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ali@aelegantiae $~ ping node21.galileo.ageira:22
Reply from e0805:a3ngw:332sev:je0dc: bytes=128 time=194ms = TTL=64
ali@aelegantiae $~ ssh root@node21.galileo.ageira:22
Enter Password: ********
Login Failed
ali@aelegantiae $~ /home/ali/tools/ - node21.galileo.ageira:22
Begining attack on username "root"
Password = 987224
ali@aelegantiae $~ ssh root@node21.galileo.ageira:22
Enter Password: ******
root@node21 $~ ls /data
root@node21 $~ exit
ali@aelegantiae $~ scp root@node21.galileo.ageira:22/data /home/ali/galileolanes
Download complete
ali@aelegantiae $~ tar /home/ali/galileotanes lanereports.tar
ali@aelegantiae $~ logout

<<<Begin Transmission>>>

Comm ID: Athena Elegantiae
Location: ???, ???

Alisoun appears on screen, looking slightly more disheveled then usual

[Image: aliathenasmall.jpg]
Mr Weisen, you were absolutely right in reminding me that knowledge is our business, so I took it upon myself to go through with doing some "honest" hacking for a change. Attached are the logs of who and what passed through the Galileo lanes and gates for the past month. I am no analyst, I leave that to others, but I noticed a few things in my cursory glance.
There are occasional Ageira ships, a few Kishiro and Samura vessels, absolutely no trace of IND, or even Interspace Commerce. The vast majority however seem to be non-affiliated vessels. I hope the attached is of some use to the Lane Hackers.
Again, it was a pleasure to have met you, and I hope to do so again at some point

Ali out

Attachment: lanereports.tar
<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

Dear Athena Elegantiae, my name is Red Grant. I was asked to respond to your message as the original recipient is not available.

I would like to thank you for your work in monitoring Galileo lanes, however we also monitor the network, on a permanent basis, I should add.

We hope that we will operate you with in-space more frequently. Too bad that you turned down Mr Weisen's offer.
<<<Begin Transmission>>>

Comm ID: Athena Elegantiae
Location: ???, ???

Alisoun crackles into life, looking rather chipper after her latest cardamine trip

[Image: aliathenasmall.jpg]
Mr. Grant, thank you for your response. Call me Ali. I admit that I have not been up to date on the latest information technology that the Lane Hackers had on hand, but I shall continue monitoring the lanes. While computers do marvels, they can't do things that intelligence on the ground can garner. It was with regret that I turned down Mr. Weisen's offer, but the initiation ritual is too much of a sacrifice I'm afraid. My retirement gift from Ageira holds too special a place in my heart.
I would gladly accept any invitations to patrol the lanes with yourself or anyone from the Professor's select. In return, should anyone wish some downtime, the doors on my party boat, the Athena.Y.Dionysus are open to the fine men and women of the Hackers at any time.

Hoping to see you fellows in space

Alisoun out

Attachment: lanereports.tar
<<<Transmission Terminated>>>

[Image: 1b.png][Image: 7.png]

Dear Alisoun,

Let me first present you with some more detailed data from Universal Ship Information system. According to our hacks Galileo lanes were visited by roughly 30 high priority extortion targets in April. While your data is correct, you missed quite a large Universal Shipping presence in the system - larger than any other corporation. It is even more apparent in Kepler with nearly 80 high profile extortion targets from which almost half belong to USI. It appears we will have to once again prioritize this corporation on our target list.

As for the more important things, this is what I have told you about on Mactan. I believe Hera has a nice sound to it.

Kind regards,
Nicole Hunter

P.S. Contact me personally about your concerns regarding sacrifices to be made as I have a felling that you may be exaggerating them.