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Full Version: FLAK turrets
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Are they reliable as antisnub weapons? Or only usable to defend yourself against NOVAs
If you load up on them, they're pretty effective for keeping snubs away
As Rogue snub pilot fighting caps on a daily basis, I can confirm that flaks hurt. However, they're only effective in close range and I suppose are weaker and less efficient than secondaries.
If you can afford to waste your powercore on multiple continuous firing of Flaks,you may damage the snub hard enough.
Flaks are good weapons of surprise. I have 2 flaks and rest secs on my Jorm. I normally use secs, but if I notice the enemy bomber is in flak range and closing down to snac/EMP/whatever, I deshield it with a flak salvo, not firing secs first, so I'd surprise it. Then I fire secs and another salvo of flaks, damaging it a bit, or considerably if the flaks also hit. I encourage you to try all flaks setup because I have never and it is cheaper if someone else does it instead of me.