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Camara too good? Say it aint so... - Printable Version

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Camara too good? Say it aint so... - pipsqueak - 01-15-2012

Well being an avid rp'r and trader i am at an impass.

I upgraded fron the civilian transport "ANKI" and marvelled at the size differece beteen that and camara.

Camara relatively speaking also had a huge cargo hold. I mean come on 630 in that toaster?
My suggestion, give camara 260 cargo armoured transport 630 and upgrade the civilian freighter 800.

Sorry not sure of the name of civ freighter. Site is blocked by work :\

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - El Nino - 01-15-2012

What kind of weapons can it use?

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - mjolnir - 01-15-2012

It also turns significantly slower than all the other freighters.

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - Drake - 01-15-2012

Also has no CD, if you're into freighter cargo piracy... And really, other than cargo piracy or RP, what good is any freighter once you can afford a transport?

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - Zukeenee - 01-15-2012

' Wrote:And really, other than cargo piracy or RP, what good is any freighter once you can afford a transport?
Freighters are:
  • Surprisingly good (not great) at combat.
  • Excellent storage/bank characters.
  • Faster than just about everything else (They have 395 cruise speed now).
  • A good choice for deep-space reconnaissance (mapping).
  • Adorable.

Anyway. Yes, the Camara is good. But it's not too good. I think it's just right. I own four of them.

' Wrote:What kind of weapons can it use?
Six class 2 turrets (or class 5 turrets, for those of us who are still in the 4.85 mindset). All of them can fire in a full 360 degree arc. It's marvelous.

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - Drake - 01-15-2012

' Wrote:Freighters are:
  • Surprisingly good (not great) at combat.
  • Excellent storage/bank characters.
  • Faster than just about everything else (They have 395 cruise speed now).
  • A good choice for deep-space reconnaissance (mapping).
  • Adorable.
Freighters are actually my favorite class of ship. But I've found their combat use to be minimal, unless fighting a terrible fighter/bomber pilot. Speed is mostly useful for piracy or avoiding pirates (and trading in a freighter--once you have enough money for a transport--falls more into the "RP" category). They are adorable, though. Especially the Anki and the Garanchou, and the Aurochs is just plain sexy.

Camara too good? Say it aint so... - pipsqueak - 01-15-2012

Hello again all.. andgood morning

What I was trying to say that if you look at the physical size of the ships, camara is much smaller than the Saishi. RP wise it is tough for me to imagine why camara can hold almost twice as much of a cargo than a Saishi. Thats all.

Whether it has a CD or not or whether it turns slow are all meta gaming statements.

I can say it turns slow cause it has an inferior engine. what I can not understand is how I can stuff 630 units of cargo in that tiny lil ship when 2 Rhinos filled upto their cute lil antennas can't do so.

Compare it to the Rhino size wise and then make the call.

We can solve this by swapping some cargo holds around (see my previouse post). As for a CD. Any traders knows that having a mine in the trading business is much more desireable than a CD. another + for a Camara.

...oh yeah on a side note its friggin freezing here. (6 deg F)