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The Beginning

I knew at once there would be complications. This sort of thing does not just fix itself. The trouble I found was that no matter how much I tried to wrap my head around it. Where others told me to stop and focus on other aspects, I couldn't shake my head of it. What did I do wrong? What calculations did I miss?

As I paced the decks, I knew that I couldn't involve the others. Not officially at least. They wouldn't understand, and the heat I could generate from this would not bode well with the higher ups. Suffer the wrath of the Order? No, I would not bring that upon myself or anyone involved. I needed a place that would not call attention to this, a place that would provide me sanctuary from prying eyes and harassment. I could stay on the ship yes, but too many people were here. Too many people that could let slip my obsession.

Needing more of an escape, I boarded my Conference to swim amongst the stars. I had always felt a sense of bliss and contentment out in the void, away from people. A chance to meditate and draw to mind long remembered memories, or my current predicaments and how meaningless it all was in this vastness.

But this time was different. This time, that thought kept squirming and forcing it's way back to the forefront of my mind. There has to be a way, I thought. There has to be some way to make it work right! Setting course to the next star system, I tried running the calculations again. No, that wasn't right. Yes, I tired that I kept telling myself. Nothing made sense.

I knew what had to be done first though. I had to work from the ground up. The resources though required would be too great. Well, at least too great to get approved. A project on this scale and magnitude would not only cause concern for those in charge of finances, but also the implications of if it didn't work. That time and effort wasted on what the others deemed fool-hardy. Even being in charge, I still had reports to submit. This had to be on me, not anyone else.

As I flew onwards, I calculated the potential costs. The materials. The people to construct such a massive machine. It was impressive to say the least. I knew though I could afford it, if I put all my resources into such a project. Again though, the trouble of finding such a place that could be hidden and kept secret. Corinth and Ames were out for obvious reasons. As was really any Freeport, save a small handful. I wondered if those select few had the facilities needed. After giving it some thought, I knew they did not. Damn.

The only place that kept creeping to mind was Cayman, and the Reapers. While I was extremely skeptical in working with them, I knew that they could potentially provide the means to continue my work without hindrance. How to go about this though. The primary hurtle was convincing them, and proving that their stations would be safe from harm. But how could I promise them that if I didn't know myself? As far as I knew, no one had dared attempt this before. And what if they denied me? I knew though that complications and failure came with the job. If you didn't learn to keep trying, and refining your attempts, you would never progress. Such was the field of science and research.

Besides, who was crazy enough to do this? Who was crazy enough to delve into the joining of human and alien technology? I knew the answer though, apparent as it was. Me...

//Continuation from this
While I was hopeful, the response from the Reapers of Sirius surprised me in their openness. Was there some agenda perhaps? Or was this the answer I needed all along?

Shortly after replying to their message, I set out to contact my fellow staff whom I knew would be willing to venture into the unknown with me...

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Recipient list unauthorized :-_-_-_-_-

It's time.

We embark at 14:00SLT.

Ensure all non-essential staff have been evacuated as discussed, and all bulkheads and corridors are locked down. Minimal support system will be operating, so keep within approved sections only.

Respond to this frequency for check in and acknowledgement.

Good luck everyone.

I knew things were about to get hectic. With such short amount of time, things had to go smoothly, otherwise things could spiral beyond our control. All I could do was trust the men and women, and await what was coming...
Rachel Winterton was leaning back rather lazily in a swivel chair, her feet up on the desk. The screen flashes on as a message shows an transmission directed to the science facilities, bringing it open on the monitor.

Hmm.. About time, getting stuffy with people glaring at my work all the time..

Neural Net Response...
Copying Channel Address...

It's Rachel, if you suddenly cannot read the ID on the monitor. Although I feel saying who it is, is quite redundant.

At any rate, i'm thankful once more for an.. oppertunity such as this. I assume my equipment has been transfered over, like we discussed?

I'll be there by 13:40.

Incoming Transmission...
Encrypting...processing...processing...processing...Encryption complete.
Location: Classified
Sender: Dr. Marcus Todd

This is Dr. Todd reporting. Our mutual friend has provided me with the updated time table for the project. Heavy transport is en route with all required materials. Ensure the docking area will be ready for my teams arrival. Thank you.

Transmission Terminated...
The seduction

We made it, I thought. Not that I doubted our trip, but one must always hope for the best but expect the worst. Otherwise, how would anyone learn? History is strewn with examples of unwanted side effects or unwanted results from planning. Your ability to learn is not in your successes, but in your failures. Not that it was all too relevant in moving the Ingenuus to Cayman. We made it, and were ready to begin. Having set up my office, I began recording daily logs... And this is where it all changed.

