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Tokkeitai Division
Submitted reports

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Reports submitted on this channel will be directly forwarded to First Trust Circle for examination. The channel encryption goes beyond normal Kusari Naval Forces security measures, its content being only fully available to the Tokkeitai ruling body.

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I proceeded with the Heavy Unit Takao top officers interrogation.

Shortly before said interrogation began, we were joined by a Kempeitai agent, whose identified herself with the code-name 'Kuma'. This agent fortunately did not interfere with the interrogation, but proceeded with a physical examination of the officers, using what I believe to be a multi-purpose probing device.

While Captain Kim Sung Park has been cooperative at first, he refused to cooperate to a simple order, which forced me to physically punish him, before arresting him. His interrogation prior to those unfortunate events lead to rather interesting, yet inconclusive prospects.

The Captain and some among his top officers believe the Alien entity Heavy unit Takao faced was an unique specimen, with unique capabilities. Said Alien entity seemingly only interacted with Captain Kim Sung Park for reasons unknown. It expressed hatred toward Liberty Securty Forces, and interacted with the Captain using social references known to him, which might point at memory scanning capabilities.

'Kuma' mentioned her surprise regarding tests results. It appears the crew may not be suffering from any infection whatsoever, which lead her to believe the Alien somehow altered the crew biological balance. While such interpretation is questionable, I believe more research much be done on the hypothesis of a biological infection.

Consequently, after hearing a woman just gave birth on the Takao, I ordered the mother and her newborn to be put in stasis and moved to Yokosuka. The Captain Kim Sung Park refused handing them over, leading to a rather long and bothersome argument.
In order to avoid too many assets losses, I agreed to inform the father about the liabilities fate. Captain Kim Sung Park behavior thus forced me to physically punish him in front of his men. Said officer was then put under arrest. As a side note, another officer has been arrested for disloyalty, after having displayed Imperialist convictions.

The interrogation resulted in the following :

+ Arrests.
  • - Captain Kim Sung Park, Takao commanding officer.
  • - Lt. Junior grade Kaito Yamazaki, Engineering officer.

+ Liabilities.
  • - Female, Liberty citizen, who belonged to a Freelancer trading convoy. Rescued by the Heavy unit Takao. Gave birth seven hours ago.
  • - Male, newborn. First liability's son.

I recommend the assignment of a Tokkeitai asset to Heavy Unit Takao for an indefinite period of time, its top officers having displayed questionable loyalty. The liabilities are to be kept into stasis until a scientific team can be assembled. Liabilities should be closely examined, so that conclusive evidences can be gathered.

Cooperation with Kempeitai can be considered. However, the ambiguous loyalty of some Kempeitai cells must be taken into consideration by the First Circle. The cell this 'Kuma' operative belongs to might however be in possession of valuable Intel. I recommend our assets to gather significant data about this agent and its cell.
[Image: vFuwLq9.png]

'Hakutaku' and I proceeded with the interrogation of the Kempeitai agents 'Majin' and 'Kuma', respectively commanding Takeda class Destroyer Ro-21 and Komainu class Battlecruiser Harima.

Both agents cooperated satisfactorily, given the circumstances.

- 'Majin' has reported being assigned to Jouhouka (Foreign Extension) cells recently. Her previous assignment was Hantaisaku bureau (Internal Affairs). She may have been transferred to prevent her uncovering Kempeitai High Command plans.
- 'Kuma' has reported belonging to Panda, a cell whose purpose is external surveillance. Her latest assignment purpose was to uncover an unusual spike of activity between the Blood Dragons and The Order, which led the cell to the Omicrons, where they spent four months. The cell communication lines with Core space seem to have been cut during that mission, which may explain the lack of knowledge of that cell regarding Kempeitai plans.

In order to confirm both agents loyalty, decision has been taken to use 'Seto Serum', the truth drug designed during the Bretonian war. We managed to learn the following while both agents were drugged :
- Both agents did not lie during the interrogation.
- 'Majin' was being sent to Rheinland to serve as a liaison for BDM. She suspects Kempeitai High Command to have planned an ambush to dispose of her while she was moving to Frankfurt.
- 'Majin' has mentioned agent 'Tenmon', suspected of disloyalty. Operatives 'Falz' and 'Gryphon' could be trusted, according to her.
- 'Kuma' has mentioned her cell did not solely find hardware in the Omicrons, but also Knowledge. Her speech was quite cryptic, however.
- 'Majin' and 'Kuma' loyalty is deemed acceptable.

Both agents did not react well to Seto serum, leading them both to suffer critical health conditions. This is quite unfortunate; There was much to learn from their opened minds.
That said, the medical team was fortunately able to reanimate them, which may grant us another chance at a later date.

The interrogation resulted in the following :

+ Liabilities.
  • - Female, Kempeitai agent 'Majin', moved to Yokosuka medical facility.
  • - Female, Kempeitai agent 'Kuma', moved to Yokosuka medical facility.

As both agents loyalty appears to be satisfactory, I recommend both assets to be assigned to the new Intelligence agency soon to be founded by Ministry of Defence. Both agents will however need to spend several days if not weeks in hospital to recover from the interrogation.

'Kuma' needs to be closely watched. We need to learn more about what her cell learned in the Omicrons. The 66th has already been contacted to shed some light on this cell and its prospects.