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Full Version: ASF faction ?
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Where is their description ?

1st. It seems they are hunters pvp whores attacking for no reason everything they see red.
2nd. They do not look at any bounties.
3rd. They look ONLY for kills, nothing else, it's not a revenge from pirated traders or I don't know what else. Just pvp whores.

Where is their justification ? Since all bounty hunters may not engage with no reason. They are acting like military forces in capital ship, where no military may work (sigmas, omegas)

I think the 3 RHA they were fighting the hunters with me would agree this.
Who are they ?

//PS : My bounty was already over when they engaged me, the RHA had no bounties on them
It also seems they don't consider themselves properly BHs ...

I remember seeing somewhere them talking about how they use Bounty Hunter ships, ID, IFF but Order equipment or some such. Their justification was that they're allowed because the ASF ID doesn't exist, so they can't RP properly yet. Something along those lines ...
So PvP whores w/weak excuse for it.
Trial by forum helps no one. There are other ways to deal with this. Locked.