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To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Printable Version

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To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Madvillain - 01-02-2013

[Image: Presidente-sad.gif]


Play with fuego and you might get hurt.
Right now I am the only person within the Council of Elders who has this footage.
And I have a whole lot more where that came from.
All I need to do is snap my fingers so this gets shared with the other elders , and hell will break loose.
Imagine the Economic devastation on your end when the empire denounces your status as business partner.

We do not need to go down this road.
Unlike popular belief I am a man of honour and reason.
What do you have to say for yourself?
How can you convince me to continue our business?
How can you convince me not to unleash infierno on your bold capitans?

Choose your words wisely señores,
there is a herd of young bulls in my garden waiting to go out on the streets.
And rumor has it that they eat Junker babies when they aren't fed properly.

With honour , dignity and pride.

Elder Juanez ''el Presidente'' Buonocore
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Hawk - 01-02-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I must say I am very surprised to hear this from you. I am surprised, because the author of these photographs has already contacted me. He is a rather wealthy and legitimate businessman in love with a woman living on Planet Malta. I must say I am very surprised to hear that you have such an intimate connection with such a person. I am surprised that this individual wants to create this kind of trouble. We of course do not want any trouble. I would much rather not create a big brouhaha that is going to turn many, many, people’s lives upside down.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Madvillain - 01-02-2013

[Image: Presidentolive_zps07d29fa5.gif]
*music plays in the background*

I am surprised too!
I thought you were a humanitarian ,
I thought you cared for our hungry people!
But you are dealing with the same people that try to enslave poor Corsairs with terrible drugs!
You are dealing in Cardamine you heartless chancho!

I am surprised that you are feeding a war that knows no end!
You are the reason the so called Malthese nation still flourishes ,
no matter how many brave Soldatos sacrifice their lives trying to kill off the drugtrade!
May santa muerte have mercy on your soul because the blood of the innocent sticks on your hands senor, while you claim to be a caballero!

I am most surprised that you have the audacity to question my sources,
even claiming to know them!
You don't know anything and are talking gibberish to ME , the great Elder Presidente , while I was reaching out a helping hand to what I thought was a good hombre with values.

I am most surprised that you think you can beat around the bush.
Well let me tell you something, your bush will go up in flames and will be reduced to ashes if you don't give me some straight answers right now señor Crow.

Nobody stabs Buonocore in the back!


Elder Juanez ''el Presidente'' Buonocore
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Hawk - 01-02-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Well, all I’ve really said is that only one person has claimed to be in possession of this information. Now you claim to as well. How can I not see a connection there? If, I am wrong you can certainly clear that up if you wish. I have dealt very severely with those responsible for this whole incident…….VERY SEVERELY. Now, what other straight answers can I give you, or should I just declare Corsair territory off limits to my people now?

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Hawk - 01-03-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

Honorable elder,
Let me say that I think this got off on the wrong foot. I do believe everything you are telling me. However, evidence has been given to me to make me believe otherwise. I am starting to believe that both you and I are being played here. Is there any chance we could meet on neutral ground and discuss this?

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Madvillain - 01-03-2013

[Image: Presidentolive_zps07d29fa5.gif]
*music plays in the background*

Señor Crow,

It seems we have finally reached the point of sensible discussion.
You are a daring hombre , to accuse me of having bad sources.
You are clearly in denial about what my issue is,
namely your men shipping cardamine and collaborating with Outcast dogs.
Still , consider my palazzo on planet Crete neutral ground.
Or don't and we are back to where we started off.
Muncho at stake here, muncho to lose.
The huevos are in your hands.
My advice is , do not break them.

So , do you dare to enter my casa,
and defend your people with the power of words?

Elder Juanez ''el Presidente'' Buonocore
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Hawk - 01-04-2013

****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified

[Image: 1236971360_x34ow-S.jpg]

I’ve been to Crete, I think I can do it again. I was never in denial about your issues, I know very well what they are. I don’t blame you a bit. Like I said, I don’t take disobedience lightly as I’m sure you don’t. Nor am I questioning your sources. I know full well where the information came from and most of what has been done with it since. That is what I think we should talk about. We are both being made into pawns for someone else’s agenda. Oh, I also have a little gift for you, but we’ll talk about that when I see you.

Crow Out

****End Transmission****

RE: To: Junkers Congress , Heavily encrypted. - Madvillain - 01-12-2013

[Image: Presidentolive_zps07d29fa5.gif]
*music plays in the background*

I will tell you this señor Crow.

I am muy curious to hear you out.
I will be awaiting your arrival at my palazzo.
This gift you speak off,
it better be good.

Elder Juanez ''el Presidente'' Buonocore
The Corsair Brotherhood.

[Image: tbhsmall_zps6799ed6f.png]