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Full Version: Anyone by any chance knows where they moved Disco GC to?
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Hey guys,

I'm not sure if anyone here knows me, but I hope at least a few people recognize me so I don't feel too left out. I used to play on Discovery GC (official server for Discovery mod) back in 4.85, I've been away for quite a while now and over nostalgia and whatnot I decided to download and install 4.87 (which, thanks to ModDB wasn't that hard to find, but doesn't really look like the same mod anymore) and drop by and see how things are going. That was, of course, to my disappointment to realize the site and server I used to play on is either down or moved to a new domain/IP. It's still a piece of luck to find another Freelancer-related forums and server running on the same domain/IP, but with no offense to you guys, I'm more interested in continuing on the same server I used to play on, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated.

For the ref, the Disco community I was a part of in 4.85 used to be a server-based one, whereas you folk seem to be running a forum-based version of the same mod. It's all cool and dandy, but it's just not for me. On top of that, the community I'm from (or the majority of it, at least) played the game for the actual enjoyment and entertainment, people went out there to RP with complete strangers and if a fight broke out, it was until either side turned into a bluemsg, and long as the fight was nice, it didn't matter which end of the bluemsg each side ended on. You lovely folks, however, seem to be running a community with a much more serious approach, where people have formed "circles" and all the noteworthy roleplay happens between the "insiders" of each circle, and any outsider rarely gets more than a howdy, and when it comes to a fight, the outcome (i.e. which side of the bluemsg one ends up in) seems to either boost or degrade one's "reputation" through the community, which is why I've noticed a lot of people actually run and dock just to avoid becoming a blue. I'm not questioning the way you guys are playing the game, but fail to see the fun in that.

Strange thing was finding the forum account I had on the old forum in here when I tried registering and noticed the account already exists, which would hint this is the same community, but since I (re)joined your server about a couple of weeks ago and have been flying around for some time, based on what I've seen by the time of this post I'm almost certain this is not the same community. People around here seem to consume too much caffeine, cause they're always ragey and too hyped to actually log ingame, so they instead sit on the forums all day and insult eachother, admins, devs, neighbor's dog and dusty's grandma, with the last one being the most unforgivable of all (not her existence, I mean insulting her). The community I'm from generally consumed red wine, which is why they were far more laid back and relaxed, and with no disrespect to you guys, more civilized and decent too.

When a problem popped up, like a wrong decision from the dev team (Mind you, I've lived through a lot of those. Like bomber nerf. It was the bane of every bomberwhore out there, which was... technically every player out there back in the day, cause no 'ace' flew anything else) and 'final nail' was nothing but a mere joke. What I've noticed during the past couple of weeks I've been lurking around your forums though, is that from the very moment a change is announced hell breaks lose, people go nuts, and swear words fill the air, with no one actually suggesting anything useful. We sure had that in our community too, but there were always a few level headed players to outweigh the angry mob and help the devs fix their mistakes, or better yet, prevent it from happening, and after a while, the average people seemed to calm down and join the decent bunch as well, but you folk never seem to calm down. Let me tell you one thing, back in our server, developers didn't listen to community, but you seem to be lucky cause your developers are actually willing to listen, I completely understand their stance though - It's awfully hard to actually sit and listen to someone when nothing but swear words and insults is coming out of their mouth.

As I said, I don't have much interest in joining your community and playing alongside you and I'd rather find the server I'm from, but since I found your site by mistake and started reading through it thinking it's the same site I was hoping to find, figured I might as well weigh in on your current 'crisis' while I'm around:

If I understand the situation, developers are intending to remove Zoner caps and replace them with different grades of transports? Well, that's a hell of a Coin. Even back in my own server I remember people constantly complaining about how little sense an armada of Zoner capitals made, and at the same time, rest of them pointing out that Discovery Zoners are nothing like the vanilla Zoners and their access to the vastest capital line in the mod is more than well justified. I never took a side then, and am not intending to take a side now, as my opinion's always been mixed on the matter, but frankly, both groups are right and both points of view makes sense to an extent. How it's handled is what makes all the difference.

As I noticed, same applies to your community and while some people are strongly in favor of the removal, others are heavily against it. As an outsider-nobody I'm gonna risk my neck and jump into the discussion, but take a different approach - Instead of picking one solution, I'm gonna drop my take on both:

1. Removal of zoner capitals and the transports replacements:
Zoners are not an exclusive "trade faction", and their RP ranges from shipping to exploration to research to, well... Being what Junkers are supposed to be - sneaky and shady. Which is why I personally believe Zoners should retain one cruiser and one battleship, with the battleship being an "easily SRPable" ship like Barge for indies and open use for official factions, so only those with a level head and proper understanding of zoner lore and roleplay can get their hands on it. Additionally, such a drastic change would require a complete rework of borderworlds economy. All the good "triangle" routes I could find in 4.87 mainly have at least 1 stop in house space, and since Zoners can't dock there, it wouldn't matter how many varieties of transports they get.

