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Full Version: Revert the 'Outer-Rim' section back to 'Edge Worlds'
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Quote:Outer-Rim sounds weird. It reminds me of a certain sexual act that shall not be named. In all seriousness, there was nothing wrong with just calling it 'Edge Worlds'. I don't even think anyone in game or inRP calls them the 'Outer-Rim'. The regions of space where those factions lie has always been called the Edge Worlds. Dare I say it's a bit confusing calling them the 'Outer-Rim' on top of that. Whilst renaming the Border Worlds faction sub-forum to Inter-House works great, Outer-Rim does not. Revert pls.
Yes please. I don't think the Outer-Rim is actually a rim anyway, since I doubt all the systems are on the same plane.
Yeah, Edge Worlds is more fitting because they're literally at the edge of space.
The outer rim doesn't work as it refers to the outer edge of a galaxy, if the nav map is to be believed Sirius actually covers several galaxies which would explain why its called a sector. While I'd be content with Edge Worlds I'd much prefer something like Fringe Systems to give it a sense of proportion.
Look at this overwhelming support. We should rename the section (sun)
Yup, I agree. Edge Worlds is more fitting
I agree with Croft on this one. Fringe systems would be a more suiting name if there was ever a need for a name-change. So, to stay on topic, reverting it back to Edge Worlds would be much better.
Since I'm relatively freshly returned to Disco, I was unaware that those systems were called the "Outer-Rim." The Edge Worlds are what I called them years back, and I'll probably default to calling them just that. Heck, the red engines in-game are still called Edge World Engines, which are default on Hunter/Core/Corsair ships.
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Outer-Rim smells like ass.
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