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Recording started - Logfile 1 :-_-_-_-_-

I must say, I am already impressed with ta amount of security stations an' checkpoints here. Shortly after disembarking from ta docking bay, we were escorted t' ta Laboratories, though not before going through 3 security checkpoints.
[Image: e0FyI24.png]

For being this remote, ta level of tech used here is quite pleasing. Anyway, as we unpacked our initial equipment, we worked t' retrieve ta power sources from ta Ingenuus, an' successfully relocated it t' a secured electro-magnetic shell within one of ta primary labs.
[Image: bge2CTF.png]

Using multiple of these housing pods, we should be able t' run our tests on miniaturized versions of ta core, without interfering with other tests conducted in tandem. Luckily, each pod was successfully calibrated t' handle such miniature cores, an' we are monitoring them on a constant basis from each of our datapads.
[Image: t0BqQsv.png]

As we are still unloading an' setting up our equipment, I don't foresee any substantial results anytime soon, though we should be starting preliminary tests shortly. As I finish this report, I must say... I am eagerly awaiting t' see what we can accomplish here.
[Image: hZqYArx.png]

These cores are going t' change ta future...
The trip into Kara was surprisingly difficult, than what Rachel originally expected. Being stopped at least three times with various ID checks, and verifications. To her delight, it seems that she was already appended to the identification database. Although they 'did' try to search her for any dangerous on person, which she protested internally with some quiet grumbling but allowed them to do as they wished anyways.

Walking through the station slowly, holding an data-pad with written information on the project Finn was ever so interested in, raising a brow as she looks over the research on the subject that has been done so far. Energy Cores. A method for making smaller 'copies' of a less efficiency has already been divided, and three of them were being housed for testing. Despite being new to this section of the research within her time at Ingenuus, luckily, she has already done 'some' looking into for the subject in the past. Although nothing of this scale, agreeing to herself that she may need to spend a few hours of her night looking over what's been done so far in more detail.

"He sure is someone aiming high at this." Reading the generalized version of the reports. "Dispersion technique by sending the excess power into space, instead of blowing the internal circuits in the past, quite nasty. A vessel which can handle the power will be the first ste-.." Reaching the bottom of the page, reading the single line at the bottom which stated what she was thinking. "Ah. Spot on."

Continuing her journey to where the cores are housed, she enters the room and leans against the doorway, looking at the three chambers which were humming quietly as their contents were being contained. "Well. First up, finding some sort of pattern to the power generation under different circumstances. Actually... Before that, I would actually like to 'meet' this guy."

Finn making her rather curious, promising mentally to herself to actually meet this guy, instead of merely talking to him over neural-net.
The voyage had taken its toll on the sensitive equipment in the Fireflys cargo hold. Dr. Todd inspects each cargo pod a unit at a time. The datapad reads nominal and Dr. Todd makes his way towards the bridge. Upon entry he is greeted by the pilot.

"Sir, we have entered the Cayman system. Are screens are clear and we are preparing our docking producers".

Dr. Todd responds "Well done Mr. Avers, your steady hand help to prevent a lot of possible damage to the equipment. Please let Mr. McCool know we will be arriving shortly"

The pilot nods and turns the Firefly into an approach pattern. On board, work crews begin moving large containers. Dr. Todd and his research team are met by security personnel, "This way Doctor, our personnel will transfer your equipment to your research lab"

Dr. Todd looks over his datapad and links it into the stations computer core. He starts muttering things to himself. "This could be it, yes... perhaps... no no no...ahh yes" one of his team helps to focus his attention "Doctor" she says softly. They had entered into the laboratory as the work teams started unloading equipment. He had hardly noticed a thing during their walk through the station. His attention was focused only on solving the problems in the material reclamation filter. He looks around the room and can see the door leading into his office. He gives a quick nod to the research team and they begin to assemble their work stations. The doctor makes his way into the office and closes the door. He sits at his desk and turns the communications system on.



Connection established...

"This is doctor Todd, we can begin as soon as you are ready Mr. McCool. Our mutual friend has explained a portion of the process to you if I'm not mistaken. I Will now be able to answer any questions that you may have. The nano-tech fabrication array will be able to be assembled as soon as you have placed the EMP mines into position. Once this is done we can fabricate the trail schematic you provided us. As this is only a trial run and the system has yet to be used on such a scale, I assure you that if this works we could very well change history. I look forward to our endeavors" Dr Todd smiles.

