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Full Version: Question about cargo space.
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So in an earlier post I was asking where to find an armored transport, and with some quick replies I was able to find one. Now I've got a question about the cargo space. I noticed after doing a few helium runs that my cargospace(while empty) was sitting at 770/800 and I was just a tad confused. Now cut to a few days later and I'm down to 755/800 still with no extra equipment and nothing in the cargo hold. I did have an armor piece mounted on the ship, but I removed that. Now I can't seem to figure out why I've lost about 45 cargo for seemingly no reason. Anyone have any idea why that might be?
The 770 seems to simply be from guns mounted.

Also did you unmount the armor or did you sell it? If the cargo value persisted after the armor was sold then this is a bug.
Ahhhh, see I wasn't aware that the weapons took up cargo space. That's...a little odd but alright. That's probably it then because I mounted on two more transport turrets at the same time as the armor casing.
Why turrets take up cargo another question for pondering..
They take up cargo space because reasons.