilizing Control crystals recovered from a dig site on Planet Nauru, the Jump Projection Drive is capable of creating an artificial jump hole and, through manipulation of the jump hole's gravity field, can designate an exit point for it.

The jump hole created by the drive emitter can be sustained for up to ten minutes at a time, and the endpoint is accurate within a 50,000 kilometer radius of the chosen destination. Due to the level of inaccuracy, while relatively low for the distances involved, care must be taken to choose locations of sufficient distance from stars, planets, asteroid fields, or other solar bodies. Once the Pakhet enters the artifical jump hole, the emitter is no longer linked with the entrance, and the jump hole collapses, preventing potential pursuit by enemy forces.

The range limitation of the Jump Projection Drive has not yet been reached, but based on theoretical power consumption rate, the drive is incapable of making jumps over distances further than 1,000 lightyears, and the destination error allowance grows as that distance increases.

Engineering Control:

Engineering Control is split into two sections, as well as an upper observation area. The forward section contains the control systems for the Jump Projection Drive and communications array, and has additional stations for monitoring engine, weapon, shield, structural integrity, life support, artifical gravity, and power status. The aft section of Engineering control serves as a flight control center for the ship's Launch Bay, with operating consoles for the launch bay's four airlocks. The observation area overlooks both the forward and aft sections of Engineering, and has control consoles for the cargo cranes and skids in the cargo bay.

Cargo bay:

Located just aft of rear engineering control is the Pakhet's primary cargo bay. Heavily automated, the cargo bay is organized via an array of floor skids and ceiling-mounted cranes which allow for minimal staffing requirements, as a single individual can rearrange the entire cargo bay in less than an hour from the upper observation area in engineering. The Pakhet's cargo bay is relatively small, as the rear two-thirds of the standard cargo bay have been converted into a makeshift flight deck for the vessel's fighter craft. Due to these restraints, the Pakhet is only capable of holding sufficient cargo for two weeks of extended operation away from supply points.

Launch Bay:

The aft section of the Pakhet's cargo bay has been transformed into a makeshift flight deck, allowing the ship to carry four modified Seth-class interceptors, each launched via a dedicated short airlock system. Two airlocks are located on the starboard side of the bay, while two are located on the port side of the bay. Due to this arrangement, the Pakhet must come to a complete stop to launch or retrieve her fighters - a significant disadvantage when compared to traditional carriers. Due to this flaw, the Pakhet's fighters are intended primarily for forward scouting and interception operations, rather than for deployment during combat situations.

Lancer Squadron consists of four modified Seth-class interceptors. Each fighter is capable of retracting its wings to minimize bulk profile, allowing the Pakhet to store, launch, and retrieve them through the ship's relatively small hangar bay. Initially, Lancer Squadron was a five man team of Nephthys pilots assigned to the Geb-Class Light Assault Carrier "Bastet", under the command of Kaylee Staite. The Squadron was named after its lead pilot, Lance DeMarco. DeMarco, along with all of the Bastet's combat pilots barring the four that remain in Lancer squadron, were killed in defense of Toledo during the Battle of Omicron Minor. Kaylee Staite requested the transfer of the four surviving pilots to the Pakhet after the ship's completion, and considers them to be among the best fighter pilots Sirius has to offer for their role in defending The Order's homeworld.

Mess Hall:

The crew mess hall is located just forward of the elevator leading down to deck three, and is directly inbetween the port and starboard crew quarters. Serving as an offduty lounge for enlisted crewmen and guests aboard the ship, the Mess hall is outfitted with everything necessary to provide the crew with proper meals and entertainment opportunities.

Reactor Core:

[Image: m75ah0.png]

The standard fusion reactor core aboard the Pakhet has been removed and replaced with an experimental matter-antimatter reactor core. In the past, antimatter reactors have proven extremely dangerous and unreliable, as the rate of energy release and matter consumption could not be controlled or contained. This complication was overcome through the use of synthesized control crystals based on fractured crystals found in the abandoned K'vosh city located in Newcastle. The advent of a sustainable antimatter reaction has provided ships like the Pakhet with a high enough rate of power generation that high-drain systems like the Jump Projection Drive and Active Cloaking Device require, opening an entire venue of technological advancement for both The Order and Sirius as a whole.

