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Full Version: Best way for a Bounty Hunter to RP?
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Lately I started a new Bounty Hunter independent. My goal was to break the trend that Bounty Hunters don't RP or just blast criminals away without saying a word. I have built up my rep and ship to what I believe is Hunter correct. A Manta with 2 Imp. Debilitators and 4 Buckshots. Reputation and ID to BHG.

When it comes to RP I announce when I have a bounty mission (NPC's) and if any criminals come into view I don't engage unless I am paid to. But if I get attacked, I fire back. Hunter style. Just blowing a criminal into dust has little to no profit. Unless I get paid to by lawfuls or traders, I do not engage any criminals first.

Right now I am thinking of saving for a gunboat, but that is going to take ages since I've never been great at gaining money outside of trading.

At the moment I have written a big wall of text, but if you want to read up on it, go here: Slater bio

Would you say this is a good way for a Hunter to RP? Or is it a misguided way of hunting?
' Wrote:Lately I started a new Bounty Hunter independent. My goal was to break the trend that Bounty Hunters don't RP or just blast criminals away without saying a word. I have built up my rep and ship to what I believe is Hunter correct. A Manta with 2 Imp. Debilitators and 4 Buckshots. Reputation and ID to BHG.

When it comes to RP I announce when I have a bounty mission (NPC's) and if any criminals come into view I don't engage unless I am paid to. But if I get attacked, I fire back. Hunter style. Just blowing a criminal into dust has little to no profit. Unless I get paid to by lawfuls or traders, I do not engage any criminals first.

Right now I am thinking of saving for a gunboat, but that is going to take ages since I've never been great at gaining money outside of trading.

At the moment I have written a big wall of text, but if you want to read up on it, go here: Slater bio

Would you say this is a good way for a Hunter to RP? Or is it a misguided way of hunting?

yes thats a very good way to rp stick with it
No, that's solid. I've read the bio and the self-imposed code. I wish more hunters played that way. It makes no sense to go after criminals if there is no pay cheque. I often PM or announce that Im not interested in people and we generally try to agree to a certain temporary truce, for want fo a better word.
The only KOS you can justify is Order if youre out in the Nomads as there is a state of war: after some RP obviously but if they want to, for example, shoot up Westpoint and you, then nail 'em good and solid.
Of course if there's someone fires at you first, return fire.
That's how I try to do it, and that's how I encourage people to do it. The rep of BHers is pretty poor all round but your exapmple is one way to lift it, so keep it going. The lawfuls are still wary of us, understandably so.
Some finer points: you have a lot of power as a BH: limit it: you can scan people for contraband if you want; maybe get authorisation from lawful factions to do it in their zone. Limit your jurisdiction. Check out There is a lot of interesting stuff about this topic.
And yeah the bigger ships are a ways down the line; I keep our one for the Omicrons for now.
The BH bomber is a great ship; well worth considering. Beautifully designed, handles well, mounts more fighter weapons than any other.
Well if you're doing proper RP then you should be shooting any hostile target. There's usually a contract with one of the houses that will pay you for whoever you take out. Besides, the BHG is all about preservation. There's a fairly good chance that the pirate will shoot first, so why wait?
Never forget that not all bounties come from player characters. There's a reason the houses have mission boards.
I like the RP. I have been playing pretty much the same way in my BH Desi as of late.
HEHE i even sat at manhattin last night while 4 pirate's ran amoke in NY. Killed off 4BC's/cruiser's and some fighter's. And since liberty will not payout a bounty to anything bigger then a GB? well i will continue to ignore said pirate's, unless my price is met.
Dopamino has a good point about the missions; when I started playing and I saw "may not fulfill bounty contracts" I assumed that meant only BH and mercs and FLers could do the missions on bases. Now they are simply for repfixing BUT I do them if nothing is happening and RP it too, with the NPC's. It's a little weird, but fun.
' Wrote:Dopamino has a good point about the missions; when I started playing and I saw "may not fulfill bounty contracts" I assumed that meant only BH and mercs and FLers could do the missions on bases. Now they are simply for repfixing BUT I do them if nothing is happening and RP it too, with the NPC's. It's a little weird, but fun.
This is what I am doing of late, I take missions in bars to earn some money, I have yet to be hired for a big bounty yet.:angry:
That's because no one really puts bounties out anymore. Most of your time as a BHG member will be spent escorting traders, doing missions, killing NPC's, and occasionally engaging a PC pirate.