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Travel Permit: Daumann Heavy Construction. [DHC Only] - Printable Version

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Travel Permit: Daumann Heavy Construction. [DHC Only] - Tabris - 01-12-2013

IDENTIFICATION: Direktor Herman Voss
SUBJECT: Travel Papers

[Image: WurrflerOfficer.jpg]

"These Papers entitle the Corporation: Daumann Heavy Construction, to travel and trade within the Systems of Bering and Hudson on the condition that there are to be no dealing with corporations belonging to the Republic of Liberty.

They are to use these papers for the purpose of completing their contractual obligations to those they are under contract to deal with. However these papers do not permit them to carry goods past these systems into Libertonian Space unless overridden by the Bundestag.

These Papers may be revoked at any time by the Bundestag should Daumann Heavy Construction violate their terms of agreement and other sanctions made against the corporation may follow depending on the severity of the crime.


Direktor of the Buro Der Marineintelligenz, Herman Voss"

RE: Travel Permit: Daumann Heavy Construction. [DHC Only] - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-12-2013

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: 8YStl.png]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Ericka Sprew, Legal department.

Direktor Voss,

danke fur it, what's obvious for one law enforcement officer isn't for other. Naturlich Daumann doesn't support Libertonian agressors, yet events of the last night at Hamburg's orbit were dangerous incident.

Polizei cruiser threatening to destroy Daumann transport is something what we will never let go away unpunished. If not your personal intervention, Fahrlader would be destroyed, as shield already was under fire und almost offline.

Really, I cannot imagine why Polizei wants to break very profitable contract for delivery of Holstein Fertilizers to Zoners of Freeport 2, but Daumann certainly observes Polzei's actions in the recent months with growing anxiety. Illogical decisions, unadequate severe fines and penalties, zis all creates atmosphere of distrust to our law enforcement forces und deters traders from Rheinland.

I must prepare transmissions to Militar, Polizei und again to Buro itself with exact report what happened, but once again, on behalf of Board of Directors and crew of Fahrlader I thank you for fast response and intervetion which probably saved our vessel.

Ericka Sprew, DHC Legal Department

===Transmission Terminated===