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I would like to try something new, what could rise up the gaian activity on the server. Its just a personal thought, but I'm well interested in others opinions, since there are a lot of you, who know more than me about the faction and roleplaying here.


Quote:After the gaul invasion have arrived into Edinburgh, there were multiple groups who tried to use the situation to force the breton forces to leave their stations and planet Gaia. The Gallic Royal Navy was too strong and the gaian forces had to retreat. They had to sign a Non Agression Pact with the King of Gallia, and leave their beloved planet alone.

Their base in Edinburg was the very last chance to keep an eye on planet Gaia, but since they felt on their knees before the gaul forces, there is no real chance to change anything, just sit in the shadow and keep quiet.

There were others in the gaian forces who didnt want to retreat and who name the Non Agression Pact as an Execution Note. They didnt want to drop their guns and tried to damage the gaul supply lines. Since their leaders drop their arms on the floor, these brave heroes were nothing, just a problem in their eyes. To solve the problem and to show themselves in the right mood for the gallian forces, they named these heroes as traitors, who went mad and must be executed.

Since these pilots expelled from the gaian society, they had to retreat from the battlefield. Without any kind of supplies and base for the operations, they left Mother Gaia alone. They had to escape somehow when a great man have arrived from a far space to help them. He had no name, just a book what contained the ancient prophecies of Jabox, the very first gaian high priest at the early era.

Jabox knew everything, he predicted the gaul invasion and the fallen of the gaian leaders. He told everything about these dark days and about the some, who wont give up the fight. He had the secret what could solve this problem and the great prophet who arrived offered his help to these brave heroes.

The solution isnt simple, since Jabox predicted a new race, a new gaian race what will overrule both the gaul and breton forces and finally force them to retreat from Edinburgh and make Mother Gaia is the center of a new world where gaians could live peacefully. This new race will rise as soon as they get the ancient artifact what must be hidden somewhere not far from Bretonia.

Jabox was the very first prophet who got this ancient artifact what gave him infinite power and knowledge. Ha started to research this artifact what made him stronger and stronger while finally he reached the immortality.

Jabox wanted to use his power to make a indestructable shield around Mother Gaia, but he made a mistake, since he was still a human. When he was on planet Gaia, he had met with something there what confused his ceremony. There are nothing in his prophecies about this meeting, but after that he and his knowledge lost with the chance to protect planet Gaia from the bretonian intruders.

The ancient tales says something about an unknown power what came from the artifact and imbibed Jabox and his knowledge. His followers found a book what contained his prophecies and the ancient artifact at the rutial chamber. To prevent further disaster they took those to somewhere and they didnt tell the location for anybody.

Now, an unkown man have arrived to help those gaian heroes who couldnt give up. They must search the ancient artifact by the old prophecies of Jabox and force the intruders to leave Mother Gaia and Edingburh system alone.

They must finish what Jabox have started once.


Searching for the ancient artifact what could be somewhere near at Skye base, since that was the last location of it.
Prepare the destruction of the Edinburgh – Leeds jump gate.
Stay hidden and prepare to force the gaul forces from Edinburgh system.
Hunt down as much enemies of the gaians as they can.
Collect more and more founds to prepare the return of Jabox

Thank you
The "Ancient Artifact" will get you conflicted into war status with The Order pretty quick given you also want to do various advanced stuff with it.
(10-24-2013, 01:47 PM)Omicron Wrote: [ -> ]The "Ancient Artifact" will get you conflicted into war status with The Order pretty quick given you also want to do various advanced stuff with it.

More war, more fun.

But seriously, thats what I want to do. It could be something like the HF was in Liberty. This idea based on terrorism and fanatism.
I still believe that the biggest wrongdoing that can happen to gaians is making a group that doesn't try to add some common sense and reason to gaian activities, but puffing up the Marburgish gaians with generally irrational means.

