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"Waste and Want"

"Division V is ALG Waste Disposal's special operations division, apparently tasked with handling sensitive, classified, clandestine, or controversial issues away from the largely public operations of the other divisions.
Very little information has been released about their personnel, structure, modus operandi and financing.
The division's official description is 'corporate security'."

- Neu Berliner Kurier, after a press conference with ALG in which Division V was first publicly mentioned, Aug 822


Division V's history as the organization it is now structured as is a short one.
It is the direct descendant of ALG's corporate security division, founded in 774 A.S.
Corporate security -not to be confused with the Security division in charge of space defense- conducted background checks on clients and employees, oversaw loss prevention, and managed corporate counterespionage.

Eventually, the division found itself handling an increasing variety of tasks, such as direct negotiations of sensitive contracts, and oversight of delicate R&D projects. It was decided that the division would be re-organized and expanded, and in 822 was re-branded as "Division 5" - after the other four space-operating divisions: waste collection, shipping, research and development, and security - or more commonly, "Division V".


The main hierarchical element of Division V's structure is its director, Helmut Weinstein.
Born in 751 A.S., his most recent prior employment was with the Marinenachrichtendienst, which he left during the troubles of the Nomad War under unreleased circumstances.
He quickly rose up within ALG's corporate security division, was named director in 807 and remained in the position when it was re-organized as Division V.
The rest of the department is divided into teams with distinct specializations, operating under team leaders that report directly to Weinstein. The total number of employees is not released.


> Corporate Security

The most obvious of Division V's tasks remains the one it pursued before being re-organized.
Division V works to prevent loss of industrial secrets and to acquire information about potential employees and clients. It handles insurance and financial risk assessment.

> Special Negotiations

Division V handles diplomatic and business negotiations deemed too sensitive for the company's main divisions. This includes clandestine talks with controversial or hostile partners, and arrangements of questionable legality.

> Intelligence

Division V functions as ALG's intelligence and counterintelligence agency. Developments in areas and among organizations deemed relevant to ALG's business are investigated. Information leaks are hunted down and plugged.

> Sensitive R&D

In partnership with ALG's dedicated research and development division, Division V initiates, organizes and oversees projects considered unconventional and unsuitable for R&D Division to handle on their own. As this is a task only recently taken up, what the Division plans is unreleased.

> Combat Special Ops

Division V does not act as ALG's main combat force, which is the domain of the Security Division, but operates a select few spacecraft with elite pilots intended for critical, do-or-die missions.
In addition to this, they possess a small contingent of ground-based special operations security officers, employed for SWAT-style raids and maximum security guard assignments.

> Mission Statement

Division V is considered ALG's 'universal specialist' team, designed to handle threats the company may face on every front, from financial to violent attack. It is the culmination of corporate power for the company and the intended solution to problems as of yet unforeseen.

(originally posted 26.08.15)