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Chapter 1

Omicron Alpha

Planet Malta

Northside launchpad


A man was on the launchpad waiting for the robots to load his cargo on ship.He was handsome.He was carrying a hand gun in his hand.His name was Glock Anderson.Son of famous Outcast John Anderson.He was going on a new mission in a strange world where every one fear to go.His father also went their many times but he gone missing.Today Glock was going in that dark corner of space to supply a base known as "Temple of the Revenant".Many Outcast fear to go there but this young man was not afraid at all.He sat down in his new Prototype Sabre with extended cargo space,hull and power core.This ship was especially made for him and this mission.He started engine and got out of the planet atmosphere.

As he get in to open space he loaded coordinates and set ship on auto pilot.He was thinking deeply.About his mission as in a view it was a simple cargo supply mission.But this supply was for Phantom.Only some Outcast can do that and he was one of those.As he was thinking his ship's computer give a notification Omicron-80 jump hole near by he took the jump hole.He reached Omicron-80 after this system his mission was going to start.After traveling an hour he reached " Omicron-82" jump hole. He now started driving ship himself he removed auto pilot .He took jump hole and wait for the jump to finish.

At last he reached Omicron-82.His ship's computer alerts unknown contact moving closer.His computer again gives an alert in coming transmission.The transmission was "This is Phantom raiders Black 15 respond to this transmission and tell us where are you going or you will be destroyed".The young man speaks "This is Outcast Yellow 12 I am heading to Temple of the Revenant to supply some goods.The black 15 leader again spoke."Copy that, I have already told about you we will escort you to our base".Glock got in formation with them and his ship again started moving in the dark space.After travel of a hour they reached the "Temple of the Revenant"
Chapter 2


Phantoms Raiders Black 15 captain spoke:"This is Phantoms Raiders Black 15 requesting to dock".Base computer answered "Copy that, you can dock".As they enter the base the young man was surprised by The tech phantoms use their ships their guns everything.He proceed to storage and landed his ship Phantom Raiders black 15 captain was with him.

He spoke:"My name is Alex.I was an outcast like you but I came here and liked the plans of Phantoms.I agree to them, when I first time I came here I was also surprised.Phantom are not like as we are told in Sirius.We have our own plans people think we are terrorist but we are not we are a separate House.We have relations too".Alex spoke again and asked Glock"How about a light show out in space? I wanna check your new ship".He answered:"why not".

They undocked the Base and get 8k away from the base and started fighting.They fight for 1 hour continuously they both were the best.Alex spoke:"You seem to be a hard guy, come follow me we will return to base now I have work to do". They reached the base and docked.Alex spoke:"You are a good pilot I will always welcome you here".Glock spoke:"Can I ask you a question?".Alex:"Yes?".Glock:" Can you tell me about my father?".Alex:"What was his name?".Glock:"John Anderson".Alex:"Oh Mr.John he was a fine man I meet him in my first days here he was a good pilot he wasn't gone missing he joined us.He liked our goals he agreed to us but.'Alex took a deep breath'.He again spoke:"He died while fighting some outsiders I mean our old enemies Nomads.

As I heard from old people here they said that we have had battles with them in past in other sector and galaxies because of that war we have with them we got weaker and our leader decided to came here.Glock you can go now from here your ship is unloaded.Glock returned to planet Malta but he had several questions in his mind he meet Phantoms he liked them and he also heard that his father was one of them.That time he decided that on next supply he will talk to Alex to join Phantoms
Chapter 3

Planet Malta
Omicron Alpha

Westside launhpad

Glock was ready again for his trip having questions in his mind about the people who he met and about his father he know that only one man can answer his Questions "Alex" captain Alex of phantoms and once again his journey started.When he reached Omicron-82 his computer again alerts:"Unknown contacts moving closer" and some ship appeared after a short while.Their leader spoke:"This is Phantom Raiders Black 17 what's your destination,please reply in 30 seconds or you will be destroyed".Glock spoke:"This is Outcast Yellow 12 I am heading to Temple of the Revenant to supply some goods".Black 17 leader spoke:"Copy that, we will escort you there".After landing on base they proceed to storage depot.Black 17 Leader Henry was with him.Glock asked him:"Can i ask you a question?".Henry:"Yes?".Glock:"Where is Captain Alex".Henry:"You can look for him in the bar".Glock:"Do I have permission to go there?.Henry:"If you come with me yes".After the unload they went to bar,when they arrived at bar Henry spoke.Henry:"There is Mr.Alex you can go and talk".Glock:"Thanks".He went on that table where Mr Alex was sitting.Alex:"Hi good to see you again".Glock:"Thanks I like to come here.Can I ask you one thing.Can I join you.Alex:"Yes for sure but it's not that easy you have to pass some tests and after that you can join us.Glock:"Thanks a lot,I wanna be like my father.Alex:"You are father was best people here, ok you now leave when you will come again with more supplies then I will take tests from you and ask HC about you if you pass you are welcome here any time then you will be like me you will be like your father.Glock:"Thanks ok i will leave now.I will come back after 3 days with more supplies".Alex:"Ok bye I ready paperwork for you".
Chapter 4
Glock was again on Phantom base after 1 week of last supply.He was supplying this time but also he was there for more.He was this time actually want the answer about the question he asked Alex.He at last found Captain Alex.

Glock:"Hello" Alex:"Hi". Glock:"So what about i asked you for? Alex"Oh yes.I talked to HC .They said they need new blood but good one.Not a trash.So you will be given a chance to prove yourself.From now on all of your contact to Outcast and any other people in Sirius will be cut off.Remember from now on we are your teachers.We are your brothers.We are your family.Right now until you got accepted.You have to fly your this ship.I think it is good for you to prove yourself because we are not going to send you to a death mission right now *He laughs*".From that day Glock life start as a Phantom.He know that he have to learn a lot about his new brothers and their lifestyle.Their way of fighting. Glock set one thing in his mind that he will never give up no matter what happened.

Something happened everyone and everything disappeared, Glock had to return to Planet Malta to start a new life, Same work dirty shipyards nothing changed, Cardamine always attracted him more then addiction, He was waiting for a hope of bright light which he wanted to follow