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The Burūshī Project

With the continual expansion of the Blood Dragon's inside the Chugoku system, between Mito shipyard and Kyoto base, resourcing for the Blood Dragon operations have been spread to the finest point possible. While normally in such cases the Blood Dragon's would rely on allied logistics and supplies, due to the sudden and surprise attack into the Nagano system against the Samura and their allied forces, the Blood Dragon supply lines had reached the point of not being enough.

During the 801 A.S. timeline, the Blood Dragons had obtained reports of Samura and the naval forces building a gate inside the Hokkaido system, to allow larger ships to jump into the Chugoku system via a safe passage, rather then finding another path into the system. While the main point was believed to use this gate to jump a fleet into Chugoku, the Dragons soon found this was only half of the reason, while the other side of the story seemed to withhold that the Chugoku system is an untapped well of materials.

Striking fast upon the area, the Dragons eventually saw the gate was rerouted to the Rishiri system, a near by young star close to Chugoku, some hundred light years away. At this time however, the Dragons did not see a reason to tap into the wealth of resources around them, and continued their resistance against the Empire of Kusari.

However with the fall of the Empire and the fighting happening in Nagano, Tohoku and other systems, as well as the fear of the ever looming Gallic nation at Kusari's door step, the Dragons have finally believed it is time to take the intuitive and begin harvesting of bounty of materials inside the Chugoku system

Projects apart of Burūshī - Expansion