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Full Version: Mining Mod in .87: Collection & Feedback
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We tested mining stuff, even though we could not find out whether the system is already valid or whether the values we found are just wrong.

What we did: get the ore, check "trade routes" on a ship that has good map, then check. We only noted the high price selling points because no one will use the others anyway. The prices match the 4.87 prices.cfg values, so I guess it could be true.

Sorry for only checking the ore types that my faction is interested in. Smile I will gladly add your information here, if you tell me, so we get a nice overview.

  • Denver: 9383
  • Berlin: 9342
  • Narita: 4320
  • Waterloo: 3888

  • Cali Minor: 9719
  • Montbrison: 9315
  • Roppongi: 9241
  • Canterbury: 4590

GOLD (Dublin):
  • New Paris: 9989
  • Roppongi: 9899
  • New Berlin: 9895
  • Pitsburg: 8039

  • Denver: 9935
  • Montbrison: 9832
  • Narita: 7655
  • Scarborough: 5344

  • Denver: 9944
  • Narita: 7825
  • Scarborough: 5175
  • Montbrison: 9522

BERYLLIUM (Cambridge):
  • Dortmund: 8222
  • Pittburgh: 7772
  • Narita: 4408
Gallic Selling Point: Silver ore

Gallic selling points are quite a bit further to go, but the ore does not sell for more there.

SILVER: (from O7)
Montbrison: 9315 (9 jumps)
Roppongi: 9241 (6 jumps)
A lot of these pass through Bretonia.
can you find iridium , helium , hydrocarbons and aluminium ? And worth fo survey is are thee some independent fields and less mined locations of known ores
Find the "prices.cfg" file in your .87 directories. Open it with Wordpad or another text editor. It has all the ore prices.
If I am right, those prices in the file, and even the mining settings (location, droprate, etc) are overwritten by the server settings. I mean, when the ore prices were changed in the past to boost mining and trading in a certain area, my client did not download an update file, so the prices were changed on the server side. And even Companion, which reads client files for its prices and etc, did not show the changes, and it shows the original mining settings. So don't trust the values you read from files on your machine.
Im wondering where the Mollys could sell their Gold ore....
New Paris
Gold prices on New Paris should be more. What's the point of taking a Gallic or Gallic affiliated miner all the way to Dublin and risk getting attacked just to grab some gold that you could just as easily take back to Kusari (on a shorter run) and sell for the same?

If you want people to bother taking Gold ore to New Paris...make it sell for 10.5-11k at least.
The mining mod is still offline. I really think that the prices will be adjusted and fixed when it comes back online, as people will see where and what can be mined, and devs can adjust sell points and prices accordingly.

Was mining turned on with update 3?

(09-27-2013, 04:10 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: [ -> ]Im wondering where the Mollys could sell their Gold ore....

I heard rumors/plans that unlawfuls will be able to sell ore at ~half of max. price on unlawful bases, to promote cargo piracy. I don't really know whether this will be implemented.