Though, is the faction going to reach its goals in the distant future, especially, artifact-related?
The Gaians are a radical group, established as a grass roots organization opposed to altering of natural environment brought through terraforming or uncontrolled industrialization. With ecological issues being fundamental for modern Bretonia, Gaian ideas gained considerable public support among intellectuals from Cambridge as well as the working class on Leeds. Despite rumors of cooperation between Gaian terrorist cells and the Kusari Naval Forces during the Tau Conflict, support for their goals continues. Drastic changes to the political map of Bretonia and surrounding space with the advance of Gallic Royal Navy has changed the Gaians alliegences. Gaians now spread their focus beyond Bretonia, allying themselves with unlawful groups who have grievances against corporations involved with terraforming, or dominance in agriculture across Sirius.

450 Bretonia charters Planetform.
690 Edinburgh tourism begins; Cambridge scientists become concerned about potential for ecological damage to Gaia.
740 Cobalt discovered on Gaia. BMM's attempts to get mining permission lead to founding of the Gaian movement.
752 Planetform, Inc. initiates first stage Ayr terraforming.
820 Theoretical completion of Planet Harris terraforming
840 Estimated completion of the California Minor terraforming. The original projections for terraforming time were on the order of 400 years, but alien organisms have accelerated the process over four-fold.

Islay Base Edinburgh
Soon after tourists began to arrive in Edinburgh in 690 AS, Cambridge scientists voiced their concern over the enormous ecological damage that even the most regulated visits could inflict on the planet. Almost from birth Cambridgers had drilled into them the stories of how New London and Leeds were blighted, so they tended to be very environmentally sensitive. A few of the younger and more militant scientists studying Planet Gaia actually went so far as to begin a campaign to sabotage tourist transports in an effort to discourage visits, but with little effect.
Once Cobalt was discovered on Gaia in 740, BMM began to make noises in New London about the need to establish a mining base there. What had been a quiet, bloodless campaign of active resistance blossomed into full-fledged conflict. Graffiti with slogans such as "GAIA WILL NOT BLEED" was spotted soon after. The eco-terrorist movement had begun.
Eventually any plans to mine the surface of Gaia were dropped -- mostly out of fear that it might cut into the burgeoning tourist industry -- but the Gaians had already broadened their horizons by an influx of radical elements from Cambridge who sought a ban on terraforming technologies. Planetform, Inc. was the natural target. What emerged was a militant terrorist group philosophically opposed to the exploitation of planets, and terraforming in particular. The group enjoyed considerable popular support on Cambridge, funded by the efforts of the legitimate arm of the Gaians called the Green Front.
While the Gaians and the eco-terrorist movement as a whole have made little progress outside of Bretonian space, Green Front propaganda is a common sight in Bretonia. Green Front commentators are often present on the news, and unlike the Mollys, a certain amount of tolerance for them exists in the government from those disinclined to antagonize their Cambridge connections. Over the years, the movement has broadened considerably until the majority of its sympathizers are environmentally conscious individuals from throughout Bretonia.
The sole Gaian base in Edinburgh lies deep within the Islay Ice Cloud at the northeastern edge of the system. With the invasion of the Gallic Navy and the subsequent withdrawal of Planetform and the Bretonian Armed Forces from the system, activity at the Gaian base has decreased significantly.

Skye Base
Concealed deep within the Northumberland Ice Cloud, Skye Base was constructed by the Gaians as a base to help expand their movement, especially in trying to prevent the exploitation of the planet Carlisle. Being the second Gaian base ever to be constructed, it is quite small, but big enough for its main purpose of refuelling and restocking raiders on their way to disrupt traffic throughout Newcastle, and repairing those which return.

Sandur Base Faroe
Sandur is one of the very few space stations in Sirius that have a larger population than its namesake on ancient Earth. In 2100 A.D., the village of Sandur on Faroe islands had no more than 2100 settlers. Sandur Base in the Faroe system had 3412 inhabitants as of the end of 817 A.S. This makes Sandur the largest Gaian base ever built, housing the majority of the existing Gaian population. The base was built around 790 A.S. by a group of Gaian engineers in co-operation with some members of the Independent Miners Guild. These miners are the only people, except for the Gaians themselves, that are aware of Faroe's existence.

