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Full Version: AI Bomber Wanted
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As said in the title we’re still in need of an AI bomber drone model. Sadly we didn’t hear anything from D!ce, who originally took this job upon him. As the AI lost it’s current “bomber” with the nerf of the drones powercore, getting this is pretty urgent.
Should we end up using a proposed model we’re willing to pay 500 million credits to the creator. It’s not much, but that’s all we’re able to pay. Take it as a symbolic gesture of gratitude.

The following are the model D!ce created and a list of changes that we wanted to be made to it. It can be used as a reference, but doesn’t have to be what the final product looks like. The changes can be used as guidelines though.

- Sidewings (“Arms”) retract when Cruise charges - See if you can do that
- Spikes at the end of the Sidewings straight, not curved
- Upper back spike (Main Body) straight not curved
- Less Indents and “fancy” details -> Practicality
- Cloak-like bulges to look more like the Cruiser’s “Nose” (Make it look like its Core) and leave a bit of space around it
- More dense towards the very front - “blade-like” chassis needs to shrink
- Keep the main Spike in the back “segmented” - no transitions from segment to segment
- Oval bulges on top need to go.
- Leave the bigger circular object on the ship, maybe a little larger -> Reference to Cruiser
- Pill shaped “Cargo-Pod” [Cruiser Reference] - Put it over the main Spike in the back, into the main body of the ship
- Make the 2 front “Jet Intakes” a little more dominant and let them look more like they were designed to launch torpedos.
- Put the “Eye” on the front of the ship more towards the center and a bit bigger (Eye = Main Characteristic of the AI)
- Place the Radiator Grill-like texture on the front further up the ship. (Above the eye) and take away the tube in the Slot on the top
- Remove some detail from the curved tubes at the side of the main body
- Remove the short spike on the bottom of the ship (front end)
Bumping this since it's still kind of urgent.
Do you still need one? unlucky_soul made one and i finished hardpoints also made .ini files %99. Just testing stuff and adjusting as needed Smile
Anyone ever thought to pick this up again? Cause I think the faction still lacks a bomber *thonk*
The AI, as they get their story revamped and their existence made more relevant with the arrival of new Chi, are due for some more assets, yes.

I know has created some pretty cool looking AI meshes over the years, although a few were a bit over the top. A bomber and gunboat would be very welcome for this faction.
I approve.
I think Eigos has a started mesh, maybe someone can take that and work on it
(12-24-2019, 10:21 PM)Durandal Wrote: [ -> ]The AI, as they get their story revamped and their existence made more relevant with the arrival of new Chi, are due for some more assets, yes.

I know has created some pretty cool looking AI meshes over the years, although a few were a bit over the top. A bomber and gunboat would be very welcome for this faction.

(12-24-2019, 10:21 PM)Durandal Wrote: [ -> ]The AI, as they get their story revamped and their existence made more relevant with the arrival of new Chi, are due for some more assets, yes.

I know has created some pretty cool looking AI meshes over the years, although a few were a bit over the top. A bomber and gunboat would be very welcome for this faction.

wouldn't they also need a freighter? I suppose they would need basic alloys, fuel (Nuclear devices?), robotics, hydraulic fluids (new commodity?) etc to replicate themselves.

I mean, if they are getting a system or multiple bases, just like other bases, they prob need some goods transport going between....

A cool idea would be to add a "AI Resource Drone"... which randomly appears in nebulae and asteroid fields across the omegas and omicrons, collecting materials and flying towards "Gammu home" with hyper aggressive (AI Guard?) NPCs that is actually dangerous. And the closer you get to their "core" system, the more dangerous these AIs get
(12-25-2019, 08:06 PM)Prysin Wrote: [ -> ]snip

What prysin said here actually sounds like a good idea. I mean, Gammu AI's are about as alien as Nomads to the human psychology, and vice versa, so it would make sense they would be very protective of their resources and especially their homeworld.

Something like the difference between nomads outside of major and nomads inside of major.

A few rank 19 AI patrols outside the home space, and lots around Gammu

(EDIT: speaking of which, I am pro stronger nomads outside iota and major. Make Delta Nomads and Minor nomads rank 19 too.)
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