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To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - Printable Version

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To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-08-2013

[Image: snaket14.gif]

Here speaks STHC Leader Barbaros.

Greetings, my Red Hessian friends! We have a situation here... A new member joined us from the Rheinland Space. We noticed that he had a Pirate Cruiser "Hel" on him. We couldn't allow this and wanted that he's gonna either bring that Ship back or ask the Red Hessians to allow him fly this Ship. Well easy said, when our Recruit heard this, he begged us to ask them. Since your Pirate Cruiser is an earlier type vessel and how this describtion explains, that type of ship can't be compared to your newer type vessel the "Vidar":

"The Hel cruiser is an early Red Hessian capital ship project that has since been superseded by newer and more effective ship designs inspired by the war with the Corsairs. Most Hel class cruisers in existence spend their days moored to a Red Hessian station as a last ditch defence effort in case of a hostile attack. Others are sold or given to other groups allied to the Red Hessians as "gifts" or bargaining pieces. A few are even left simply floating in space despite being only lightly damaged. Deemed not worthwhile to expend resources to repair them, they simply wait for another determined group to haul them off and restore them to service."

If it's possible to keep that Vessel in our unit, we would be very gratefull! With this suggestions, we also would like to have an Alliance between our Factions! If you'd share the honor, that would be very much appreciated... Thanks, Barbaros out-

RE: To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - Schwarzengel - 01-08-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Brigadegeneral Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

You actually tried asking our permission before using that vessel, unlike those lowlifes who come in, trying to steal a ship of that class and size right from under our nose and think we wouldn't notice. You need to get some credit for that.

However, first things first. Our database has no records of neither your 'rekrut', nor your group. So before even entering a discussion regarding that vessel, what we want to know is who you are, and what's your ground within the current diplomacy in space. I don't want to read a full backstory on your group and it's past activities. That's something our operatives can look into, and they're good at that, trust me. So keep it brief, and keep it accurate. We want to know who you are, whose side are you fighting for, and what you do, as you seem to be some sort of fresh group, otherwise we would've already heard of you.

Then, what you need to tell us is who this 'rekrut' of yours is, and how he managed to get his hands on a Hel to begin with. Who he is, where he has come from, what he has done, and why he wishes to join you instead of fighting for the volksrevolution are the things you need to tell us, so we can start discussing the status of this ship you're requesting.

Keep in mind, brief and accurate is what I'm expecting from you. No pointless chatter about the cookies your grandmother used to make for you when you were a kid, or any nonsense on that level.

Brigadegeneral Dresner over & out.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-08-2013


Leader Barbaros here,
Thank you very much for the quick reply. I'm gonna upload our Data so you can read our Story...


Downloading Files....
Files downloaded.

About our Recruit... Actually they are two... One is "Peter Müller" and the other one is called "Halil Tokmak". 2 Citizen of Rheinland who fled from the Rheinland government during Nomad War... Ever since they've been pirating Traders around Rheinland Space to stay alive. They told me that they last found themselfs in Red Hessian space where they saw left overs of Cruisers and Battleships from Battle. Their own ship was already in bad shape so they tried their luck on one of those Capital Ships and "siehe da" one of the Cruisers actually worked! First they wanted to sell it to the Bundschuh to get a new stable Ship, but than they were scared that they'd destroy them. It was a desperate time for them... After a while they found us and explained me the situation they're in now. Anyway the Vessel is still damaged so he just managed to fix the Engines and the Turrets. The Red Hessian Turrets energy turned into Basic Turrets due lacking on Power because of the damage. They named the Cruiser after "PiriReis". We're waiting for your answer, Barbaros out-

RE: To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-09-2013


RE: To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - Schwarzengel - 01-11-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Brigadegeneral Friedrich Dresner - RHA SOA]

After a long consideration of your request among the members of revolutionary council, we still fail to see even one reason to grant you permission to use said vessel. Your group is not associated with, or even had any contact with neither the Red Hessian Army nor any other organization flying under the flag of Volksrevolution, and thus, we will not be trusting you with one of our vessels - No matter how badly damaged or even nonfunctional it may be, as we would not want to be held responsible for your actions anytime in near future, in case you ever try to overstep your boundaries.

However, as your group seems to be nothing but a miserable group of worthless scum who resort to salvaging ships and equipments off battlefields to make it through the day, we've decided it's not worth the effort to look into which exact one of our decommissioned vessel you're flying and which self-destruct codes would we need to put in effect to get rid of that vessel - If the ship even is in a good enough shape to respond to the code entry, that is -. So let's just say, we will be ignoring your sorry existence for now, as you most probably won't be able to even keep that ship running for much longer, because if the ship was still in an actual flyable condition we would've towed it back to our shipyard for maintenance long before you got there.

But be forewarned - If we receive even the slightest hint of said vessel getting to be put into use in any matter which might prove against the interests of Red Hessian Army or any of our allies, we can and we will get rid of that ship before you even get the chance to beg us for mercy, so use your piece of junk wisely while it lasts.

Brigadegeneral Dresner over & out.

[Transmission Terminated]

RE: To: Red Hessian Army [RHA] - SnakeLancerHaven - 01-11-2013

Leader Barbaros here

We appreciate your agreement... However I would've wished that our Factions would understand each other well...

-Transmission terminated-