Sandur was built utlizing the latest existing technologies of building asteroid bases. It has an efficient and reliable thermonuclear power reactor with several supplementary power sources. The facility also utilizes state-of-the-art water conservation facilities and an efficient thermal conversion system that prevents the station's heating from damaging the structure of the surrounding asteroid. Sandur does not feature any luxurious amenities for its inhabitants, and most supplies are distributed on the basis of necessity . Living quarters for the settlers are quite small in size, designed to utilize minimal required space. However, most Gaians who currently inhabit Sandur used to live in much worse conditions on Islay and elsewhere prior to moving to their new home in Faroe.

Holmfirth Base Manchester
Constructed in 807 A.S. after Planetform announced their intention to begin the terraforming of planet Wight, Holmfirth base is quite a large ice asteroid that has been hollowed out by the Gaians to serve as their main base of operations for the Manchester system, and contains a sizeable population of pilots, mechanics, engineers and even the occasional Corsair.

Glendale Depot Lewis
The first Bretonian-made space station to be captured in the push towards Edinburgh, the Gaian outpost Glendale has been converted into a forward supply depot. Fuel reserves, troops and spare parts arrive here to keep the Gallic ships on the front in working order. With the capture of Leeds, most supplies are now coming in via the Tau jump gates. As a result, Glendale has become less important to the Gallic Navy.

This is the lore that should govern the Gaian movement, they are scientists. I don't agree with what you want to do.

Summer had a good idea for them to work as privateers for Gallia and atack the supply routes between Liberty and Bretonia. Thet can now go to California.
Sorry Wraga your idea for the Gaians is way off base, they are eco-terrorists not cultists, mystic prophets and magical artefacts is probably more suited to Nomad worship. Scum's post outlines the Gaian lore quite nicely

However I imagine the more militant of the Gaian following would refuse to give up, more likely they would break away and form a more aggressive group aimed at retaking Gaia by disrupting Gallic operations, supply ships, miners and the like perhaps daring to strike inside Gallia itself.
Thanks for the feedback guys
I like the idea of destroying the Edin - Leeds jump gate.

And maybe they should try to build a shield around Gaia, They could have taken that idea from the nomad instalation in Newcastle. They already buy artefacts from the Corsairs so they might be studying them.

If they make that deal with the Gauls they could be free to complete their plans and have enough resources from the pirating activity. It would mean a more close relation to the corsarirs and war with the Order.
(10-24-2013, 03:25 PM)Scumbag Wrote: [ -> ]I like the idea of destroying the Edin - Leeds jump gate.

And maybe they should try to build a shield around Gaia, They could have taken that idea from the nomad instalation in Newcastle. They already buy artefacts from the Corsairs so they might be studying them.

If they make that deal with the Gauls they could be free to complete their plans and have enough resources from the pirating activity. It would mean a more close relation to the corsarirs and war with the Order.

Sounds reasonable. It something like I wanted to do as a gaian. Maybe the cultist side not the best choice, since they were scientists once, but I dont think that the terrorism, fanatism are things what couldnt fit with the gaian roleplay.
Maybe it is not terrorism and fanatism that drives the gaians to violence but pure desperation?
A plot line might be that their scientists believe they found a way to protect gaia or revert it (or other planets!) back to its original, untouched paradise - self ....BUT it jsut takes a little bit more time...time they believe they have to buy with whatever means possible pefore the vile corporations and houses can ruin the planet to an irreversible form or steal and corrupt said research.
Thus, desperation makes them hamper all trade and leads them to assault teh lanes and the gates....very rough scheme of motivation, but i am sure one could expand and streamline it more....
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