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Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Printable Version

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Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Zelot - 04-29-2008

[Image: afastatcopierk9uh3.png][url="]
The Artisan Farmers Alliance

The Artisan Farmers Alliance is a group dedicated to maintaining the distinct culture and traditions that have made the Kusari people strong throughout the generations. The AFA is the manifestation of the people's will to fight against the ever growing encroachment of foreign influences here in Kusari. This is achieved through various tactics ranging from boycotting and protests to actions against symbols of foreign companies to destruction of ships and cargo bound for Kusari from other Houses.

Quote:Look up there, in our skies. You see ships from everywhere in the sector, bring goods and contraband from every corner of Sirius, poisoning our children and corrupting our culture Our culture which has managed to endure till this point due to our pride, honor and sacrifice. These outsiders have no idea of such concepts. Synthfoods brings their bio-dome grown food into our empire, full of chemicals and hormones, and surprise, the rate of cancers among Kusari children has doubled over the last 15 years. Right here in New Tokyo, right up there *points to sky* Roppongi station orbits our Capitol.. Our Capitol, an ever present reminder of the invasion of Kusari culture by the Outsiders. That station, run by Liberty brings drugs and foreign ideas into the Heart of the Shogunate. Our children our lead astray by these outsiders, leaving Kusari never to return. We must fight these outsiders; show them the power of the Shogun, the power of the Empire.

What has become of our Honor, Deshima station stands telling all of Sirius that we can no longer police ourselves, that we need more of these outsiders to catch our criminals. What could possibly be worse than this? These outsiders don't even use our products, Deshima station has Bio-domes to produce its food. Our farms grow the best food in Sirius, and these fields lay fallow, our noble farmers begging for a small shelf in the local market to peddle their produce.

My Brothers, It is time to put thought and word into action. It is time for the Kusari people to rise up and take back our honor, to regain our pride. It is time for Kusari to tell all our Sirius, "Our Markets are closed; we can supply and support ourselves." It is time for the Kusari people to drive these outsiders from our midst.

You my friends are the future of Kusari, it is you who have yet to choose how to serve your Empire. You graduate today, looking to make your mark on history, but not sure how. I will give you an option, come, fight for what you believe. Fight to make Kusari strong again, it is time for Kusari your age to understand that their future lays here; this is where they have something noble to fight for.

Come friends. Join me and together we shall show the Sector what it means to be Kusari.
Tag and ID All AFA ships will have a Farmers Alliance ID, and IFF.
Naming [AFA]Tozacko.Makatore

Approved Ships: Civilian VHF and Bomber, also Collector (CSVII). Anything else requires command approval.

Approved Weapons: All FA, Hogosha, Gaian, Civilian are approved. No Outcast allied weapons. Absolutely no Nomad weapons. Anything not prohibited or approved must be authorized by command.

Allied: NLH, BDS
Arms Deal: TBH
Friendly: BS|, Benitez, KNF, CR
Neutral: Phantoms, Angles, RM, TAZ, SCRA, JG, UOG, SA, LSF, XA
Unfriendly: IND, RepEx, ROS, DW, BLS, LH, RHA, 66th, KOF, HF, LR
Hostile: NovaPG, GC, BPA, QCRF, Mandalore, Keepers

Ze'ev Barak - (zelot)
Masaharu.Morimoto (ascendancy)
Hazachi Tokido - (fpsdoug)
Sousuke Parko- (baconSoda)
Hirsoku Parko
Michinawa Kariwi - (clayph)
Kuma Takeda - (bjorn)
Osaika Moto - (lucend)
Saitou Kureno - (globalplayer-svk)
Taiki Ishiguro - (entrepreneur)
Kuroda Ryouji - (lvr56)
Kawazoe Haruo - (ghostface)
Oroku Saki - (Ors)

We are an unlawful faction in Sirius, but we are neutral to the Kusari Government, as our goals are not to topple the government as the Blood Dragons wish, but to reform the Government, working to bring the Kusari Government back in line with the traditional ways of self reliance and independence. We will bring about this change through extensive use of information dissemination, and political lobbying. This is a war of ideas and the more the Kusari citizen knows about the problem the more popular our ideas will become. Our goal is to convince the Kusari government and people to reject the outside influences that have soiled our young Kusari. Our hope is one day to fight alongside the lawful factions of Kusari in enforcing an embargo on foreign traders.