Unfortunately, the synthesized crystals which control the Antimatter Reactor's rate of consumption and power output wear down and crack relatively easily, and must be replaced frequently lest the ship's reactor fail and cause a catastrophic reaction that would undoubtedly consume the Pakhet as well as everything nearby. Several spare crystals are kept onboard in the event that they must be replaced in the field, and the Pakhet receives additional synthesized crystals from Science Division engineers every time it returns to port for resupply.

Crew Quarters:

Two seperate crew quarters exist onboard the Pakhet, one on each side of the ship. The Starboard quarters house the engineering and maintenance crew, while the port quarters house the second-shift command crew, medical personnel, and the pilots of Lancer Squadron. Crew accomodations are sparse, with double-stacked bunks and only a wall-mounted footlocker for the storage of personal items.

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

"Pakhet" Crew Listings

The Pakhet has a standard operational crew of Forty-Four personnel, though it is capable of accomodating up to twelve additional guests for a maximum crew capacity of Fifty-Six persons. Those twelve positions are reserved for specialized missions which require additional security or research personnel, or for diplomatic guests aboard the vessel. The low crew requirements, compared to traditional Cruiser or Destroyer class vessels, are largely due to heavily automated systems designed specifically for minimal oversight and maintenance needs.

The Pakhet runs on a 12-12 shift for crew members, meaning each crewman is on duty for twelve hours at a time, and off duty for twelve hours, creating a dobule shift rather than the typical triple shift used onboard most military warships. The standard shift applies 8 hours on-duty and 16 off, and studies have shown that the additional time crewmen spend off duty dramatically increases the drain on the vessel's supply stores, without adding any additional level of efficiency to crew operation.

The Pakhet's crew compliment consists of eight officers, twelve warrant officers, and twenty-four crewmen, as follows:

Commander Kaylee Staite
Sub-Commander Michael Corin
Chief Tactical Officer Richard Davis
Chief Communications Officer Jason Ford
Chief Navigator Amanda Keller
Chief Engineer Daniel Benson
Chief Security Officer Jeremy Strider
Chief Medical Officer Thomas Greele

Warrant Officers:
Lancer Pilot James Williams
Lancer Pilot Chris Thompson
Lancer Pilot Kira Summers
Lancer Pilot Katrina Strauss
1 x Assistant Chief Medical Officer
4 x Medical Specialists
1 x Second-Shift Tactical Officer
1 x Second-Shift Communications Officer
1 x Second-Shift Navigator

9 x Engineering and Maintenance Crew
8 x Cargo Bay and Flight Deck Crew
7 x Security Crew

Detailed Crew Information

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[Image: 2i4s42.png]

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

Lancer Squadron
Modified Seth-Class Interceptors

The Pakhet is designed to carry four modified Seth-Class interceptors, known as Lancer Squadron. Consisting of the only four pilots from the Geb-Class Carrier "Bastet" to survive the Battle of Omicron Minor, Lancer Squadron was transferred to the Pakhet at the request of Commander Kaylee Staite, the ship's newly appointed commanding officer.

[Image: 2ur476a.png]

The original design for the Fearless Mk. 2 was never intended to function as a carrier-type craft, given the limited space available onboard. When the Pakhet was being constructed at Livadia Shipyards, special modifications had to be made to the structure of the ship's Cargo Bay in order to provide both interior space for the fighter craft, as well as a system of launch and retrieval.

The final modifications left the Pakhet with four seperate launch and retrieval tubes, essentially formed into the pressure hull as 'short airlocks' just large enough to accomodate the length of a Seth-Class Interceptor. The interceptors themselves had to be modified as well, with retractable wing and weapon struts that allowed them to reduce their port to starboard profile by nearly half when docking and launching, giving the Pakhet just enough room in its converted cargo bay to hold the four interceptors when not deployed.

Due to the design of the Pakhet's launch tubes - with two facing starboard and two facing port - launching and retrieving the modified Seth Interceptors can only be done when the ship is at a complete stop, preventing safe combat deployment or retrieval. Due to this limitation, the Interceptors are typically used for forward scouting operations to avoid putting the Pakhet at a disadvantage if emergency retrieval is necessary.

