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Automated Engagement Messages - Printable Version

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Automated Engagement Messages - TLI-Inferno - 08-01-2012

I know they're not against the rules, but people using automated engagement messages are really messing up the game.

They see an enemy, use shortcuts to enter a few lines of text, and open fire with everything they have before you can actually read it. Then, as far as chat logs are concerned, they roleplayed, but, really, there's no roleplay going on there.

This is supposed to be a roleplay server. If all people do is use automated messages and fight, instead of ever actually stopping to talk, things can get boring fast. Without ever talking, what's the difference between multiplayer and NPC's, besides difficulty?

Sure, I can understand military engagement in wars, because there's already plenty of talking before the fight, speaking with your allies to get things ready and such, but simply engaging everyone you see on sight with automated messages turns "RP" into "PVP".

Automated Engagement Messages - sindroms - 08-01-2012

The rules say you need to give the enemy sufficient time to react, but unless you have timestamps enabled, you cannot prove the attack was made right after the engagement notice.

My only suggestion is to not sit still around hostiles. Thrust in circles if you have to.

Automated Engagement Messages - Hone - 08-01-2012

You say you understand it for military engagements, so what engagements are you actually talking about? Cos pirates get hit hard if they attack without giving traders time to pay.

Automated Engagement Messages - AeternusDoleo - 08-01-2012

I'm guessing this is about mercs/bountyhunters jumping on their targets, or similar. Gets a bit annoying with a /l1 /l2 pews, but that's what timestamps are for. From experience I also know waiting -too- long just ends up getting yourself ganged up on, so I can fully understand forcing the issue after some 10 seconds or so if there's no reply.

Automated Engagement Messages - Hone - 08-01-2012

I dont think you have to wait any time as a BH. In fact I dont see why you have to talk at all if theres a bounty on them, it ruins ambushes.

Automated Engagement Messages - Corsair - 08-02-2012

It's funny when RP gets in the way of rules.

Automated Engagement Messages - Jetro Willems - 08-02-2012

Remove the /setmsg command and all.

Automated Engagement Messages - dodike - 08-02-2012

Don't sit still while reading. Have a bunch of preset messages ready to talk back.

Automated Engagement Messages - Diomedes - 08-02-2012

Basically what has been said before: fly circles while you're typing, and keep timestamps on at all times. If there isn't time to react to the first RP message, than it is a sanctionable offense.

I understand why some people use presets (I have yet to use them). If I ever do use them, it won't be for an engagment notice but as a way for me to drop RP taunts etc. in a fight without getting shot to pieces.

That's the rulse bit.

Is /l1 *3s pause* shoot poor form? Yes, almost always imho. A preset message is almost never tailored just right for the situation and they really fall flat for me when I see them. In comparison, a one-liner typed at the instant just follows the prevailing tone better.

Now, none of that means we need lengthy dialgoue before obvious hostiles fight or anything along those lines. But RP is fun, even is just a single line. Plus, it makes for more fun witty remarks than anyone's /l1 ever could.

Automated Engagement Messages - SummerMcLovin - 08-02-2012

/setmsgs are useful for situations that you need to quickly get your point across such as calling out targets in brawls, or taunts as Diomedes suggested.
I use them on my BPA for getting people to stop quickly, then one for locking out base access and a warning if they seem to be attempting a getaway.
While they are no substitute for proper RP, they have their uses, and a combination of the two is the best way to balance that with convenience.