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This thread will be pinned and reused every time something is processed.

- Danzig Depot POB upgrade: Approved, completed.
- Bauxite base move: completed.
- OS&C official faction request: processed, added to tracker.
- CSF unofficial tracker request: processed, added to tracker.
- Waldenbuch POB will be restored next restart.
- Solitaire Metropolis to Core 2: approved
- IMG Research Station to Core 3: denied, not enough RP
- Adirondack to Core 4: denied, not enough RP

Perk Requests
- Samura: Junyo Fire Pearls: Approved, pending implementation.
- RFP: Police Scanner Perk Inquiry: OK, see with devs about it.
- BMM: Add Havoc MKII to Bretonian Civilian tech: OK, pending implementation.
- RFP: Fix Ageira/Rheinland reps & rephacks: OK as soon as the Liberty-Rh gov roleplay is completed.
- K'Hara: Fuelless Jumpdrives: Denied, Shurrikun's gates to capital house systems are deemed sufficient.
- Core: Omega restart: Denied. System design decisions were not deemed a determining factor in the creation of a second restart point for the same faction. See with devs for connection adjustments instead.

Player Requests
- GMG Faction ID text broken: Fixed
- Azurite A6 reverted to Dogecoins: Fixed
- Kruger Faction ID icon: file given to devs.
- OS&C shipyard base: Denied. The staff believe it is a better course of action to interact with an established shipbuilding capable faction for this project.
- Dr. Thorn rep adjustment request: OK, contact us.
- Auxesia ship rep adjustment request: Awful request, no content or explanation given aside of "I need". Denied.
Player Requests

-Ageira Rephack/ID changes approved-implemented
-PoB Bauxite moved slightly within the nearby field. We're not shoving it on top of the mining points, but closer than before. Please note you won't be able to upgrade past Core 2 - We will not accept any other move requests unless a mod update changes the system layout.
-Pilgrim Liner allowance on FL ID - Moved to Dev section, as this was approved only if the cargo was made slightly smaller. It's all in the yellow-teams hands now.
- Core restart moved to Yaren in Omicron Delta.
- SCRA/Red Hessian tech at 90%
- Junker Marauder now have Rogue tech at 90%
- ALL Junkers now have a +1 mining bonus to PScrap (3.0 bonus now 4.0)
- Pirate ID now rephacked neutral with Hogosha
- Rheinland request for new commodity - Admin approved, in Dev hands now.
- The.Cincinnati SRP updated.
- Order/SCRA (and NPC's) rephacked to 0
- Junker Transport faction perk - Admin approved, in Dev hand's now.
- BD| Blood Dragon Official ID created
- ALG PScrap multiplier request passed
- Orbital Spa and Cruise officialdom passed - PM for help setting it up
- Wisp officialdom failed - PM staff for details
- Ageira faction perk request failed - PM staff for details
- AFC commodity change request passed - Exotic Entertainers now only purchasable by the AFC ID
- Fortitude & FortiSec move request passed
- LPI-Leavenworth switched to LPI ID
- A/)- Tag rephack passed
- siemka passed
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