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RULE:4.1 If you die while in PVP in any form, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system with an empty cargo hold and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system. If the attacker(s) log off, you may re-enter the system you died in
QUESTION: If I die on one ship, that ship can't go to the system for two hours. That is clear. What about other ships of that player? He clearly can't engage, but can he enter the system his other ship got PvP killed? For trade... RP.. other purposes?
SECOND QUESTION: Why is the rule different on forum and in server message? In my opinion it's clearly conflicting.
No, this is not allowed. This is to prevent players from trying to bait the players who killed them to attack them in order to shoot them in self-defense.
RULE: Not allowed on Discovery forums or server: 1.5 Meta/powergaming
QUESTION: Does that mean using the Freelancer companion or just Google to find profitable trade routes is forbidden?
No, using third party tools to figure out your trade-routes is not against the server rules.
Using roleplay knowledge your character should not physically have ''against another player'' is.
RULE: 4.1 If you die while in PVP in any form, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system with an empty cargo hold and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system. If the attacker(s) log off, you may re-enter the system you died in
QUESTION: If i respawn docked on a base in the same system that i died in (example: died in New London and respawned on Thames Outpost, still in New London), am i allowed to just stay docked and talk to other players (not the aggressor) via pm, or, is it mandatory to log off / leave the system?
If were only looking at it from your viewpoint, I'd say it's fine because you're not flying out and about in the system itself where other people can find you. So while I doubt it's ever been "mandatory" to log off, but if you're just gonna stick inside the base PMing buds or other friends/people I can't expect anyone to care. But again, my view/opinion upon it. ~ Syf
RULE: 4.1 If you die while in PVP in any form, that character/ship does not re-enter the same system for 2 hours and the player on any of their ships cannot reengage the aggressors on any character for 2 hours. You are allowed a grace period of 5 minutes to leave the system with an empty cargo hold and you are safe from further attack during this grace period within that system. If the attacker(s) log off, you may re-enter the system you died in
QUESTION: Does that mean if I die that I can't pass through that system just to get to another even if i'm a trader? also does it have to be EXACTLY 2 hours? or is roughly 2 hours enough?
Traders are not exempt from 4.1, as per this thread. Also the time you have to wait is exactly 2 hours. While last minute differences are minute and can always be argued about, it's best to simply wait the allotted time. ~ Syf
RULE:4.2 Demands should be reasonable and only one monetary or cargo demand can be issued during each piracy interaction
QUESTION:My question here is actually more towards Law Enforcement, Say a Member of House Military,Police, Of other Enforcement Stops Scans and Demands The Forfeiture of Illegal Goods, Is that Officer allowed to Tractor and Deliver to Base (in-RP they'd be Turning it into Evidence, However non-RP they are Selling the Goods Making the Profit.) Or do they Have to Target and Destroy the Goods?
Also Would They Need to Declare Their Intentions to Scan as the NPCs do?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:Yes, they are allowed to. Most of the time, the Ships encountered are Fighters/Bombers, so they can only tractor in a small amount.
No they do not need to Declare their intention to Scan you - St.Denis
in rule 3.6 I can see reasons behind it but also I can see where that can be taken advantage of. point in case if someone was sitting and had say a emergency to attend to with in the realm of real life and it is a matter where they do not have the time to dock. along comes a player that do a minimum of 2 sentence and wait fire on the ship and receive no return fire. it would be clear that said person is not in attendance of their ship. lets be very clear no one is willing to take that kind of fire and not return it if they are in attendance of the ship.
there should be some prevision for these type of instances. free kills does nothing for good RP
Yes, it is not very nice and some people are very happy to take advantage of this. It would be nice for people to be excellent to one another, but some people enjoy upsetting others and will quite gladly justify it to others and themselves why they can do it. It is unlikely to be incorporated in to the Rules - St.Denis
RULE:1.5 Meta/powergaming
[+] EXAMPLES A ship is flying through a system cloaked, (Nomad systems in this case) and a player ship ends up following through the same systems and they both end up in Alpha. The nomad ship cannot see the cloak ship 4k in front of it on radar but is obviously following cause the players sees a name on the chat window player list. The cloaked ship goes towards Malta, the nomad ship heads towards the Beta jumphole. The cloaked ship does not uncloak till it is out of range and docked on Malta for repairs etc. 5-10 minutes later they run into each other in Alpha.
