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Moderator Notice: Waratah suspended - Printable Version

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Moderator Notice: Waratah suspended - jammi - 12-13-2012

Account name: Waratah
Duration: 48h

Quote:1.3 Not allowed on Discovery forums:

- Posting abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, racist materials;
- Posting libel, defamatory, threatening materials and any law-violating materials;

1.4 Using bad language on forums is not allowed without any exceptions. Flaming, abusing, and insulting other members in any form, with or without a reason, is not allowed.

1.5 You troll you lose. Any alternative forum accounts used for trolling or other disruptive non-roleplaying purposes will be banned.

Comments: You've been across the desk of the moderation and admin teams so many times, it's beyond a joke. In light of the latest slew of forum conduct breaches, the mod team is giving you 48' to cool down while an official sentence is passed.

RE: Moderator Notice: Waratah suspended - Mimic - 12-13-2012

What have i done now, please show me what rule i have broken and where i broke it or do you just
make all this up to feel good about your selves.

RE: Moderator Notice: Waratah suspended - jammi - 12-14-2012

This reminds me to extend the ban to your network of alts. Thank you.

But for specifics - swearing at numerous people in PM, constant off topic and trolling, threats and insults. None of that is acceptable, and you've been banned for 6 months for the exact same behaviour before.

RE: Moderator Notice: Waratah suspended - fencore - 12-14-2012

The administration has chosen to levy a full forum and server ban indefinitely. Any attempt to circumvent will be met with the same result here.

In short, we're tired of you harassing our players.

Good day, sir.