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Neural Net Log of Arianna Troy - Printable Version

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Neural Net Log of Arianna Troy - North_Star - 07-10-2012

this is the personal Log of Arianna Troy my only character at the moment and her personal spoken work of her adventures. it is HER statements and reactions toward events that she has seen and taken part in.

From this dashed line onward in the thread on all written work is her thoughts and actions.


TITLE: I Made it!

Ok first log entry, all is good...all is good I can handle this... maybe. but I am saying this so if anyone finds my derelict ship floating off deep in some uncharted sector they can know my history, my reasons for going out into the black and perhaps use it as an example of what not to do. so here I go..

It's been about six standard days since I got the message from my brother, Michael Weston that he sent nearly 2 years before in the omicrons.

He left nearly 6 years ago when I was 16 and as fed up with our parents as he was. No one wants the most bigoted scum in the universe to have kids. My mother wasn't as bad but she still didn't try to change his beliefs that Liberty was the center of the universe and everyone else was not worthy to do even the most menial tasks.

it's kind of sad her mother was from Kusari and yet she doesn't try to stop his ranting about her mother's own nation. I have always wondered why she married him.

so eventually my brother and I made this pact... as soon as It was legal and possible for either of us to escape into the black we would aquire enough money to get a cheap ship earn enough money to get somthing with way moree armor and try to mke the most complete map ever of the Siris sector and any adjacent areas. and we would talk to pirates and convince them to let us through thier territory because we were the best pilots ever.

but then again I was eight and he was 16 and enthralled by that movie about edison trent that was popular at the time.

and then at 24 he left and didn't take me along for the ride.

and now here I am with this old-beat-up-starflier that some old geezer sold me but he called it a starflea for some reason. well time to go and fly this ship and find him.


ok I got into space and realized how big space was/is? I don't now. Denver seems so small and lonely, Highland just a dot on a map. I would have spent a while gawking but I was almost hit by a docking transport. so I am going to explore liberty for now


explored libery traded some goods. New york was interesting had a bunch of traffic. some dude was hawking codes/codenames whatever those are. probably not illegal as he was selling them in full view of the libery navy.(but then again people do stupid things)


had an...encounter with rogues near pennsylvania gate in that huge black cloud with all the crystaline rocks they were red and started shooting me so I ran had to use some shield batteries to keep the pounding away.


I hate Xenos...nuff said left me drifting in the space lanes nearly crippled.

I am going to Kusari The pirates there might not be as bad.


Entry 2
TITLE: A rock and a hard place

well explored Kusari some. found a good route selling H-fuel from a GMG base in Okinawa to California minor
and return trip selling some sort of fertilizer.

got to explore more


I was wrong Kyushu is worse than liberty

had outcast trouble. two...cruisers? were at the gate when I jumped in. they asked for three million.I told them I was way too poor to be able to pay that. I had what 100 thousand I was going to ask if they could take my cargo instead and they shot me before I could send the message.

darn so when I woke up on planet Kushu. no idea how I got there(maybe some trader paid the 'fine' and tractor beamed me and my ship up)

so yeah I left the system traveling toward what the bartender said was a jumpgate to tau 29


at the tau 29 blockade. I hate gallia right now...yes I am. darn outcasts now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

here goes nothing.I am going to escape through this wretched place.

wretched hostile tradelanes....

I love my ship it's realy really agile and small.I had to do only some minor repairs.

I am at Holman outpost. that batttleship is currently shooting like a mad Xeno.

the full rainbow is gorgous I would want to stay here for a little while if not for Gallia causing trouble

when that battleship quiets down I am going to leave


ok found a jump hole to Edinburgh the glow refecting off the ice crystals led me to it

this is probably not going to be fun but at least if I end up lost in some distant galaxy I will have seen something no one else has ever seen before.


currently rather sick from jump hole travel, aperently the jump hole was not aligned well. no kidding

at a gaian base they let me dock when they realised I was running the blockade and not a Gallia ship on patrol. I feel sorry for them they are even more in a hard place than me.

only one more jumphole to go before I get to britonian space according to the bartender
that wasn't as bad but I still feel a little ill

Made It.

I'm currrently docked at planet leeds it's smoggy and terrible and hot, so blasted hot where I am. how can anyone stand it. I'm sweating indoors. I can't wait to leave.

maybe I should have stayed home