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Sub Forums:

  1. Lore
    1. CNS & Beats
    2. The Vault
    3. Stories
      1. Story Submissions
    4. The Library
      1. Library Submissions
  2. Stories and Biographies
    1. Watering Holes
    2. RP Stories Feedback Forum
  3. Communication Channel
    1. Sirius News and Commerce
  4. Bounty Offices
    1. Contract Boards
    2. One-Time Contracts
    3. Bounty Board Registrations
    4. Bounty Archive
  5. Player Owned Bases
  6. Official Player Factions
    1. Official Faction Leader List
    2. Gallia
      1. Government of House Gallia
        1. Permits & Licenses
      2. Gallic Navy Combined Fleet
        1. Gendarmerie
        2. Archive
        3. Security Bureau
      3. Unione Corse
        1. Government of Provence
        2. Spulsione Squadron
      4. Gallic National Intelligence
        1. Communication Database
    3. Bretonia
      1. Bretonian Government Channel
      2. BAF|
        1. Archive
      3. BMF-
      4. Bowex)
        1. Archive
      5. RPA|
    4. Kusari
      1. Kusari Government Channel
      2. GC-
        1. Kinkaku-ji
        2. Central Database
        3. Command Center
        4. Projects
      3. [TSK] True Sons of Kusari
      4. [KNF]
        1. Experimental Module Yokosuka
        2. Faction Regulation
        3. KNF Special Divisions
        4. Archives
      5. Samura|-
    5. Liberty
      1. Liberty Government Channel
        1. License Requisition Center
      2. Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
        1. Archive
        2. Fleet Divisions
        3. Fleet Headquarters
        4. Projects & Events
        5. Springfield Station
      3. [LN]
        1. Archive
      4. Ageira~ Ageira Innovations
      5. AWES-
      6. XA-
    6. Rheinland
      1. Rheinland Government Channel
        1. Archive
      2. [RM]
        1. Archiv
        2. Rheinwehr Geheimdienst
      3. {DHC}
      4. (=) The Platform
        1. Paramilitary command
        2. Bundschuh Internal Neural-Net
        3. Research and Intelligence
      5. BDM|
        1. Abteilung für Grenzwissenschaften
        2. Personnel files
        3. AESIR
      6. Kruger|
        1. Archiv
      7. Die Rote Front
    7. Edge Worlds
      1. Deterrence
        1. Archive
        2. Internal Affairs and Intelligence
      2. Sirius Coalition
        1. Archive
      3. (\^/) Phoenix
        1. Archive
      4. HS> Malta Hyperspace Starfleet
        1. Data Archive
        2. Research & Development
        3. Fleet Intelligence
      5. [TBH]
        1. Brotherhood Neural Net Archives
          1. OOC Files
      6. Order|
        1. Wedjat
        2. Black Fleet
        3. Order Science Division
        4. Archive
      7. OSI-
        1. Archive
        2. Nichols Upgrade Project
    8. Inter-House
      1. GMG|
        1. Ship Registry
      2. Bristol Constructions & Manufacturing
        1. Archive
      3. Orbital Spa and Cruise
        1. Captain Profiles
        2. Ship Profiles
        3. Division Profiles
        4. Publications
      4. '\S/' Starfliers
        1. Research Liner Sol
          1. Research Reports Server
            1. Completed Projects
          2. Cartography and Expedition Server
          3. Space Racing Server
        2. Stories & Logs
        3. Operations Guides
        4. Archived Data
      5. Aegis Initiative
      6. A/)- Technocracy of Auxo
        1. Research and Development
          1. Commissions
          2. Expeditionary Division
          3. Shared Research
        2. Personnel Database
        3. Military Arm
        4. Affiliates Network
        5. Suspects Database
        6. Archive
        7. Intel Database
      7. =CR=
        1. Crayter Government
        2. Crayter Intelligence Service
        3. Crayter Industries
        4. Crayter Military
        5. Archive
      8. IMG|
        1. Guild guidelines
        2. IMG membership/recruitment
        3. IMG Assembly
        4. IMG prospecting/surveying database
      9. .:j:.
        1. Archives
      10. Med Force Enterprises
        1. Med Force Enterprises Company Network
        2. Med Force Enterprises Recruitment
        3. Med Force Enterprises Bases
          1. MFE General and Research Baffin
          2. MFE General Academy Theta
          3. MFE Hospital Omega
        4. Med Force Enterprises OoRP
    9. Nomads
      1. Slomon K'Hara
        1. Morph Logs
        2. Archive
      2. The Nomad Vagrants
        1. The Nomad Vagrants — Character Profiles
        2. Cauldron
      3. The Void Faes
        1. Die Nebel Division
        2. Research Array
        3. Important Information
      4. Die Wilde Jagd
  7. Unofficial Factions and Groups