[Image: 11t7eh2.gif]

Each of the four interceptors is equipped with unique armament tailored for a specific role, enabling Lancer squadron to perform as a diverse fighter group with the tools necessary to engage and overcome a large array of opponents.

Lancer One:
Pilot: James "Hotdog" Williams

James Williams is the wing commander for Lancer Squadron, tasked with coordinating the rest of the group and making tactical decisions that effect the squadron as a whole. Williams received his callsign - "Hotdog" - based on his hot-shot personality, often letting his ego get the best of him, though he certainly has the combat skills and experience to back his hotshot attitude. Williams often prefers to take risks himself rather than allowing his wingmen to put themselves in harm's way, a trait that has left his ship nearly crippled more than once.

Lancer One is outfitted with twin missile launchers and a pair of Death's Hand cannons, allowing Williams to bear down on enemy fighters and destroy them quickly and efficiently.

Lancer Two:
Pilot: Chris "Hammer" Thompson

Chris Thompson is an ex-bretonian armed forces pilot with a penchant for heavy weaponry that quickly lended to his callsign: "Hammer". Thompson excels at dispatching slower, heavier targets, and holds the squadron record for number of enemy bombers and gunships destroyed. Thompson's downfall is his aim, and he has proven inaccurate against lighter enemy fighters due to his preference for slow, heavy weaponry.

Lancer Two is outfitted with four Magma Hammer plasma cannons, giving it the highest raw damage potential out of the squadron's four craft, but limiting its effectiveness against smaller opponents.

Lancer Three:
Pilot: Kira "Wildcat" Summers

Kira is the youngest of Lancer Squadron's pilots, and thus the least experienced. She lives for the adrenaline rush, often charging into battle against her better judgement - or orders - for the chance to tally more kills to her name. She often feels belittled by the service records of her fellow pilots, and feels she must compete and 'catch up' in order to prove herself.

Lancer Three is outfitted with twin rocket pods and a pair of Death's Hand cannons, suited to ambush tactics and hit-and-run strikes against opponents.

Lancer Four:
Pilot: Katrina "Angel" Summers

Katrina is, without a doubt, the most calm and collected of Lancer Squadron's pilots, with a firm belief that patience, concentration, and proper planning will always prevail over luck or brute force. Summers received her callsign based on her tendency to 'watch over' her fellow wingment, preferring to fly defensively so that she is always in a position to protect her fellow pilots.

Lancer Four is equipped with two Debilitator pulse cannons and two Reaper neutron guns, enabling it to put enemy fighter and bomber craft on the defensive at a moment's notice.

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

[Image: 10yeyia.jpg]

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011


So, I've had most of this written up for more than a year now, just been waiting on .86 to finally be able to post it >.>

Feel free to provide feedback on any of the above here, the rest of this thread is now considered OOC / Non-RP.


"Pakhet" - Mercarryn - 12-10-2011

The only thing that might be corrected is the age of some of the crew members. I mean most of them are a bit young, the oldest one being below 40. Maybe you make some of them a bit older.

"Pakhet" - Disco - 12-10-2011

' Wrote:The only thing that might be corrected is the age of some of the crew members. I mean most of them are a bit young, the oldest one being below 40. Maybe you make some of them a bit older.

[Image: mean-old-lady.jpg]

"Pakhet" - Tenacity - 12-10-2011

' Wrote:The only thing that might be corrected is the age of some of the crew members. I mean most of them are a bit young, the oldest one being below 40. Maybe you make some of them a bit older.

There are no admirals onboard this ship, no reason for any of them to be that old. Staite is a bit young for a command position, but keep in mind she was born and raised on toledo and trained from the time she could walk and talk to eventually become an officer in the order, not exactly 'normal' circumstances there.

At least there are no 19 year old admirals here =P

"Pakhet" - Petitioner - 12-11-2011

Oh my god.
All the graphics.

I'm droolgasming.

I dunno if I've seen something with more effort put into just creating what an ordinary military file looks like.
Amazing job on this.
OSD has looked tempting to me for a while now, but I have enough on my plate already, I think. Stop doing such a good job with everything!:$

(No, seriously. Props.)