Sirius was happy, but the nightmare is back: the worst has come into force: Shaulancas Shadow returns!
Shaulancas Shadow appeared for some years ago in Sirius and killed thousand of people. Manuel Smith was the pilot, but who controls the Shadow Claymore now? It's unknown, but it must be someone of the fallen Shaulanca Fleet who wants to get the final revenge. After the fall of the Shaulanca Fleet most of survived knights just joined Shaulanca battleships crew. Some of them joined other criminal organisations in sirius, but one of them has just taken the Claymore Gunboat ''Shaulancas Shadow'' and takes matters into his own hands.
Whoever he is, but he has sworn to fight for his old leader Manuel Smith and he decided to support the Sirian Vanguard, a small terrorist organisation with the goal to ''release sirius'' and to ''safe people''.