Discovery Gaming Community

Full Version: Resize animated gif...perhaps combine 2?
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I was looking around for a new avatar, and I found one that I liked a lot. Problem is that it is far too big.

Here is the image I am talking about.

[Image: mordecaioutfits_zps2bc1bbdf.gif]

I am wondering if someone can do me a favor and resize the image to be 100 or 120 pixels wide and preserve the image quality (forum auto resizing animated gifs, not sure if that would work very well), the frame change speed, and the size ratio so the thing is not warped.

If someone here can manage to do that, that would be appreciated.

And here is an alternative project if someone is feeling ambitious.
If you could do what I said above, but additionally if you could resize this gif's frames and have them alternate between each other... I mean a frame of Mordecai then a frame of Rigby, alternating back and forth as they cycle through the different costumes. This of course keeps with the previously asked for things like the size, keeping the proper ratio and change speed.

[Image: 1325211032653.gif]

So yeah if anyone here has the software and the knowhow to do that, that would be pretty sweet.
Have you tried Paint?

[Image: output_b_S9h7_T.gif]

Just kidding...

EDIT: Just noticed the speed... here's a better one:

[Image: output_WVNu_Oo.gif]
That is nice work, Walker, but Kazinsal just wrapped this one... awesome job by the way, Kazinsal, thanks a bunch. I owe you one.
Postin' it here as well, even though I've already posted it in the moderator chat.

[Image: pvFNjwY.gif]

EDIT: Sneaky ninja, you. Anytime.
What program do you use to resize/make/edit/or merge gifs?
Photoshop CS6.