(08-01-2015, 08:25 PM)Dark_Predator Wrote: [ -> ]With this "quote" you didn't answer to any of questions in pervious reply.
It's like a cloak. Just an item that doesn't work as CM and allows you to use Cloak Disruptor command/key (/disruptor).
Oh, so I cannot mount cloak disruptor and cloaking device at one time, right?
Okay, thank you very much.
Now I don't see any sense in searching for this thing..cloaking device is too nice thing to unmount it

hi all
it seems fine! Ouf the hornet or others cd disruptors can't now disrupt the cloaking devices. little pirates or attackers have to buy this thing before

Does anyone know how much cargo space a Mk1 Disrupter takes up?
(06-29-2015, 11:09 PM)Alley Wrote: [ -> ] (06-29-2015, 11:07 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: [ -> ]Can we have clarification for the slots they're mounted on please?
Countermeasure Slot.
Cloaks and Cloak Disruptors can't be mounted at the same time as well.
That's quite OP, because instead of having ability to Decloak OR to CD - one can Decloak AND CD. But that's just my opinion.
Moreover, Cloak Distruptors were ought to make players cooperate in teams in which either had CD or Cloak Distruptor, not to be "can do all" solo boats.
That would create an unfair situation. A Cloak Disruptor ship would be able to throw an opponent out of cloak, but would not be able to stop them from cruising away. Whereas the cloak user can still run away. We could have something such as the Cloak user will need a buddy to power up their engines to equalize things, but that'd be silly