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A 1000 year voyage - Printable Version

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A 1000 year voyage - Ganimed - 02-16-2012

Time of Peace

There was a time before the War for Sol, before the bloodshed and the violence, in which countries of the old lived in relative peace. There was always a concern that their home planet would be depleted of resources and that if the human race was to survive, they had to take drastic measures... and they did. The 21. century of the Common Era was marked by the greatest advances in human history thanks to science fiction authors who inspired and drew many young and bright souls into experimental science. Many countries financed these new scientists because they wanted to gain the upper hand in economy or wanted sustained development for their ever growing populace. With so much money on their hands, those scientist could experiment and try to create unimaginable things such as develop orbital construction yards, cryogenic chambers, teleportation devices, FTL communications, time and space ripping propulsion engines and even more... but the human race couldn't wait so long, hoping some ones fantasy will come true and instead concentrated on mid term gains. One such gain was the invention of Feminine, a drug which alters male reproduction organs in such a way that only female children could be born when a man was inoculated by it. In the eyes of the common people, such invention was a waste of money and time, but those that financed the development already knew what to do with it.

[color=#009900]Time of Science

One day an astronomical organization using a powerful satellite telescope captured an image of a light blue ship flying through space in a sector of space we now know as Sirius. Political leaders that were informed about this quickly came to a realization that this has to be kept a secret else panic and chaos might spread across the planet, creating fanatic religious cults and conspiracy theories that might be the downfall of their respective country. They had to act decisively and they did, by financing Femenine, so they can use it to harness the power of mother nature. It was common knowledge that a mother and their child are connected on a deep emotional level, so deep that one would sacrifice it's own life for their child's safety. This beneficial instinct was turned and became a cruel and inhumane leash with which the countries' leaders could control the woman they would later send into space.

Time of Decepetion

Pretending to launch yet another communication satellite, the countries masked their true intentions on how to use Femenine and the existence of a ship named Hope. The ship was launched well before the invention of cryogenics and was huge at that time. It could only house two human beings at one time as all other space in the ship was taken by liquid and solid fuel tanks, food containers and a hydroponic. The ship also featured a powerful supercomputer that had immense amounts of filtered information on it that would help it's inhabitants during their long voyage. At the time of the launch, there was only one person on the ship, called Mara Arin, but unbenounced to her, there was also another human being in a form of a fetus. This being was housed in an incubator and it's role was to produce yet another human being that will be cared for by Mara. She knew that all the children that were to be born on Hope were her's and that the father of those children would be some man drugged with Femenine. Mara's role was to take care of her children and educate them in how to take care of her other children in turn as she would one day die. This cycle was to be repeated until the ship's auto pilot takes Hope to where an alien ship was first seen.

Time of the Mother

To ensure the highest possible success rate of this mission, Mara Arin was prepared from her birth to fulfill her role. A whole team of psephologist, teachers and professors trained her carefully, so that once she is in her prime age, she could fly in Hope. She was separated from the rest of the world, making her emotionless and acting only as she was taught. She was known to her children as Mother Arin, the one that gave them life educated them in the way this world works. Mother Arin's true purpose was in fact to establish a relationship with the seen aliens and to contact the government that sent her here about their intentions.
Once Hope was launched, there was no going back. This ship, plated with solar panels, began a long voyage across the stars, carrying with it a humanless being who's only purpose was to see that her predecessors were to live until they arrive at their destination. In a thousand years, the circle of life and death, learning and turning senile, was repeated. Each new child born was named after Mother Arin and in respect for their legacy they took her surname too. Thankfully there were no complications on the way, up until Hope's arrival in Sirius.

Time of Settlement

After the launch of Alliance sleeper ships and destruction of Sol, they came to Sirius and began settling there. Thanks to advanced propulsion engines and technology, they arrived in Sirius eight hundred years before Hope did, leaving current Mara Arin in shock once the ship came to a halt and released the manual controls. The ship was quickly intercepted by a Liberty Police officer who called a team of technicians and a rescue vessel to assist him in letting Mara Arin out, after he saw her through the ship's window looking in shock. Once the rescue team boarded Hope, they had found Mara Arin passed out and carried her to the medical center on Manhatten.

Mara's recovery was very slow as she was paranoid, delusional and desperate after being brought into the society. Mother Arin made all her predecessors as emotionless as she was because she didn't know any other way of taking care of them. This carried on to the current Mara Arin, who despite having a super computer on Hope, failed to adjust to the world around her. No one ever thought that the war would happen so quickly and that it would produce such advanced technology.

After adjusting to the current way of life for three long years, Mara Arin decided that she should still try to accomplish Mother's primary task, that is to develop her social and diplomatic skills, so she can help out those's that's cause is true. Unfortunaly, now, she is over emotional and doesen't always have a clear cold head like any skilled diplomat would, but that doesen't mean she will not try...

A 1000 year voyage - Ganimed - 02-16-2012

Please note that this story is fiction in it's entirety and has no intended connections with the real world. Everything I have written was based on my imagination and is in no way trying to incorporate stories of other forum users. The base for this story was made before the official timeline of Freelancer game found on the Freelancer Discovery Wiki in order to avoid story collision. I am also in no way trying to reduce the significance of other stories based in around the same time nor do I want this story to mechanically affect my character in game for the purpose of my own benefit.