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Judge-Hawk here. Also known as EFL|Ravine (SolarR-Hunter.G, Pasta.Salad...

Anyways, Two characters new to the family, IC|Vinewood, and the officially the character that started it all, Trevor.Hunterfield, My main character for almost all the Role-playing from me. I will be going on this character alot.

Trevor.Hunterfield has come from another galaxy, it's classified, come to the Sirus Sector to learn the Sirians ways. Hopefully going to enjoy this new adventure. I will have a bio, sooner or later. Anyways, it's officially 1 year I started playing Discovery Freelancer, and to tell you the truth, I don't think I improved at all. not one bit. So, yeah, That's all folks.

Judge-Hawk, out.

Honor, Duty, Justice
[female dog mode]Not correct thread for character intros, just Oorp player intros.

Also, y'don't like it ya' say? Then why yo' here? [/female dog mode]

Great to see you too!