Emily had received news that the Ingenuus Group had finally arrived, and before McCool, like she had requested, was even able to come to her Office, she made her way down to Section 02 to greet them personally. Sector 02 was her home, her domain, and she was the ruler here. The guards listened to her orders, and the scientists did as she told.

Walking down the corridor, there was no clicking of heels like some of the other Scientists in her Sector, the female ones that is. No, there was the heavy thud of Combat boots, and she was wearing a black overall, the Reaper emblem on the arms, her name on the chest, reading "Dr.Lynch". The Security checks were no problems for her, and everyone knew if they bothered her they'd be down in Section 05 before they knew it.

She was quickly in the center of Sector 02, where the Ingenuus Group was being set up. She looked around at all of her own scientists still there with a frown, she had ordered them all to Sector 01-02-B a week before.

She'd quickly began barking some orders.
"Hey! I thought i told you all to be out of here by yesterday!

The Scientists, stopped in their tracks were quickly gone, and the Guards had disappeared to outside the last security check. She nodded then, happier with the situation. She set off to find the one called McCool.

As with any transition, I knew there would be obstacles. Luckily for us though, we didn't encounter too many. Emily Lynch was finally able to rid the labs of non-essential personal, Dr. Todd arrived without hiccup and had messaged me right away, and Rachel had of course started her research right away. Things looked promising. Not to say that the end result was not a success, but we just didn't know what we were about to experience...

-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Encryption Level Alpha :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Recording started - Logfile 2 :-_-_-_-_-

Well, we have moved along quite nicely. Now that Dr. Todd has arrived, an' his expertise in Nano-technology t' be put t' use in conjunction with Mrs. Lynch and Winterton, we should an' have been seeing amazing results.

Day by day we have tested, ran simulations, an' seen first hand what great minds can accomplish. Specifically, we have seen a more stabilized core with the addition of nanites that constantly monitor and relay back information t' our scientists. Beyond that, they have been able t' successfully mend an' repair any stress fractures within the containment core we have that houses ta primary source.
[Image: OMNiAoS.png]
With our scientists constantly monitoring ta status of ta core an' running further tests using these specialized nanites, we have divided our attention towards planning for ta implementation of ta core itself, an' how best to produce a vessel t' house such a power core effectively and safely.

Having some of my engineers working long hours in order t' come up with a practical solution, we have come up with at least a basis t' work off of.
[Image: DLN20kX.png]
With the designs laid out, we would have ta core suspended within this frame, allowing coils in ta back of the structure t' receive an' distribute ta radiation an' energy t' ta appropriate areas an' secondary cores or storage units. In ta front of ta structure, would be where ta nanites an' electro-magnetic fields be applied t' ta core in order t' best stabilize ta various spikes we have seen ever since we reached fusion.

Eventually, ta hope is that such a constrictive frame will not be needed, an' Dr. Todd an' Dr. WInterton can work further with our engineers in producing a frame that would allow for core fluctuations in size an' output, while maintaining a safe an' secure environment.

One thing of note though, is that I have noticed irregularities with our tests on ta primary core itself. It is probably nothing, but it almost seems as if the further we poke an' prod, ta more resilient t' core becomes... Perhaps I can have Mrs. Lynch take a look further, an' hopefully quell any concerns.
We have been making some headway with the project. Through a discovery of it's reaction of the sound pressure created by high-frequency waves, with the help of a few other engineers, we have crated a frequency-synth module and have strung emitters from the box depicted in the diagram below, around the core's casing. Like what was mentioned by Finn himself, we are hoping that we can get rid of such a casing in the future, although for the time being, any progress we can get is good progress.

[Image: RWhiS2d.png]
Sample 1: Synth module circuit path

Thankfully, the issue with the materials and electronics required to deal with the output of the core have been solved quite easily, by changing the metals that the prototype was made of, and swapped to more durable ones.

The core seems to be reacting at a higher-output as projected when the air-pressure is covering the surface, however the stability isn't the best in this state. The interesting thing is, is that the stability isn't degrading while this effect is in action. We will be basing future research on ideas around air-pressure, however I have a gut-feeling that we've gone as far as we can with this method of thinking.

For now, I will be turning my attention to working on the core fixture itself, it's strange.. It's almost as if the core is 'refusing' to output the results that we desire, due to the radiation we are sucking up, absorbing, and depositing outside the work zone.. It's almost as if it doesn't like what we're doing to it. It's a stupid theory, and I have a feeling i'd be rejected immediately due to it being completely against science basis, although.. There is this feeling..

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