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[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - Printable Version

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[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - vojtechjanovich - 07-20-2012

After the War with Council in Gallia there is lot of junk floating around, some ships were put together, other did not. Basically there is huge debris of parts from ships like Perilous (both kinds), Obstinate (both kinds), some of Valor and Redemption parts floating around as not to mention several tons of fighters, bombers and freighters. I believe Galic Junkers would be able to pull their own ship idea out of this. GJV Galeon Gallic Junkers Vessel Galeon. It would be equivalence to Sirian Junkers Frigate, yet build from parts of Gallic Frontier

I would employ an modeler to build an model of that for in game money. Say 500mil (and If people will like it may rise up)

And if you are seeking inspiration please see this concept of submarine by ani2in --> HERE <--

[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - Wafellini - 07-20-2012

i don't believe I am saying it but I like the idea.

[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - Govedo13 - 07-22-2012

Nice Idea. This site is even better one- such competitions that are there-they can make competition making ship for Discovery.
More junker ships is really nice concept.

[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - SparkyRailgun - 07-22-2012

This isn't a ship submission.

[contest] Gallic Junkers Unique ship idea - vojtechjanovich - 07-24-2012

' Wrote:This isn't a ship submission.
congratulations on solving this mistery captain obvious

also - money awaits those who dare to step into this challenge