QUESTION: Would it be considered metagaming for the nomad to RP that the cloaked ship was somewhere it did not belong and it needed purified (killed) just because the nomad player seen the name on the player list? If the ship could not see the ship 4k in front of it on radar how could it see it was in the system. (Has bugged me for quite a few years because quite a few players claim they seen a ship somewhere on "long range scanners") To me in RP if a ship cannot see a cloaked ship in front of it, how could it see a ship was in a system on supposed long range scanners?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:In this case, the Ship has not been 'seen' and therefore the other player should not have any knowledge of it 'inRP' and therefore cannot use that knowledge to do RP - St.Denis
RULE: (Bounty Hunting and Freelancer Hire) 4. Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game by non-generic IDed players to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.
QUESTION: ID-wise, Freelancers are always allied to each other. The Freelancer ID states Freelancers can assist friendly or allied targets in combat. I have the following questions:
Can a Freelancer ID'd ship hire escorts via forum, as that would be not on-spot?
Can a Freelancer ID'd ship hire escorts BEFORE a combat situation is about to happen (like, at the start of a journey, for example)?
Can a Freelancer ID'd ship assist other Freelancer ID'd ships on-spot, as they are technically allied per reputation?
Am I allowed to hire Freelancers on my
SRP, as my ID lines are basically Freelancer ID lines without ship restriction? Does it make it still a generic ID? (Like, I'd be pretty effed if I as a battleship weren't allowed to hire snubs.)
Just as the rule implies, you cannot hire freelancers with a generic ID to assist with combat. Ongoing combat.
You can, however, ally with a freelancer as a freelancer (Ally: be in a group with) and they may defend you if you get attacked by another player and vice-versa.
This is how escorting is handled. If you, however, want your escort to fly ahead and engage everything along the way as a generic ID - you cannot do that.
SRPs with a SRP ID/Special Ops ID are non-generic IDs.
SRPs with standard IDs are treated as generic or non-generic based on the ID they have.
RULE: 3.6 Attacking without Roleplay. Players must be given reasonable time to react to hostilities.
QUESTION: 1. Indie Nomad. Does "You are not of the Mindshare ... you must be removed" suffice as an engagement notice" (following other RP lines) ?
2. Although it's frowned upon, is buttcloaking against the rules?
A1. While not written in a way that is ''common'' for nomad roleplay, yes. Rules-wise, as long as there is roleplay interaction made, you may engage another player if your ID allows for it.
A2. Uncloaking behind another player and engaging is allowed by the server rules as long as 3.6 is met. Dropping 3 lines and instantly uncloaking would be against the server rules. Interacting with the player over a reasonable amount of time while getting within range of them - would be allowed.
RULE:4. Mercenaries, freelancers and bounty hunters may be hired on the spot in game by non-generic IDed players to assist with a combat without a forum post. The other parties involved in the combat must be made aware of this.
QUESTION:If a bounty hunter is hired to attack a ship that just pirated a transport, but it was not done at the time of the piracy, and the bounty hunter did not have any interaction during that encounter, can they still be hired without a forum post? If the bounty hunter only catches up to the target after that encounter (and was not involved), can the hiring be done in private? If the bounty hunter is informing of a bounty (but not assisting due to piracy/attack) as the bounty issuer is not present (and did not communicate the bounty at all to the target) should there be a forum post by the time they attack?
Please wait for a rules update regarding this line.
The intent of the rule is to allow players to be hired during an ONGOING fight or rather - and ongoing interacting between the two sides.
Meaning that as a trader - you may hire a hunter or a merc DURING your interaction with a pirate. The issue here is that if you hire them post-mortem, it may lead to situations where the opposing side mistakes the mercenary for an alt character of yours.
So to sum it up - hire extra-muscle while the players are present. If they are yet to be encountered, wait until you do. If this is after an interaction - hire them on the forums.
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