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Full Version: Loan Request?
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Hi guys,

Sorry I wasn't sure where to put this thread - given the fact that the sub-forums of the marketplace pertain only to ships and equipment...

At any rate, I've gotten back into Discovery Mod after around a year's hiatus (I used to roll as Roberto Benitez) and I wanted to get set up all over again.

This time I figured my main piggy bank would be a Junker Cardamine smuggler in a Junker Salvage Frigate. I used to use a Pilgrim to smuggle artefacts when I last played. My character is named Max_Schroeder

At any rate, I've current set myself up with that /restart command that gives me a transport and I've been doing Cardamine runs that net me a few million a pop. I'm hoping I might be able to get a loan off another player that'll let me get my hands on the Salvager Frigate (and treble my income per run); thataway I spend less time grinding.

Anyhoo, I'm not hugely experienced with borrowing money; the money I raised to pay off my Pilgrim when I last played was given to me by a nice player and I just paid him back in full when I was able. Suffice to say, though, I do not expect generosity and would be happy to agree to whatever repayment timespan/interest people might demand of me.

Looking forward to getting some responses and getting back into the game! Smile Thanks for reading.
How much do you need and on what's the name of the character?
I like Corsairs.

How much you need and for how long? (no interest or w/e)
Oh wow that was a crucial detail to miss eh? :p

Well the Salvage Frigate sells for 107,000 and I've 6,000,000 at the moment. I don't mind taking out multiple loans or just one from a very generous soul. So I guess the ideal amount is 101,000,000. But as that's a pretty darn large amount I'll settle for anything that'll just help me along my way to that; I can always do some more runs in my standard transport; I think I net about 9 mil a run atm (only done one once as a test run).
I'll send you the money if you give me an exact account name.
(10-19-2013, 04:51 PM)Scumbag Wrote: [ -> ]I'll send you the money if you give me an exact account name.

That's very kind of you! Do you mean the character name? (Max_Schroeder) or is there some kind of pin/ID associated to my wider account as a whole?
I mean the exact ingame name of your ship. So that i know where to /givecash
Don't give your pin/ID out lol. I assume you don't use FLAM (Freelancer Account Manager) but it could show those, and you don't want to share those. As someone could take all your ships and whatnot. No fun. Good luck on the loan, buddy. Also, feel free to PM me if you wanna set up some RP or something. I'm sure we could have some fun.

2nd thought, I'll just PM you so I can go play and not watch the messages ;D
Ahh I see! Yeah the exact name of the ship at the moment is Max_Schroeder; I will of course change my name to that of my Salvage Frigate once I get it, but I didn't think it was worth me using a ship name for a Transport!

I'm online at the moment if any of you want to chat ingame Smile

And yeah glassofwater I do use FAM; but righto - I shan't be so liberal in offering my details out Tongue

Sure, go for it Smile I'd love to try out some Piracy/Group Mining... or just a smuggle run. Company's always good!
(10-19-2013, 07:19 PM)Henners91 Wrote: [ -> ]And yeah glassofwater I do use FAM; but righto - I shan't be so liberal in offering my details out Tongue

Sure, go for it Smile I'd love to try out some Piracy/Group Mining... or just a smuggle run. Company's always good!

I'd only trust admins with that info. Jus' saying. And that'd be some very specific situations.

I PM'd you buddy Wink Sent you my Skype info there.
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