Recruitment page :
Message Dump : [/url][url="]
Secure Farmers Comms: [/url]
<div align="center]Need a name :[url="]
any mistakes, please pm me.

So it's been about a month and a half we've been in operation. Any comments?

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Kuraine - 04-29-2008

As I commented in the KNF feedback, I can't say i've really had anything too much to criticise regarding the Farmer's Alliance, except that one time with that indie Farmer's Alliance ID & tagged pilot in a Corsair dreadnaught shooting people up in Tau-37, but there's not much you can do about such people.

Every time i've fought against you in my GC characters you've been doing decent RP, and I was parked outside Ainu Depot afk recently and came back to find someone saying you'd been flying around me, so kudos for not simply blowing me up either there. It would have been RP for you to do so, but rather unsporting, so that's an extra point there for playing nice;)

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Zelot - 04-29-2008

Kuraine - It was a close one. But my better nature won out.....this time:). But really killing a ship afk has about as much roleplay value as killing NPC's. Thanks for the good words.

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - SimonBlack - 04-29-2008

Love playing with you in my Synth Foods. Descent roleplaying.

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Dab - 04-30-2008

I find you unbelievably annoying.. Now start smoking Cardi and convert to GC! (Except for those of you who are men, you join the Outcasts.)

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Why? - 04-30-2008

The one thing I have to question is the closeness with which the relationship the AFA has with the KNF.

While there would obviously be some type of back room deals, the KNF turning completely a blind eye to open piracy seems a tad questionable to me.

While they might not come in with guns blazing, to me it would make sense that they might make some fake overt show of trying to stop piracy, because while they don't like outsiders, the KNF has no real choice but to rely on them for some things.

As for in game stuff, it has been entertaining. Slightly bizarre, but definately entertaining.

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Dab - 04-30-2008

Do have a bit of an issue with what Why said. You shouldn't openly pirate in a system containing KNF. Only pirate if there are no KNF in-system, that would seem more in-keeping with the way it would be conducted.

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Zelot - 04-30-2008

First, AFA pilots are strictly forbidden from pirating while KNF or KSP are in the system. If you see it happening, PM me and I will take care of it, and I would also assume I would hear about it from KSP and KNF.

As to the Closeness of KNF and AFA, The Britonians war has changed the dynamics alittle in Kusari, the AFA are a Xenophobic, Nationalistic militia, and in a time of war, they would be helping to defend their home, as such, we find ourselves working against the very same enemies as the KNF, and fighting along side each other has helped to develop a sense of camaraderie amongst the two groups, this has naturally resulted in an increase in official and un-official co-operation between KNF and AFA.


I find you unbelievably annoying.. Now start smoking Cardi and convert to GC! (Except for those of you who are men, you join the Outcasts.)

You find us annoying,,, I'll take that as a complement:yahoo:

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Dab - 04-30-2008

' Wrote:You find us annoying,,, I'll take that as a complement:yahoo:
Yes, annoying. If you ever start winning fights, I may promote you to irritants.

Artisan Farmers Alliance Feedback - Guest - 05-01-2008

As a player, I find the AFA a way far more than annoying.
Starting with a good faction status, really exciting propaganda and nice logos and signatures.
Ending with a good RP, PvP skills and common sense.
Win/lose streak has nothing to do with it I believe.

This is really a faction that should never quit the official status, keep it up!

Regarding pirating with KNF in-system, if it ever happen please send a Cc Pm to me also and KNF and AFA will promptly deal with it.