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Why is it almost every time I see a indie Xeno...they have little to no RP before they attack me? Only once did a Xeno RP before he shot me. I have had them just shoot me without saying anything. The ones that DO RP have crappy RP, such as "hey you, die" (not kidding on that)
And I know I'm not the only one that this happens to...anyone else know what I'm talking about here?

Please note I am talking about indie ones...sadly I don't think I've ever ran into a XA- member before

(sorry for my whining, I'm just annoyed at this)
I have a Xeno and I enjoy running with the old ID's Lines I wonder if I can find them. I usualy play with the person before I kill them Cd them ask them questions, cut lanes. Then after a few minutes I make my demand and they choose ( usualy to die sadly but thats another story)

Edit: Here is the part I loved!

Quote:[*]May treat non Libertonian trade vessels as combat targets. Give them hell, a taste of hell before you send them there.
[*]Blah blah something about no Demanding Credits.
[*]Somthing about killing any one except Xenos and Liberty Corps or something like that
[*]Something about not allying with Goody-Two shoes
[*]Cargo restrictions ( aka: Showing what can be a "Xeno Cap Ship"
Now you see there? Why can't they all do it like you? Tongue
Because they get terms like "Nationalist" and "Terrorist" mixed up.

Xeno ID is not a terrorist ID. I wish they'd understand.

Source: Being a member of XA
(01-30-2014, 10:43 PM)Luke. Wrote: [ -> ]Because they get terms like "Nationalist" and "Terrorist" mixed up.

Xeno ID is not a terrorist ID. I wish they'd understand.

Source: Being a member of XA


A lot of Indy Xeeners are just playing for cheap kills. I'm not generalizing all of them this way nor being elitist, but this seems to be a trend.
The Xeno ID still allows treating certain transports as combat targets, yes?

The Prosecutor is amazing.

Add one and one together. An ID that allows easy acquisition of blue messages, and nice tech to do it with. That'll attract players looking for said blues.
I fly a Indie Xeno called John Rando, the most kill I usually made are silent running transports or stupid ones that try to make a fool out of me.

The person i pilot is quite gentle compare to others who only wants to feed his family, so most of the time I only demand 1-20% of the ships cargo depending how well they respond and the nationality they fly under. (Or if its a really hated faction, I might hint of a "small undisclosed" bribe [Not taxing!] to not kill them). It normally goes quite well and I sometimes enjoy a secret tip of 100k to 1 mill when players reach their destination (sun) Smile

But I certainly agree with OP when I play the other end of the game. Obivously I dont expect them to behave like I do but some people would just like minimal RP and see blues as part of their enjoyment.
As for XA-, I grouped with them once and they seems like a reasonable faction.
(01-30-2014, 11:49 PM)Nexus Ark Wrote: [ -> ]The person i pilot is quite gentle compare to others who only wants to feed his family, so most of the time I only demand 1-20% of the ships cargo depending how well they respond and the nationality they fly under. (Or if its a really hated faction, I might hint of a "small undisclosed" bribe [Not taxing!] to not kill them). It normally goes quite well and I sometimes enjoy a secret tip of 100k to 1 mill when players reach their destination (sun) Smile

Err.....I do not think you can demand credits on a Xeno............ :/
He never said demand, he said bribe Wink

I see no problem in saying something like:

"Well, I really need some cash for some Duck Tape and WD40, but I can't really do much with that Kusari Rice you're carrying, I'm wondering if you can come up with a solution to my problem? I'd hate to have to discharge some Antimatter! Coz that's my preferred solution"

(HINT HINT) Give me some money!
(01-31-2014, 12:19 AM)Thargoid Wrote: [ -> ]He never said demand, he said bribe Wink

I see no problem in saying something like:

"Well, I really need some cash for some Duck Tape and WD40, but I can't really do much with that Kusari Rice you're carrying, I'm wondering if you can come up with a solution to my problem? I'd hate to have to discharge some Antimatter! Coz that's my preferred solution"

(HINT HINT) Give me some money!

Thats Really pushing it :\ I consider that Piracy but eh
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