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Full Version: You know what would be damn cool? 8| If Rogues had a LF
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The line always had a SHF, it was the Werewolf, which was capable of mounting a fighter torp and a CD at the same tie. The only ship we did not have was a VHF.

And agreed, the Hyena was way too large for a LF, but it also had more sturdiness. With the addition of a torp slot in the previous mod version, it was almost perfect. The ship was changed BEFORE the new LF guns were added. If we had known that, it could have remained as a LF with five class 6 guns.
My end point was that HFs are a shiptype which are almost never flown. Rogues and Mollies lacked a VHF and were forced to use a Greyhound, but they always had sabres and eagles as a backup. Now we have a VHF, cool, but why couldn't we have left the HF slot open and left the 'Yena where it was?
Oh right. Brids go chirp, cows go moo, Spazzy whines about Rogues.
The way I see it it is np to have Hyena as HF. Only new LF model is needed so LF could be added to the line.
I wonder if that is possible to be done before we end the beta.

*Looks at Massdriver intently*
The Bloodhound/Hyena is even bigger than most VHFs...imo could be made into a VHF without any problems even, since I agree that most HFs are rather pointless...

And yes, they need a decently small LF that fits the line. But they also need a decent VHF...the Greyhound is ... let's just say ... "lacking".
Grass grows, sun shines, birds fly, and sindroms?
Whines about rogue ships.

I do agree that there seems to just be too many VHFs+
and that noone ever seems to fly HFs (because let's face it, if you're going to be beefier than an LF, and just as slow as a vhf, might as well get the big one.... unless it's a marauder, that ship is b-e-a-utiful... but that's digression).

So yeah, why did this happen?
After all the talk in 86 about role of each class of fighters like speed difference, Size especially for the HF...all that came out is some OP lf guns.
(off.topic yep)
(11-09-2013, 03:44 PM)Syrus Wrote: [ -> ].the Greyhound is ... let's just say ... "lacking".
Ths ship is changed, it is not the previous 4.86 trash and it works quite well especially paired with breton civilian 5.0 pewsticks.
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