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Full Version: Question, Self-Destruct?
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So I was just curious as to why this function was removed? I was just having a browse through the options list and noticed it no longer worked. I think it'd be neat to have someone's rp form around self destructing at some point (like a mutiny on a ship or something). Dunno. Just wondering if there was any real reason besides suicide trading.
Just spam E to self-destruct. Works 100% of the time for me.
[Image: iroll.png]

Actual response:

Pointless command. Ram your nearest planet to die, if you want to.
Cause people might deprive other people from getting their blue messages in that way. I think. Never actually used that command.
That command used to reset your ship to a starflier on Planet Erie.

Funny experience.
Most traders would do so when encountering a pirate.

Also, it worked more like a timed .kill command if mixed with a /restart command. Ended up with a engineless, scannerless starflyer no matter what you destructed.

Many ships were not refunded as well, if the person did not post on the forums.