The way I see it, with proper adjustments this idea could have some good impact on the server roleplay, gameplay and the mod lore, so I'd like to ask the dev team not to jump into this with both feet and get all the right bits in place and then toss the whole thing in at once. By changing the 'excessive' Zoner caps into transports, and giving border and edge worlds some top-notch trade routes, Zoners would become exactly what they were meant to be in vanilla, or to word it better, how I always perceived them as back when I used to play through the campaign over and over: A group of individuals who've retreated to the outer rim to build themselves from ground up, are not dependent on any house, group or allignment, and are - put into one word - selfsufficient. Zoners having access to 1 gunboat, 1 cruiser, 1 battleship (the standard 'slots' for most factions), and 4 transports with access to worthwhile routes would allow them to fulfill their every need, both in roleplay and in gameplay, I'd even go as far as suggesting the addition of a mineral exclusive to Omicrons, with Zoners receiving a mining bonus for it. That way, 'house zoners' would in terms of power and influence become as insignificant as they're supposed to be, while Omicron Zoners would be close to an empire, which is how both the official lore and the faction roleplay of the group has progressed.

2. Keeping everything as it currently is and finding an alternative to deal with "bad zoners":
From the looks of things, the main reason leading to the current situation is the widely misused big toys Zoners have access to. I have absolutely no idea what's happened to Zoners since 4.85 but based on what I've read on forums the main use of non-official Zoner capital ships nowadays seems to be 'leasing' jumpdrives and survey scanners to other factions so they can jump to other sectors and back even if they're hostile to said region or don't have a jump-capable ship of their own. Also it sounds like a group of overly-aggressive Zoners (which some people say have no regards or respects for the established Zoner lore, but I wouldn't know) have been stirring up the pot by staying on the very far borders of their allowances and still picking up fights with different groups, and causing a less than reasonable amount of headache for everyone else.

As little as my knowledge of the Zoner lore may be, I personally don't see anything wrong with letting them keep the armada of capitals they have, but correct me if I'm wrong - Their capitals (except for Fearless which is supposed to be the backbone of their convoys) are mainly for the purpose of colonization and expansion, so wouldn't it make more sense if rather than restricting their docking rights in house space, they're instead prohibited from going there at all (like Core capitals), and also their armaments reduced (or hell, they can even receive their own exclusively branded line of cap weapons) to act as more of a defensive line of capitals, rather than the extremely offensive-capable line of gigantic heaps of metal they appear to currently be? With this one, I would've even gone as far as suggesting the removal of their jumpdrive slots, but since that would effectively eliminate the roleplay chances of basically anyone who was using those equipment properly on their Zoner before (and everyone back in the community I'm from knew how much I was against that) I'm gonna leave that one out.

With that said, I'm going back to my original question: Can anyone point me in the right direction and tell me the new IP of the old Disco GC, or whether or not it even exists anymore?

This is the official forum for the Discovery Freelancer mod.

Welcome back. We have new staff in charge since you left, and the general playerbase has changed too, as old players leave (and sometimes return), and new players take their place. The server has changed host at least once, as well as the domain name for the website.
I would imagine Gullveig knows exactly where he is.
*slow handclap for the troll of trolls*

the old server has gone, and has been replaced with this one. Gallia, Pobs, JD's, Cloaks..... too many toys, given too quickly, and this is the result. I'd say that the long lead time to implement these trinkets also lead to a lot of players leaving from ennui. Perhaps that includes yourself, but maybe not, as I spot a custom user title up there, Mr overuser of fake accents. Do you have an alt account that is perhaps more well-known?

whilst you raise some good points, you have glossed over some salient facts:

1. Jinx is not viewed in a favourable light by the zoner community: as i understand it he decided to close a faction without consultation of his members. High-handedness is not admirable

2. There has been no process of negotiation. this is not a bomber nerf, but a retconn. This is not a cruise drain, but the abject and total deletion of several thousands of hours of game lore

3. It may well be entirely coincidental, but Kazinsal's rejection of a corvo is too timely for some to ignore

4. the Zoners are not a trading faction, they are a plot device. They are neutral in SP campaign for the simple reason that if the freeport had belonged to the GMG, for example, the gmg would have completed all of the single player campaign before trent had been given jumpgate access to magellan. The zoner faction of the past (i say this with some reticence, as I believe that the zoner factions f the future will be entirely different) have manfully struggled against their twin problems of thier neutral stance and their relative diaspora. no other faction has so few allies to call upon, with the possible exception of the corsairs, and no other faction is as spread out, meaning that they cannot call upon their friends, nor their teammates to protect them. Partly due to this, and partly due to their access to some staggeringly beautiful toys, they had caps, and for a long time (read: years) the zoner caps had never been a problem. Until recently, when entirely coincidentally, a dev was refused a cap ship.

5. when you capitalise a word, it becomes a noun. one can be a Duke, or one can duke it out. one can duck around, or one can actually be a Duck. Whilst im willing to still give you the benefit of the doubt (disregarding your custom user title for a moment), could you in fact clarify if you are just being a massive Duck? If the latter, i would ask you if you are akumabito, who showed similar erudition in his phraseology. You could of course be Karlotta, but those alts get spotted quite quickly.

6. Finally, to evince my interest in this matter, I will categorically state that I once owned a corsair cruiser, which got deleted after inactivity, and I have never zonered in my life. My interest in this is solely self-protectionism. If they will retconn the zoners caps, what will they do to the GMG? the LN? the BAF?
Why would anyone think he doesn't know where he is? I mean, how could possibly one be that unobservant? And I don't mean him. He wrote a wonderful post regarding the apparent change of the community over time - something that is most evident when you come back after a long leave. Has anyone heard of the boiling frog anecdote?
You've come to the right place. Now you're to join the right people. That's right, that's us.
yeye hello akumabito xd
I'll be a really sad me if people actually thought he's serious about thinking this isn't the official Disco.

also - hi akuma

Btw, weren't you around at 4.86 too? At least early 4.86?
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