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To: The Red Hessian Army - Printable Version

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To: The Red Hessian Army - Tabris - 07-04-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Militia

"Fellow Revolutionaries, my comrades at arms against the Corsair Menace. Some of you may know me from my work in the Army, I have transferred to the Militia as of late to aid the new wave of recruits seeking to better the Sirius Sector.

I know relations between the Coalition and the Red Hessians have been shaky as of late, however let me reassure you that our resolve to end the menace that is the Corsair 'Empire' has never been stronger. To this effect the new Militia has been given orders to destroy any and all Corsair vessels they may encounter on the Omega Front and in Bretonia where they continue to harass the honest and hard-working population of the Mollys. However even I know the pain of idiocy within the ranks. Thus should the Militia cause any issues that may endanger Hessian Assets please inform me or a member of the Army immediately and we shall sort it out.

Already we prepare and build up forces for the offensive against both the Gallia Threat and the Corsair Menace whom both threaten to destroy all we know and care for, however we cannot succeed without the support of the Red Hessian Army, let us destroy this threat together in the name of freedom for all those who are oppressed by their acts of murder, rape and thievery.

Come and share a dialogue with me and we shall prepare for the future, one that I hope is bright and full of hope for our children and the children of our children.

For the Sirius Revolution and the Ikon."

To: The Red Hessian Army - Blodo - 07-05-2012

[Image: Photo-hoerst.jpg]

Message to: Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Militia
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Guten tag.

We are glad to hear about the expansion of your forces in the Omega systems, and are certainly glad that the issues in agreement of recent past are firmly behind us. Now that Freital and our new mining base Diamant both successfully weathered the Military offensive on Omega-11, we are free to conduct operations elsewhere. I have it on good authority that the Corsairs have been expanding in Omega-47 as of late, so we will be hitting them in that location soon. Any Coalition Militia forces that are free to protect our flanks will be welcomed to do so.

In addition to that, I personally believe that it would be a good idea if the current commander of the Militia (which I would presume would be yourself) establish a rapport with the Molly forces along the Cambridge line, so that our alliance can cooperate better in keeping that line secure from the Corsair pirates.

If you have any specific questions regarding the strategic state of the Omega front outside of the Coalition's direct jurisdiction, my fellow Red Hessians will be happy to fill you in. Welcome back to the grinder.


To: The Red Hessian Army - Tabris - 07-05-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Militia

"It is good to hear that the Military has given up the futile assault upon Diamant and Freital, Omega-11 has always been a hive of corporate dishonesty and murder and as long as it's contested or controlled by the Red Hessians the better off everyone is.

As for these reports of a Corsair Build-up in Omega-47, with the fall of Casablanca this build-up is a matter of grave concern. The enemy seems to be diverting resources away from the Outcasts to reinforce the positions along the Omega Systems. I shall attempt to divert assets in the Militia to suppress these positions as they become available (A large portion of the recruits are just finishing basic training).

Including the Mollys has been in the works, however I haven't had much time to draft a message to them as of yet, but I will as soon as time allows.

What the Militia needs is an update on the enemy defenses in the Omega-5 and Omega-41 sectors so we can push some forces through the enemy lines to reinforce Omega-47 and cut the enemy off from Omega-49 for as long as possible. The information we have at present is second-hand from the Army so we cannot tell how reliable it is exactly and are hoping additional information from another source will provide a clearer picture of what our people can expect from the enemy.

For the Sirius Revolution and the Ikon

Ben Warner"

To: The Red Hessian Army - Blodo - 07-06-2012

[Image: Photo-hoerst.jpg]

Message to: Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Militia
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, RHA SOA
Location: Freital, Omega-11

Omega-5 is currently without change. We have been holding the lines and probing Corsair defences, but Cadiz continues to hold strong. For the past few months the fighting has been relegated to engagements between minor patrols in the centre of the system. It doesn't appear as if the divide across the system will be breached any time soon.

The Omega-41 system has in contrast seen a whole lot of action. Ourselves and the Rot Front brigades have been attempting to break through the Corsair lines there repeatedly, and as such have engaged the Crete defence fleet several times, frequently with good results. We have good reason to believe that the Corsairs are in a state of alert for any hostile forces entering the system, and as such it would not be easy to conceal fleet movements through Omega-41 as easily as it would through Omega-5, paradoxically.

The easiest way to reach Omega-47 remains through the Omega-5 system where we continue to hold the jump hole and supply lines to Viernheim base. It is obvious however that that is the way the enemy expects us to use to enter the Omega-47 system, so attempting to maintain an element of surprise is for the most part futile.

That's the general overview. One more interesting thing to note: the Wilde used to hit us pretty hard, and then they suddenly stopped. It's too quiet from that direction. Tell your people to keep their eyes open when patrolling the southern part of Omega-5 or Omega-11 for any Military looking strays. If those alien parasites are planning something, we should find out what it is.


To: The Red Hessian Army - Tabris - 07-07-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Militia

"The Intelligence has been received and is currently being passed along to the Patrol Leaders so they know the situation. I apologize if our comrades cannot join you in taking the fight right to the home of these fools, but our orders are to secure the lines in the Omegas and allow the Army to concentrate efforts on Omicron Gamma. Still that does not stop the Militia from striking at them in Omega-41 and 47.

All we have to do is keep the pressure on them on all fronts and something will crumble eventually, even they do not have the manpower to hold us off for eternity, especially if and when the Outcasts decide to stop hiding in a hole and continue this vendetta between them. Still we shall continue to search for opportunities to end the war in a much faster fashion while still keeping pressure on the enemy.

As for Das Wilde, I myself have noticed they have been silent, the CPW Riga which was equipped with a Kulov-Class Cloaking Device was sent to perform recon on Omega-58, however the system has undergone a radical change with the formation of a Neutron Star similar to that found in Omega-41. If this is related to the large energy spike we detected earlier in the year is unknown and that matter is being left to the Army and Commissariat to investigate.

Still we shall keep our eyes open for Military Units previously identified as operatives or ships acting strangely in our sectors. Be warned, just because Omega-58 is no-longer a stronghold of Das Wilde doesn't mean that Omega-55 isn't as well, last reports indicated a very strong presence of 'Military' patrols in that region.

For the Sirius Revolution and the Ikon

Ben Warner"