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Tale of a Brigand - Printable Version

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Tale of a Brigand - Reverend Del - 02-13-2012

Le Tartuffe sat at his desk reading his datapad, the Union Corse wanted some 3000 units of light arms and were willing to pay him good money to get them. That there was n way Le Tartuffe would get them was unknown to the Union Corses at this time, all he wanted was the up front 50% off the money they would pay. Money , he had said, which would be needed to set-up the deal with Sirian gunrunners. Of course no such gunrunners existed in Le Tartuffe's contact book, but that was neither here nor there, so long as the Corse never caught up to him before he could undergo cellular re profiling to change his physical appearance.

Le Tartuffe appeared to be in his late 40's slightly graying at the temples, average height and stockily built he seemed to be an unassuming gentleman. This body was easily 2 stone over his normal weight as well as a good 10 years older in appearance than his normal looks. It was useful to be unrecognisable.

The room was small, a mere box room n a cheap hotel, just a desk, bed and washstand furnished it. Le Tartuffe smiled.

He considered that chance of finding him to be slim, but he would take no risks. His Neuralnet account chimed as the Corse made the payment, and Tartuffe's grin broadened. It was done, and now time to leave. He gathered up his few possessions and exited the room.

Tale of a Brigand - Reverend Del - 02-19-2012

Stepping off the train on Nevers, Le Tartuffe pondered his surroundings, the station was clean, white and looked almost new. GRP security forces dotted the platforms looking for anyone who might be considered out of place. Le Tartuffe knew they'd not be looking for him, looking like a man in his late 30's of athletic trim and clean shaven. He looked the part.

As he walked past the ticket office, swiping his pass key over the automated machines to leave the station, Le Tartuffe thought about the latest job he had. Setting up a simple deal for pharmaceuticals. He had ensured that this time the deal would go through, the last deal he had made was risky enough and that the Union were now aware of his duplicity made anything less than legitimate a problem.

Of course, he had problems now. Getting a new ID had been impossible, so he was using one of his lesser known ones. However, Le Tartuffe had forgotten whether he'd ever used this one for committing crimes, if so this could end very quickly with him in a GRP prison, alongside some folks who may rather see him dead.

He headed to his hotel, a run down affair four blocks from the station. No questions asked, no questions answered, it was ideal for Le Tartuffe. If he'd had no reservations about his ID he'd have paid for somewhere more upmarket, but this worked for a man pretending to be a low rent businessman. He looked about the room he'd been given, washstand, bed and writing desk. Seemed familiar. He laughed.