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Full Version: PRIME| Rollcall August 2015
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[Image: Prime_without_light.png]

Its that time again, if you are not aware of the new naming scheme due to the input of a ranking system please check the info page, everyone who signs the rollcall and does not have their ship name updated is required to rename. If you DO NOT sign this the skype and roster WILL be updated accordingly. The Rollcall ends August 14th. After that the roster will be updated. Ta ta gents.

Ship Names:
Ships classes used:
Additional Information:

Ship Names: Kappa-01, Kappa-16
Ships classes used: 1 sentinel, 1 harvester
Rank: Beta
Activity: Medium
Skype: rutilantolive47
Additional Information: zonerzonerzoner

Ship Names: Pi-01
Ships classes used: 1
Sentinel Rank: Alpha
Activity: Low
Skype: Que?
Additional Information: (sun)

Ship Names: Lambda (+similar)
Ships classes used: Drone(s)
Rank: Beta (The second rank)
Activity: Low
Skype: torusatoplayer
Additional Information: -

Ship Names: Xi01
Ships classes used: 1 Sentinel
Rank: Alpha
Activity: Medium
Skype: Classified
Additional Information: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00001010

Ship Names: Sentinel01
Ships classes used: Sentinel
Rank: Alpha
Activity: High
Skype: blade2d
Additional Information: hi

Ship Names: Empathy
Ships classes used: Drone
Rank: Beta
Activity: Moderate
Skype: kenshin1561
Additional Information: "They call me Robot, Machine, or even "toaster". But those who know me, call me 'Ethan'... "

Ship Names: Beta01
Ships classes used: Drone
Rank: Alpha
Activity:Low (For now)
Skype: RSA Nico
Additional Information: Used wrong account sorry RSA_Nico

Ship Names: Rho-09, Eta-39
Ships classes used: Drone and cruiser
Rank: B-B-B-Beta AI!
Activity: Moderate
Skype: philipk96
Additional Information: can I have some butter for my toast?

Ship Names: Theta-01, Thetoa-02
Ships classes used: x1 Drone, x1 Cruiser
Rank: Omega
Activity: High
Skype: toothless791
Additional Information: whats the best way to deal with a toaster? delete its win32
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