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Lil' Bounty - Korny - 01-21-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]Why, 'ello there boys and girls! Today's pay day, for you anyway. I'll make this short, don't wanna' bore you to death with unnecessary bitch-talk, eh ?

There's someone I want dead. Someone who's been pissing me over lately. Name's Ashfield, Joshua Ashfield, or Assfield, as I like to call 'im. Anyway, he's a pilot for the Liberty Gay-Marines...I mean Navy. I'll pay a nice pop o' 30 Million for the one who blows him up. This is a one time thing, so make it worth my time.

But listen, there's a few things'Ya gotta' be aware of. You gotta' be on good terms with the Rogues, y'know. I also want you, when'Ya find him, to tell him "That's what you get for messing with Queen Alexis". I also want visual evidence of you sayin' that, and of course the kill itself. Simple enough, eh ? And don't forget to actually shoot him, in case I've been overloadin' your brain with all these things to note.

Now, jus' tell me your name and a prove of your allegiance, then I'll sign'Ya up. That's all.


Lil' Bounty - Berny - 01-21-2012

My name is Skaldom Akmeny, known as S.A.2

Been working for rogues for some time already. Reputation sheet can be reviewed here: here

Count me in. That amount of credits seems worth some efforts.

Till next time.

Lil' Bounty - Korny - 01-21-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]Well, looks good t'me. Go for it, you're on the list. Happy hunting.


Lil' Bounty - Korny - 01-22-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]Come on guys n' gals ! There's a shiny prize waitin' for you. 'Ya don't want to miss that out, do you ?

Hell, bring me his head and I'll reward you in a ... special way, promise !


Lil' Bounty - suleman.mehmood - 01-23-2012



So what you say ?
Wonna a [LN] Death ?
Count me in ! , My ship tag is Repeater and also i do work for Liberty Rouges.

Heres my visual IFF with the rouges.

With best regards,
Suleman Mehmood,

[color=#FFFF00]---MESSAGE ENDS---

Lil' Bounty - Korny - 01-23-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]Excellent, you're on the list now dear! And make it quick. I can't wait to see his head rollin' over my desk ! Hahaha.


Lil' Bounty - Korny - 01-27-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]HEY! Sittin' on your ass all day isn't what I'll be paying you for! You better get this done soon or I'll have your heads chopped off, comprende ?!


Lil' Bounty - Korny - 02-12-2012


COMM ID:[color=#FF0000] Alexis Glover
TARGET ID: Sirius' Scum and Mercenaries

[Image: 2n03gnp.jpg]

[font=Microsoft Sans Serif]Alright, lazyasses. Since'Ya don't seem to be getting anything done on your own, I'll have to take care of that lil' thorn in my eye myself!

Y'all be getting what's comin' for you, dun' worry. Later!


Lil' Bounty - Kichigai - 02-12-2012

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